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Anyone recognize this man?

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He does have a more negative opinion of Chistans than Chaim

More negative than Chaim? I wasn't aware Chaim had any negative feelings at all towards christians, he regularly says the opposite.  ???

One more thing. I have a younger brother who calls himself a christian. He also hates jews. He can give you all sorts of demented facts about Hitler and his Bible sits on his book shelf right next to Mein Kampf. I do not associate with him in any way shape or form. Nothing he could possibly do that in any way shape or form would promote christianity would make a difference to me as long as he also is a nazi-loving jew hater. So I don't see your point about Friedman. He is an ignorant and uninformed liar who hates christians because trash like my brother exists? My brother and his ilk are a minority.      

Your brother and his ilk may be a minority but there are many of them nonetheless. There is a two thousand year history between Jews and Christians, and most of that history wasnt very pleasant for the Jews, that isnt erased by recent history. Furthermore some Christian sects including Catholicism, the largest single Christian denomonation, remain anti-Jewish to this day.

--- Quote from: jdl4ever on February 28, 2007, 01:03:44 AM ---Rightous gentiles are our greatest ally and we should work together.  Next time I see him, I'll talk to him more about this stuff.

--- End quote ---
JDL its best to remember that according to the Rambam it is issur for Jews to have formal allies, we must remember Hashem is our strength and only Hashem will save us.

Fruit of thy loins:
I think the JTF ideal of having Jews and gentiles unite for common causes is wonderful.  But when we obtain power I don't want to see Western nations 'Christianized'.  As a gentile I can say that i do not believe the G-d of the 'Old' and 'New' Testaments are the same.  But because the urge to create division and dissension is Evil I will not go into it.  But needless to say our ideal must be to have the masses of the people of the nations become Noahides which, by the way, is a LOT more difficult than sitting back and 'washing away one's sins with the blood of him who died on the cross'.

On sexual immorality for example I am stuck.  Because I have intense lustfulness and I have little inclination to stop it.  It is written somewhere that gentiles have relatively less free will than do Jewish people and this is correct.  Neither do the cattle or beasts of the field have free will, everything they do because they must, they are like machines.  A cow cannot make decisions on how to act; it can be neither good nor bad, much, I might add, to the chagrin of the Hindus.

Noahides which, by the way, is a LOT more difficult than sitting back and 'washing away one's sins with the blood of him who died on the cross'

Sitting back? What do you know? All you do on this forum is rant like a coward and show no evidence whatsoever of a backbone. Dying for satan is easy, the cowards way out.  Living for G-d takes courage. I spent 5 years doing christian work in a ex-communist country. You know nothing.   


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