I had a friend over. We were working on some music. This friend is a secular Gentile, nevertheless, I respect his political opinions. I played for him a video of Rabbi Kahane, (you know the one, where he was supposed to debate Michael Lerner and Lerner chickened out). I chose that one because it can be appreciated both on a religious level and a political level. I was curious to get his opinion on it.
His reaction surprised me a bit, you know because many people tend to think that Rabbi Kahane was some kind of radical. But my friend asked at the end of it, "Isn't what the Rabbi saying completely obvious? Why don't the Jews defend themselves like they should?" I told him that there are many Jews who don't like that message; they think it's immoral. He asked, "What's so immoral about it? Jews have a right to defend their homeland like everyone else." He also said that no other country would tolerate a people that wants to destroy the country, and that he would probably do more to the arabs than just expel them.
See, to a person who hasn't been brainwashed by university Leftism, and has not been indoctrinated to hate Jews, Rabbi Kahane's message makes perfect sense. Nor has my friend been poisoned by 1900 years of exile. So he could not understand Jewish guilt, which is really an insane pathology. If Jews could get over this ghetto mindset, dispose of their guilt, and think rationally, they would accept Rabbi Kahane's message. Think of what a world this could be! My Gentile friend gets it, and he's not even a righteous Christian.
This makes me think that maybe one of the ways to cure Jews of their guilt-ridden Leftism, is to convince Gentiles. Leftist Jews only care about what the Gentiles think of them anyway. Maybe if Leftist Jews heard support from the Gentile community, they would begin to listen. Because these Leftist Jews sure aren't listening to us.