I think to eat melted butter will make him only fat, but not strong.
I like it only in moderation on potatoes and cooked carp in vinegar with bay leaves.

It's a question of calories in and calories out.
If you are burning the calories (eg. lifting weights, pulling trucks, smashing up cars, not bending fake coins, you are exercising, ) then you won't get fat. If you burn all those extra calories.
I would add a BIG warning though.
Some may have an inclination that says "hah, nothing I eat makes me fat, i'll try that!!"
There are many for whome getting fat is about as remote as the moon.
A thin person with a fast metabolism that does no exercise may well be able to drink butter and not "get fat" in the traditional sense. But you can be a TOFI
thin outside, fat inside.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2006/dec/10/medicineandhealth.healthSo don't be reckless.
-even if you do naturally look like an athlete and know that drinking butter isn't going to make you look like a regular fat person (a bear perhaps, but not a fat person). Even thin people shouldn't consume lots of fat while doing no exercise- Just because you are not fat on the outside, it doesn't mean you are not fat on the inside.
Generally, one should look for clean calories , not dirty calories. i.e. calories from healthy food if on a long term basis.