Author Topic: OUTRAGE: Chavez-CITGO-Democrat Connection  (Read 1366 times)

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OUTRAGE: Chavez-CITGO-Democrat Connection
« on: November 13, 2008, 07:48:04 PM »
I have an article written by Mac Johnson of Townhall in November's issue, that we are going to try to scan and post here for all to see.  I got it when I signed up for their newsletter at  The site has tons of info, writers, etc. that I think ev1 would like.

Here are infuriating excerpts from the article.  There is a lot more but I can't type all of it.  Jos. Kennedy is a thief! and that uncle of his doesn't want to wreck his view at the Kennedy compound.   These excerpts will explain why liberal democrats refuse to drill.  they are making money by refusing to do so. 

Chavez is stealing oil from his own people to broker deals w/the Kennedys, and other democrats.  Democrats who benefit from it are Delahunt and others and they oppose drillling in ANSWR, offshore and elsewhere but even oppose a wind farm off the coast of Nantucket - lest it ruin the view for the millionaire yachters, including on Ted Kennedy.  America sits on billions of barrels of off-limit oil in our own backyard then sell out to Chavez for a few million gallons of oil sold at a 40% discount.  Delahunt has made many Americans poorer by increasing energy prices, then offered charity to them in exchange for votes.  For the reaminder of the country, an unseen hand in our elections is that of Hugo Chavez, enabled by his Democratic supporters in congress:

The article says: How a hostile foreign dictator is using the wholly owned CITGO Corp. to funnel more power to liberal Democrats in Congress.  the crooks are Joseph Kennedy II, Wm. Delahunt, Democrat of the 10th Dist. in Mass. and dictator Hugo Chavez.  Another snippet says: Jos. Kennedy, chairman and pres. of Citizens Energy, carries a fuel-oil hose to a a home in Quincy, Mass.  The heating oil was provided by CITGO, a subsidiary of Venezuela's state-owned oil company that is run by the country's dictator, Hugo Chavez.  Kennedy, a former U.S. rep., is one of several democratic apologists for the S. American strongman who are using Chavez's oil for political gain.  Here is a quote from Marxist Chavez: The U.S. empire is on the way down and it will be finished in the near future, for the good of all mankind.  Go to H*ll, gringos.  another quote by Mass. Rep. Bill Delahunt, Democrat: Hugo Chavez is an excellent friend.  Another quote: America sits on billions of barrels of off-limit oil in our own backyard, while the democrats who put it off limits then sell out to Chavez for a few million gallons of oil sold at a 40 percent discount.

As the plan has grown, Hispanics and African Americans have been targeted, even delivering oil to "select" bldgs., as noted on the U.S. House office website of Rep. Charlie Rangel, D-NY, in some areas such as NYC and not others.  Indian reservations are also singled out for special treatment via the "CITGO-Venezuela Tribal Heating Oil Program. Chavez's power base in Venezuela lies in areas populated by Indians and other minorities, and Chavez's CITGO effort appears to be aimed at recapitulating this constituency in the US, splitting Americans along racial and immigration lines.  Democrats seem happy to play along.

Chavez touts this program around the world as evidence of the injustice of America to its own people, ignoring that the poor in America are already eligible for food stamps, welfare, Medicaid and federal, state, local and private assistance with heating bills. 

Wm. Delahunt of Mass. brokered a deal, using a meeting with Chavez, to obtain 12 million gallons of discounted heating oil to Delahunt's constituents in Mass.  What Chavez rec'd in exchange was described as "good will" or a chance to demonstrate his corp. citizenship. 

Massachusetts democrats are now essentially conducting their own foreign policy negotiations outside the authority of the State Dept.

Delahunt quickly moved to distribute his personal prize from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela via Citizen's Energy, a non-profit corp. founded and run by Joseph P. Kennedy II, the former 6 term Mass. congressman and scion of Mass.'s ruling family.  Joseph is the son of Sen. of RFK and the nephew of JFK and Ted Kennedy.  Citizens Energy, like many of the charitable efforts of the Kennedy clan, is intensely and deliberately branded by the political family that runs it.  To apply for an oil handout, for example, one must call 1-877-JOE-4-OIL  and the ads for the charity are essentially 30 second spots of Joe personally hosing poor Mass. residents full of free home heating oil.

Chavez's new CITGO oil came w/a political catch: It wasn't for all poor people - just those in the correct districts.  The program requires buy in from the political leaders of any participating state or district.  Before the needy can get their charity, their leaders must kiss Chavez's ring. He even flies select recipients to his country to personally thank him on tv to praise him for helping them when no one else would - because America hates poor/brown/red/black people.

Chavez has made a career of calling for the downfall and destruction of the U.S. and refers to the U.S. residents by the racial epithet "gringos," called the U.S. President, "the Devil," at the UN General Assembly and has sought alliances w/Iran and N. Korea among other anti-American powers, many congressman and governors (and many Americans in general) were unwilling to accept Chavez's propaganda-driven gifts if it mean they had to praise him to their constituents.  Many liberal Democrats, however, have no problem praising Chavez and his revolution.  The result is that the oil has flowed nearly exclusively into areas that elect and re-elect liberal democrats to congress.Delahunt, Kennedy and many others, Danny Glover, Jesse Jackson and more extreme militants.

more on the subject from another writer:

You've probably seen the TV commercials -- former congressman Joseph P. Kennedy II beckons you to enjoy reduced-price heating oil if you are struggling to keep your house warm, thanks to "our good friends in Venezuela." He then offers a few heartwarming examples of poor people who have taken advantage of the program and offers the toll free number: 1-877-JOE-4-OIL (1-877-563-4645).

So what if Joe Kennedy and Hugo Chavez get a propaganda bonanza, you may say, so long as poor people are benefiting? Kennedy himself has defended the program as "righteous."

So let's see, the poor should accept charity from a would-be dictator who has formed an alliance with Iran and Cuba, who has denounced the United States as the greatest threat to peace and security in the world and called the U.S. president "the devil" and "a genocidal murderer." They should permit themselves to be used by a man who attempted to subvert his country's constitution, proclaimed his goal as "socialism or death," and launched the most comprehensive assault on freedom of the press in Latin America this side of Castro?

"Our good [friend] in Venezuela" just last month suffered a key rebuke from his own people when he attempted to amend the constitution. Chavez's proposed "reforms" would have permitted him to serve for life, ended the autonomy of the central bank, permitted the president to rule by decree, and given him broad powers to suspend civil liberties and seize private property under indefinite states of emergency. A broad spectrum of Venezuelan society united to oppose this "constitutional coup" and narrowly defeated the measure. With his characteristic good grace, Chavez called it a "s---t victory."

How can Mr. Kennedy reconcile the fact that Chavez has in the past pushed OPEC to reduce output to increase prices which affects all Americans, but the poor most of all -- with his pose as Mr. Bountiful? Gosh, is that the act of someone who truly cares about the world's poor?

It isn't as if Chavez has improved life so much in Venezuela that he can now look abroad for charitable opportunities. According to the Associated Press, Venezuela's inflation rate has now topped 22 percent, Latin America's highest. The government has imposed price controls in a bid to control inflation, which has led to shortages of basic items like milk, eggs and sugar. Consumers are also having trouble finding chickens, cooking oil and black beans in supermarkets.

One can understand Mr. Kennedy's desire to help the poor heat their homes in the winter. But to shill for a figure like Chavez? There are other options, including federal programs. Doesn't Kennedy cringe when he reads accounts like this from CNN last May?

"Venezuela's most-watched television station -- and outlet for the political opposition -- went off the air after the government refused to renew its broadcast license . . . Police on Sunday used water cannons and what appeared to be tear gas to break up thousands of demonstrators protesting the government's decision to close the country's most-watched television station . . . Inside the studios of Radio Caracas Television, employees cried and chanted 'Freedom!' on camera."

Does it not cause Kennedy to question his association when he reads accounts like this mid-2007 report from the State Department and the Organization of American States?

"Regarding Venezuela, the State Department report said the human rights situation for 2006 was characterized by 'politicization of the judiciary and harassment of the media and of the political opposition.'

"The report said the human rights violations in Venezuela included unlawful killings, disappearances reportedly involving security forces, torture and abuse of detainees, harsh prison conditions, arbitrary arrests and detentions and attacks on the independent media.

"The OAS report on Venezuela said it was concerned about the administration of justice in that country, the problem of sicariato (paid killings) and the 'impunity that surrounds reports of extrajudicial executions at the hands of agents' of the Venezuelan government.

"Extrajudicial killings are a particular concern in Venezuela. More than 6,370 people were victims of homicides committed between 2000 and 2005 by the 'agents' of Venezuelan state security forces . . ."

But what are a few homicides when you can claim to be helping the poor?,_hugo_chavez_and_that_free_heating_oil?page=full

Offline jaime

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Re: OUTRAGE: Chavez-CITGO-Democrat Connection
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2008, 08:01:19 PM »
I'm pretty sure I saw RFK, Jr.'s name and his non-profit co. mixed up in this scandal.  i have to look for it again.

Obama is considering him for head of the EPA:

Obama considers stars for Cabinet
By MIKE ALLEN | 11/5/08 12:18 PM EST   
President-elect Barack Obama is strongly considering Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to head the Environmental Protection Agency, a Cabinet post, Democratic officials told Politico.

Obama’s transition planners are weighing several other celebrity-level political stars for Cabinet posts, including retired Gen. Colin L. Powell for secretary of defense or education, the officials said.

Kennedy's cousin, Caroline Kennedy, who helped Obama lead his vice presidential search, is being considered for U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, although some Obama officials doubt she would take the post. Obama is indebted to the Kennedy family for a hearty endorsement at a crucial point in the Democratic primaries.

The selection of Kennedy would be a shrewd early move for the new presidential team. Obama advisers said the nomination would please both Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.).

It also would raise the profile of the EPA, which would help endear Obama to liberals who may be disappointed on other issues important to the Democratic left because of budget restrictions.

The EPA enforces clean air and clear water laws. Kennedy, an environmental lawyer and son of the late senator and attorney general Robert F. Kennedy, has long championed a cleaner water supply for New York City.

As an officer and attorney for the environmental watch group Riverkeeper, Kennedy has taken on governments and companies for polluting the Hudson River and Long Island Sound.

Kennedy, a falconer and white-water rafter, also worked as an assistant district attorney in New York City.

Kennedy gained Washington experience by fighting anti-environmental legislation in Congress in 1995 and 1996, when Newt Gingrich took over as House speaker.

The officials were unsure when Obama will make the selection. His transition planners have focused first on top West Wing staff and his economic and national security teams, all of which are scheduled to be announced early in the 76-day transition period. President-elect Bill Clinton was widely criticized for moving too slowly to appoint key staff and Cabinet secretaries during his presidential transition.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2008, 09:39:47 PM by jaime »

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Re: OUTRAGE: Chavez-CITGO-Democrat Connection
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2008, 08:09:13 PM »
Kennedy Clan Profiting from Hugo Chavez's Oil? News Max ^ | Nov. 22, 2005 | Carl Limbacher

Posted on Tuesday, November 22, 2005 8:31:03 PM by conservativecorner

A prominent member of the Kennedy family is joining forces with one of President George Bush’s most ardent foes – Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez.

A subsidiary of Venezuela’s national oil company will ship 12 million gallons of discounted home-heating oil to Massachusetts in a deal that former U.S. representative Joseph P. Kennedy II helped to arrange.

The $9 million worth of oil will go to 45,000 low-income families and institutions that serve the poor, such as homeless shelters, said officials from Citizens Energy, an organization founded by Kennedy in 1979.

When the oil arrives next month, Citizens Energy will help screen recipients, according to the Boston Globe.

Home-heating oil prices are expected to rise significantly this winter because of higher crude oil prices. But "some foreign-policy analysts said Chavez helped broker the deal in part as a jab at President Bush,” according to the Globe.

Chavez has frequently criticized the Bush administration, saying it is not doing enough to help the poor. He has called Bush an "assassin,” "Mr. Danger," and a "crazy man.”

"It is a slap in the face,” to the Bush administration, said Larry Birns, executive director of the Council on Hemispheric Affairs.

"Chavez is involved in petro-diplomacy.”

Liberal Republicans Hijack ANWR: Speak Out! Rescue A Child From A life Of Poverty Real Estate rockets in the Balkans! The Coming Shock on Wall Street - Urgent Report

Human rights groups have accused Chavez of curtailing press freedoms and criticized his treatment of political foes. But Kennedy told the Globe he was not concerned about Chavez’s politics: "You start parsing which countries’ politics we’re going to feel comfortable with, and only buying oil from them, then there are going to be a lot of people not driving their cars and not staying warm this winter.”

Citizens Energy Corp. is a nonprofit organization. But the Kennedy family has extensive oil interests, author Peter Schweizer reveals in his best-selling new book "Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy."

According to Schweizer, "oil deposits have generated tens of millions in profits for the Kennedy clan … In total, family revenue from crude oil and natural gas is more than $1 million a year.”

« Last Edit: November 13, 2008, 08:23:36 PM by jaime »

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Re: OUTRAGE: Chavez-CITGO-Democrat Connection
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2008, 08:21:22 PM »
Check out the video below to watch the Kook of Camelot argue in favor of the nationalization of oil companies and argue that Chavez is the "kind of leader my father and President Kennedy were looking for" in Latin America. Yes, Bobby Kennedy, former Tailgunner Joe McCarthy staffer, and Jack Kennedy, who oversaw the invasion of Cuba, would have surely loved Hugo Chavez.

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Re: OUTRAGE: Chavez-CITGO-Democrat Connection
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2008, 09:49:38 PM »
i cannot believe this thievery is rewarded by Obama.  First, he wants democratic control wherever he can get it.  Second, he feels he owes the crooked Kennedy's and the mental case RFK, Jr. something for their support.  So he is thinking of appointing RFK as head of the EPA, Caroline Kennedy as an ambassador, all to keep Uncle Teddy, the killer of Mary Jo Kopechne, happy.  I found one article that states RFK, Jr. is nuts and Jos. III is an out and out thief. Delahunt is heavily involved by buying votes when he provides heat to his constituents.  in this fraud on the American gov't and again, the Kennedy's are up to their eyeballs in thievery.  Both Jos. III and RFK, Jr. run non-profit groups.  Citizens of their area are outraged, one of them, or both of them (I forgot,) is pulling in a $400,000 salary.  They are running a scam within the state of Massachusetts and are now moving on to parts of NYC where Charlie Rangel is involved in this scheme.

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Re: OUTRAGE: Chavez-CITGO-Democrat Connection
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2008, 10:05:33 PM »
It's gonna be rough 4 years. 

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Re: OUTRAGE: Chavez-CITGO-Democrat Connection
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2008, 10:21:03 PM »
Lisa, i had to type all that.   i missed a lot.  at least i could show the connection with those cheats Kennedy (there is so much more on Joseph III, he's the worst of them all, while Uncle Teddy's view is not obstructed, and nervous breakdown king, RFK, Jr. is asked to be head of the EPA while he is involved in this scheme.  Delahunt provides some heating and his constituents owerhim votes.  that's what guarantees the liberal democrats stay in power and don't lose that seat.  photos of Delahunt w/Chavez are disgusting.  how dare them go around the laws and make up their own rules w/this scheme. 

some Republican watchdog group is going to call them on this, but like it's been said, "Obama will move swiftly."  it will never be too late if they are exposed, they are investigated and hearings are held.  conservative groups can start petitions if RFK gets appointed to head up the EPA and that Delahunt can lose his seat, rightfully so, if we can get enough attention on this disgraceful mess.  The Kennedys will sell out and do business with a dictator who portrays America as being brutal to our minorities.  They have been liars and cheats since the days of the Old Man Joe Kennedy, JFK's father.  He was a crook, too.