Author Topic: This Is What I Want To Say To Chaim and To You All!!  (Read 7412 times)

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This Is What I Want To Say To Chaim and To You All!!
« on: March 17, 2007, 07:12:19 AM »
Ok!! Here we go.

I'm a Gentile. I want you Jews to know that you are a phenomenal people. And I will tell you why! Because you tell people the truth about themselves. That's why we all hate you for it! But I don't hate you! I love you all! You are cool with me. Cuz I adore Truth! I adore knowledge! I adore Discipline. These things are my hearts greatest desire!! So thankyou Jewish people! Thankyou for being just another element that adds to the beauty of Western Civilization!! G-d Bless you all! And I mean it from my heart. I can see why G-d chose you all then. Cuz you have no problem delivering what he wants you to deliver. It's hard and sounds like a lonely place. I have no room to judge any of you. Damn that must suck sometimes but then you know that you have G-d and it makes it all worthwile. Especially when you really believe with your heart and not just because it's in a book or cuz your parents say so.

So ok fine! You really are G-d's people. We just have to face it. We all have our own hangups I guess. But I don't have a hang up about this....cuz you guys prove it in your miraculous existance!!

We're on good terms so long as we all agree that you must leave the Gentile business to the Gentiles and Go back to Israel. In the end it is better for both the Gentile....and for the Jews.

And Just be yourselve cuz that is all you can be. Most will hate you but who cares when you have G-d!!

And I Love you all! Except for the Evil ones among you and they are evil and I'd just as soon burn them with all the evil scum but that's another rant for a later day.

You want to know what else about me....I also have a very deep knowledge of what Islam is and Muslims are. I will maybe discuss how much and why and where and the details of it all some other time but I'll say this. Muslims are everything that you Jews are Not!!! All the Despicable things they say about you.....THEY REALLY ARE THOSE THINGS! Do you feel me? They really are!! They are Evil and Cruel and Horrible. The worst Nazis on the face of this Earth because they cannot face the fact that number one....they are Pathetic as human beings....and number two.....they are afraid of their women and women in general because they fear that their women are smarter than they are and they hate that!! So they repress women and enslave them to Fear if nothing else and at best. They are horrible and if you tell me that by joining you in Allegance I will Fight and Work to destroy all Muslim Nazis from the face of this Earth......Than that alone will I ask for in reward for my loyalty and service!! I may not always do it whole heartedly because of any fetish for the Jews or for Israel.....I am after all a gentile and I am an American first. But to work in any way againt the Islamic Dawaah....and to...well...let me not say I guess...we're all moderates here after all......but to do these things. I do it with full cooperation and of my own free will because the reward is to rid the world of the Islamic Menace! And to me....Well I believe if I am a part of this I will be included in the Hall Of Warriors in the after life...where all good righteous Gentile Warriors go. My Name Will Echo in Valhalla! But don't be afraid. I'm not a Nazi. This word had very profound meaning to my Gaulish ancestors long before an evil pervert like Hitler can twist it for his own schemes. But that is the place that I want to see. Cuz I know there is a place for Righteous Warriors there and it's a place of real Valkiries who are good.....and there was a time once for the Gentiles where that meant something other than Nazi propaganda!! It stood for Good and Righteousness and Devine Intervention! It stood for who we are as a Race of people!

I also want to say to Chaim if he ever reads this that he has been a voice and a friend to me over the airwaves and the internet since the 90s. He's really helped in me in these last decade and helped me soo much to shape my point of view about things and people and the world and in so many ways that he probably doesn't even know and maybe people don't tell him this enough and Chaim if you are reading this....I was probably too young to really remember the Rav Kahana back in NY when I lived there.....but if he was anything like you then he must of been really excellent and I believe you about him then. Cuz you mean alot to me man and whenever you think that what you do is not sufficient for this world or it's all meaningless.....I want you to know that I'm here and I think you are Worthy! And you have what it takes to lead us all G-d Willing and that I really love you for being honest with us every week because that is so rare!! Thankyou Chaim! I Love You! You are Truely my Hero for what you do and who you are. Thankyou! If something were to happen to your voice G-d Forbid I would miss you sooo terribly much!! I love you my friend!! Thankyou. I can't believe G-d blessed me at a time with this technology to be able to actually speak to you!! Wow!!

Your fight is my fight Brothers!

Peace! As always Loyal and True......Your Friend!


Sorry the whole 'I' before 'e' thing confuses the hell out of me I never know which one to pick. Sorry if I made mistakes.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2007, 08:17:41 AM by tony6d2 »

Din Rodef

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Re: This Is What I Want To Say To Chaim and To You All!!
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2007, 11:59:59 AM »

We're on good terms so long as we all agree that you must leave the Gentile business to the Gentiles and Go back to Israel. In the end it is better for both the Gentile....and for the Jews.

Yes, my thoughts exactly. A lot of problems would be solved if Jews would return to Israel and get out of the Gentile Nations.

It's difficult to be an American Gentile and defend Jews...especially when there are organizations like AIPAC, Hollywood Jews, ACLU Jews, and liberal government Jews (like Schumer, Feinstein etc) mucking everything up.

You're right about Islam too

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: This Is What I Want To Say To Chaim and To You All!!
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2007, 12:31:15 PM »
Thanks to all for the kind words!

Please offer some advice on the following:

The government currently in charge in Israel arrests and imprisons anyone who expresses the truth (the exception being the Arabs in Israel, who are allowed to do or say anything they want).
Chaim is literally banned from stepping foot on Israeli soil.
Say the name "Kahane", or wear a T-shirt with his likeness or quotes, and you are arrested and detained as a "terrorist".
The current U.S. State Dept. & Executive Branch & CFR/Trilaterals actually control politics in's like one giant "black ops" program to manipulate the media & election process there.

The kind of garbage whom we despise here, are those whom the U.S. manipulates into positions of power there.

Don't think for a second that JTF would be allowed to function in Israel in any capacity...we would have all long ago been arrested.  Not only that, but in Israel, the "justice system" practices "double-jeapordy"; even if you're found completely innocent during a trial, the government can arrest you again for the exact same charges as you're leaving the courtroom after having been found innocent.

Finally, I'm not about to allow all the drek leftists who are U.S. citizens to immigrate into Israel; the biggest problem is how to get them out of Israel.

Those kinds are the Jewish Peoples' greatest enemy.

The Arabs & Muslims are easily dealt with, but the brainwashed & insane Jewish leftists are causing our downfall.

So...any realistic suggestions as to solving these problems?

Din Rodef

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Re: This Is What I Want To Say To Chaim and To You All!!
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2007, 12:50:25 PM »

The kind of garbage whom we despise here, are those whom the U.S. manipulates into positions of power there

That's a good point - BUT - there are no Anglos in Israeli government while there are Jews in US government.

Americans have influence on Israeli politics, but they do not have actual positions in Israeli government. On the contrary, Jews are put over Gentiles in America. Many Jews with suspicious loyalties have high positions in US government.

Imagine if a bunch of White Christian American Anglos were sitting in the Knesset. That's what it feels like to Americans when we see Schumer, Feinstein Etc sitting in our US Senate.

Imagine what it feels like to a White Christian American when a dual-citizen Jew named Chertoff (head of our Homeland Security Dept) tells us that we can't secure our border with Mexico.

Are there Anglo-Christian Americans holding national security office in Israel telling Jews that the border with Gaza cannot be secured?

There is no comparison.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2007, 12:53:00 PM by Din Rodef »

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Re: This Is What I Want To Say To Chaim and To You All!!
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2007, 03:18:27 PM »
Even the New Testament teaches the same things that Tony had written:

"For if the Gentiles have shared in the Jews spiritual blessings, they owe it to the Jews to share with them their material blessings."

-Paul, (Romans 15:27)

I ask then, Did God reject his people? By no means! I am an Israelite myself, a descendant of Abraham, from the tribe of Benjamin. God did not reject his people, whom he foreknew.

-Paul, (Romans 11:1-2a)
« Last Edit: March 17, 2007, 03:22:08 PM by Christian Zionist »
Isaiah 62:1 -  For Zion's sake I am not silent, And for Jerusalem's sake I do not rest, Till her righteousness go out as brightness, And her salvation, as a torch that burns.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: This Is What I Want To Say To Chaim and To You All!!
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2007, 04:32:11 PM »
Re:  "...Imagine what it feels like to a White Christian American when a dual-citizen Jew named Chertoff (head of our Homeland Security Dept) tells us that we can't secure our border with Mexico..."

I don't have to imagine...I know how it feels everytime a U.S. President born to a White Christian American family appoints a Jew to the highest positions in government; one who regardless of citizenship, owes allegiance to noone; especially their own people, their supposed faith, and the actual nation to which they swear an Oath of Allegiance to defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

p.s.-- I'm not sure about "Anglos" in the Israeli government, but it certainly has actual Arab Muslim terrorists seated in its Knesset, and it could actually be said that those traitors are more sane than most of the other "so-called" Jewish legislators.

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Re: This Is What I Want To Say To Chaim and To You All!!
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2007, 05:20:11 PM »
On the subject of white Christians feeling queasy when there are Jewish politicians keeping the Mexican border porous.  I find that many of those Christians have Mexican wives.  How comes it?  It seems that the Anglos have a sexual craving for Mexicans.
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: This Is What I Want To Say To Chaim and To You All!!
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2007, 05:39:34 PM »
Fruit strikes:  "...I find that many of those Christians have Mexican wives.  How comes it?  It seems that the Anglos have a sexual craving for Mexicans..."


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Re: This Is What I Want To Say To Chaim and To You All!!
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2007, 06:33:46 PM »
Tony, wow, you really poured your heart out. I second everything you mentioned and would like to Thank God the Almighty for allowing JTF to be and Chaim to be heard. May he be allowed to return to Israel very soon God-willing and may the struggle for peace and the spreading of Haschems truths remain constant. But most of all thank you Yacov for creating this forum and all the posters for being so interesting.

What you said about Muslims being afraid of the women is completely true. Whenever i go abroad to morocco, i have to sit tight and bow down my head. I remember i once climbed a tree and all my uncles and men were tutting and told me how i was bad and immodest and i would grow up into an evil "english" person. I put salt in their tea.

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Re: This Is What I Want To Say To Chaim and To You All!!
« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2007, 06:44:00 PM »
It's difficult to be an American Gentile and defend Jews...especially when there are organizations like AIPAC, Hollywood Jews, ACLU Jews, and liberal government Jews (like Schumer, Feinstein etc) mucking everything up.
I solve that for myself easily--I just don't consider them Jews. They don't act like they are, they don't practice it (heck, most don't believe in God), they hate Israel--why should we pay them the lipservice of calling them members of a chosen nation they REJECT?  ???

Din Rodef

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Re: This Is What I Want To Say To Chaim and To You All!!
« Reply #10 on: March 17, 2007, 10:49:17 PM »
It seems that the Anglos have a sexual craving for Mexicans.


You need to stop reading so much crap on the internet  ;D

Most Mexican chicks are nasty lookin'
« Last Edit: March 17, 2007, 10:51:27 PM by Din Rodef »


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Re: This Is What I Want To Say To Chaim and To You All!!
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2007, 02:47:53 PM »
Tony, wow, you really poured your heart out. I second everything you mentioned and would like to Thank G-d the Almighty for allowing JTF to be and Chaim to be heard. May he be allowed to return to Israel very soon G-d-willing and may the struggle for peace and the spreading of Haschems truths remain constant. But most of all thank you Yacov for creating this forum and all the posters for being so interesting.

What you said about Muslims being afraid of the women is completely true. Whenever i go abroad to morocco, i have to sit tight and bow down my head. I remember i once climbed a tree and all my uncles and men were tutting and told me how i was bad and immodest and i would grow up into an evil "english" person. I put salt in their tea.

Salt in the tea.....LoL! You're awesome!


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Re: This Is What I Want To Say To Chaim and To You All!!
« Reply #12 on: March 18, 2007, 05:28:59 PM »
It seems that the Anglos have a sexual craving for Mexicans.


You need to stop reading so much crap on the internet  ;D

Most Mexican chicks are nasty lookin'

Only the "Tira-Flecha" ones...(SpearChuckers/Indian ones) not the ones from pure Spanish Descent!!

Offline Sarah

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Re: This Is What I Want To Say To Chaim and To You All!!
« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2007, 05:35:55 PM »
Tony, wow, you really poured your heart out. I second everything you mentioned and would like to Thank G-d the Almighty for allowing JTF to be and Chaim to be heard. May he be allowed to return to Israel very soon G-d-willing and may the struggle for peace and the spreading of Haschems truths remain constant. But most of all thank you Yacov for creating this forum and all the posters for being so interesting.

What you said about Muslims being afraid of the women is completely true. Whenever i go abroad to morocco, i have to sit tight and bow down my head. I remember i once climbed a tree and all my uncles and men were tutting and told me how i was bad and immodest and i would grow up into an evil "english" person. I put salt in their tea.

Salt in the tea.....LoL! You're awesome!

Its not my fault if they're too cheap to label the salt and sugar pots. They both look the same but i hope it caused damage.

I know this is a bit random but did you know that salt and sugar are not actually white but translucent. They only appear to be white because their minuscule granules scatter and reflect white light causing them to appear so.


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Re: This Is What I Want To Say To Chaim and To You All!!
« Reply #14 on: March 18, 2007, 06:15:13 PM »
Tony, wow, you really poured your heart out. I second everything you mentioned and would like to Thank G-d the Almighty for allowing JTF to be and Chaim to be heard. May he be allowed to return to Israel very soon G-d-willing and may the struggle for peace and the spreading of Haschems truths remain constant. But most of all thank you Yacov for creating this forum and all the posters for being so interesting.

What you said about Muslims being afraid of the women is completely true. Whenever i go abroad to morocco, i have to sit tight and bow down my head. I remember i once climbed a tree and all my uncles and men were tutting and told me how i was bad and immodest and i would grow up into an evil "english" person. I put salt in their tea.

Salt in the tea.....LoL! You're awesome!

Its not my fault if they're too cheap to label the salt and sugar pots. They both look the same but i hope it caused damage.

I know this is a bit random but did you know that salt and sugar are not actually white but translucent. They only appear to be white because their minuscule granules scatter and reflect white light causing them to appear so.

Actually I sort of always have known but never really thought about it. That makes sense. Of course! Like with snow. I knew Snow was the same way.


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Re: This Is What I Want To Say To Chaim and To You All!!
« Reply #15 on: March 18, 2007, 06:18:02 PM »
Whoa where is this all going?? LoL! Could somebody please be so kind as to let Chaim know about what I wrote. Yacov? Jimmy? Anybody?? I'm off to work. Another night another dollar. This night shift stuff is throwing off my Chi!
« Last Edit: March 18, 2007, 06:20:33 PM by tony6d2 »

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Re: This Is What I Want To Say To Chaim and To You All!!
« Reply #16 on: March 19, 2007, 11:55:43 AM »
Glad to hear you care about Chaim so much.  It looks like many people on the forum do. 

Weren't you thinking of becoming a Noahide? 


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Re: This Is What I Want To Say To Chaim and To You All!!
« Reply #17 on: March 19, 2007, 05:45:10 PM »
Glad to hear you care about Chaim so much.  It looks like many people on the forum do. 

Weren't you thinking of becoming a Noahide? 

Well a Noachide is just a Righteous Gentile. It's not really that complicated. I hope I can be considered one. But I'm not joining any faction because I don't need to be with a group to be a Noachide. It's not like being a Jew or a Christian. It's not really an organized religion. It's not like I have to go get baptized or something. I just have to follow the 10 commandments and the 7 Laws of Noah to the best of my ability. The hardest one for me will always be the one about Life's Blood because I like Blood especially if the Kill is Fresh. I'm a Hunter/Fighter/Predatory person.

And if there are groups out there like that I still don't want to be part of it because.....I mean...what for??? I'm a Gentile and I try to be righteous. What more can I do? Besides.....that would also imply that I believe in the Bible wholeheartedly and I'm right here to tell you that I don't. I believe that it is mostly Legend and Myth not unlike Gentile legends and myths. I like the Laws and Disciplines from the Jewish Bible because it's just common sense for the most part. I take what I feel is good. But every Jew knows that I'm not required to follow it all. And as far as the Christian portion of the Bible.....I reject it completely. I do not believe in Jesus....I don't even believe he was a real person. And I definetly don't believe in Mercy or turning the other cheek.

Not to mention I am not waiting for a Messiah like the Jews and Christians. I believe we have the power. If we sit and wait for some Christ like figure I believe he will never come. We have to do things ourselves like Chaim says. I took a look at websites about Noachides and it's all really simple. It's not like they have any meetings and if they do.....well I won't be there cuz that is soooo contrived. Faith in G-d doesn't come from meetings with people. People are a quick way for me to lose my faith in G-d cuz people Suck!! And regardless I will never accept the Bible whole heartedly because I believe in my Race and My people, my Culture and our Legends and I believe in G-d in our way.....the way of the Romans, Gauls, and other Gentiles. But I do not worship any other deity than the One G-d. This is why I want the Jews to leave our lands. This is also why I have never been buddy buddy with the Christians. The Suicidal Christian Religion that teaches us to love our enemies was the reason for the Fall Byzantium to the Muslims. But my G-d wants me to take action. My G-d is Pleased by Battle. And all that matters for me is that Israel (and the Righteous people of this World) are Few and the Muslims and other Evil people are many. Nobody will remember if I was Righteous or Bad....or why I fought and died..... All that matters is FEW stood against MANY!! This is the Taoist way!! And if there is a Messiah to help me I only ask him to grant me one Grant Us Victory and Revenge. And if he will not listen I'll do it myself or die trying.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2007, 02:58:03 AM by tony6d2 »