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Get ready for fireworks on this Sunday's Ask JTF!

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jdl4ever and MackaB, I like and respect both of you, but we disagree on this issue. I urged Chaim to respond strongly. Here's what I posted on Yekutiel's forum this morning (we'll see if they delete it):

It's OK to attack a non-Jew as a shagitz on this forum, but it's not OK for him to be able to respond? If Yekutiel does not allow goyim to post on this forum, then say so openly. Yekutiel clearly DOES allow the vicious haters of "Revava" to post here.

And the reason my post was deleted was not because it was off topic, or because I'm a goy. It was deleted because I exposed the truth about the traitor Irv Rubin who said on the Merv Griffin Show before a national audience of 30 million people, "Jonathan Pollard should not have been sentenced to life in prison without parole. Pollard should be killed because he is a traitor to the United States".

Meir Weinstein, Yekutiel's new hero, actually defended Rubin's unforgivably evil actions. Weinstein in effect said that what Rubin did is no big deal because other Jewish organizations took the same position. Really? Which Jewish organizations called for Pollard's DEATH? Even in the left-wing Jewish establishment, name one Jewish organization that called for Pollard's DEATH. What Rubin did was even more evil than the ADL, the UJA, the AJC, etc. And Weinstein defends Rubin. Weinstein writes that he's more concerned about Bob Manning than Pollard anyway. What chutzpah! Someone like Weinstein who never spent time in prison or sacrificed for the Jewish people doesn't want to be bothered about Pollard who has spent the past 22 years in prison because of his love for Israel. Weinstein says it's "petty" to bring up this minor issue of Rubin calling for the DEATH of a Jewish hero in front of 30 million goyim. It's "petty" that JTF condemns Rubin for deliberately trying to incite tens of millions of Americans against Pollard on national television. And Yekutiel obviously agrees that JTF is being "petty" about such a small matter as backstabbing Jewish heroes who are serving sentences of life imprisonment.

Rubin was a serial rat. He also backstabbed Bob Manning and Chaim when they went to prison.

And Irv and Shelly Rubin betrayed the Land of Israel when they wrote on the "JDL" web site that we have to support Sharon's expulsion of Jews from Gush Katif because Sharon was "democratically elected". How "petty" of JTF to bring up such minor issues! Yekutiel's hero Meir Weinstein writes how much he admires and respects Shelly Rubin and her "JDL".

I may be a goy, but I'm not a rat. I must have been brainwashed by JTF who teach us that Jews and bnei Noach are supposed to respect and defend each other. I didn't understand that the true Torah way is to insult bnei Noach with derogatory remarks the way Sababa did.

I spoke to Chaim this morning about this. I don't know how he's going to react on the upcoming "Ask JTF" program to my question about Meir Weinstein. But if there's one thing that makes Chaim go ballistic, it's when someone betrays Jewish heroes who are serving long prison sentences. Maybe that's because Chaim himself spent five and a half years in the worst maximum security federal prisons for his activities on behalf of Soviet Jewry. Sababa, Weinstein, Yekutiel and Mike Kraut should really explain to Chaim that it's "petty" to zealously defend Pollard against backstabbing rats. Chaim and JTF have to learn that being an informer and a rat is no big deal. So what if Rubin wanted Pollard to be killed, and said similar things about the "terrorists" Bob Manning and Chaim Ben Pesach. What's all the fuss about? Can't we all just get along?

I am aware of the disagreement between Yukutiel and Chaim on Irv Rubin.  Yukutiel says that the man did some evil things and a lot of good things and that you should not call him evil since he repented.  Chaim says what Irv did is not forgivable and he is therefore evil.  Who is right?  Good question.  I don't know the man well enough to decide.  He sure sounds like a traitor though but after going through hell he might have been cleaned of his sins if he really intended to repent. 

Yukutiel and Chaim also have different approaches.  Chaim doesn't take in those who disagree with him.  Yukutiel will take in anyone who shares a common goal even if they disagree with him on most issues.   For example, Yukutiel said openly on his forum that if Chaim moves to Israel, he was willing to join forces with him.  Chaim however, would never join Yukutiel since he has an old disagreement with him. 

I would not call Meir Weinstein a shmuck like jsullivan did.  He is trying to do a wonderful thing, form a JDL of Toronto.   So big deal if he disagrees with you on Rubin.  Who cares? 

JSullivan: Maybe it will be interesting to hear the repsonse to some of the questions you have just raised.

As to whether Irv is forgivable, who knows? I'm way too young to have a perspective on that but I wouldn't ever even consider trusting anyone who finds that type of betrayal a small thing.

I do know based on track records that I would rather work with and support someone with a strong stance like Chaim than any of those other questions.

If they censor you though, call you a shagitz, talk bad about Chaim, and say the Rubin/Pollard thing is not big deal, it is pretty much a moot point: Schmucks. Case closed. More of the same story.


A lot of the people there are very bigoted towards gentiles. You better not say you're a Christian who supports Israel. Those freaks hate Christians just as much as muslims. They think all gentiles are against Jews.

actually Yaakov, Yekutiel was on the Kach board and Rabbi Kahane's closest aide, why dont you ask Baruch Marzel the next time you are in Israel if that is true, I can attest that others from the Rav's inner circle, who I personally know, like Baruch Ben Yosef, and Yosef Dayan will confirm that Yekutiel is telling the truth regarding his relationship with the Rav. Furthermore Rav Binyamin Zeev chose Yekutiel to be his second.

--- Quote from: thunderbolt on March 09, 2007, 03:46:09 PM ---A lot of the people there are very bigoted towards gentiles. You better not say you're a Christian who supports Israel. Those freaks hate Christians just as much as muslims. They think all gentiles are against Jews.

--- End quote ---
Well, Thunder the last two thousand years of persecution may have a tiny part in our view of Goyim. Furthermore, Chaim follows the Meiri regarding who is a righteoud Gentile. The Meiri is the most lenient of all opinons. Most Kahanists follow the Rambam who had a stricter definition of who can be considered a righteous gentile. Consider that the Rav quoted the Rambam many times, and I know of no occasions where he quoted the Meiri.

I leave you with a quote from the Rav, "If you wish to support us do so from afar, for if you missionize we will perform Hereg upon you."
(The form of death mandated to those who try to draw Jews to foreign religions, a form of beheading.)


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