Re: "...So how do we defend Israel, the Jewish people and the Kahanist viewpoint against accusations like the above?..."
First and foremost, the accusations in that article are about 1% truth; the rest lies.
Having said that, I do not believe that it is possible to overcome the professional industry known colloquially in the West as "anti-Semitism" through debate and the use of logic and reason.
The reasons I state this are as follows:
-Demented and psychotic gang leaders learned centuries ago that one can earn a great deal of money, and surround oneself with a large social circle of followers and hangers-on, and financial contributors, simply by composing, publishing, and then selling, literature which blames the Jews for every past, present, and future crime, injustice, and evil in the world.
-The most sophisticated of such literature consists of about 1% truth, twisted with illogic and untruths into a Big Lie, which is seemingly plausible to those of limited education and intelligence.
-The vast majority of such propaganda, however, is more or less psychotic conjurings and demonic conspiracies concocted out of thin air... the Big Lie from the get-go; which is repeated and repeated and repeated, over and over, louder and louder; until the masses begin to repeat it to themselves!
-The leaders of the Jew-hating profession are sociopathic individuals of the same ilk as modern politicians, who possess a character flaw enabling them to speak a lie, and then be the first to believe it as indisputable truth.
-The members of each and every "Jew-hating" gang, lack any ability to discern truth from fiction, to know fact from falsehood, to distinguish reality from surrealism, and most importantly; each and every one is suffering from a sense of "injustice", "disenfranchisement", "unfair circumstances which have limited their lot in life", etc... .
-This results in their combining their psychological need both to seek out "THE UNSEEN EVIL" which is causing their lowly station in life, to absolve themselves of all personal responsibility for their lack of self-esteem and inability to better their socio-economic situation, and end their alienation and anomie through self-dissolution into a group-think mass of like-minded others.
As the old adage states...
"People believe what they want to believe...not the truth".