As a South Park and Team America fan let me toss in my two cents. The show spoofs everyone, even islam. The cartoon wars and even the best friends superheroes, one is mohammed, guess the censors missed that one. With Jesus defacating on the flag at the end of the cartoon wars episode, yes, as a Christian and an American I found this offensive, surely as many Christians and Americans did. The network did not censor this scene, there were no worldwide riots by Christaians or Americans, I believe that this was the point being made, that it is only the muslims who respond barbarically to satire and only muslims that our PC hordes will bow down to. As for Team America movie being anti-American, sorry, I don't see it. Yes, the we have no intelligence scene and the blowing up Paris scenes were not shedding a good light on America, for the most part, it was a spoof on political correctness, hollywood, the UN and the islamicsts, from my understanding anyway. About the new N_GGER episode, yes, it was hilarous, I was hurting myself laughing so hard. The N guy convention, banning the n Guy word, kissing jacksons behind, Jackson is not the emperor of black people, he told my father he was, Randy Marsh being called a crazy n____ while doing a reading about being an N Guy, i am still laughing just thinking about it. Nothing was funnier though than the redneck liberals, liberals watching that probably wouldn't get it, that's why it was so funny. Yes, the show is crude at times, the anal and vomit humor I could do without, and they are a little harsh sometimes, but they do cover everyone. As for them being self hating Jews, I really know nothing on that topic, just know that episodes like the N word, Global warming, hiding in the closest, cartoon wars, the richers, special olympics, etc. make me hurt myself laughing so hard. I think those that are so offended by some of the humor are just as bad as the PC lefties who are so terrorized by anything that makes fun of what they agree with. I can see if anyone has a problem with the vulgarity but as for the issues, don't be like the PC apologists and get yourselves a sense of humor, after all, it is just a comedy television show.