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When I say something's unintelligible it means I couldn't make out the exact word that was used and I didn't want to post the wrong one.
This is only a partial transcript I'll do the rest when I get a chance.
Video Transcript:
Video Clip of someone named Anthony J. Hilder of the Free World
Alliance saying "This is a war against Islam!" *insert very
short dramatic music clip* And Islam is *insert very short
dramatic music clip* and obstacle to world government. *insert
very short dramatic music clip* Music starts playing while
Hilder says the Muslims have to be terminated. He continues to
talk while audio from various newsclips overtakes him and the
music continues to play at the same time.
The next screen is a newspaper picture of a white looking woman
(apparently a Jewish Israeli with no head covering, a red shirt
and a denim colored skirt) tugging on a Muslim woman's hijab
and a boy that appears to be a 12-14 year old Jewish kid with a
skullcap kicking at the Muslim woman's legs from the side. The
article title at the top says "Israeli extremists take revenge
on Palestinians" and there is small unintellible text below the
Then in large text it says "Vigilantes take up arms, vow to
expel 'Muslim filth' "
The music and newscast voices continue as the focus shifts to a
speech made by president George Bush (not George W. Bush, but
his father, the older George Bush) about the New World Order.
"idea a New World Order where diverse nations are drawn
together in common cause, freedom and the rule of law"
The caption at the bottom during this says "September 11, 1991"
That changes to red all-caps text that says "BUSH CALLS FOR A
NEW WORLD ORDER" Then it changes to large green text that
covers the screen saying "THE RULE OF WHOS LAW? THE ANGLO SAXON
WESTERN MANS LAW?" with 9-11-91 in lare red text beneath that.
A hand holding up a book cover that says "Israel and the NEW
WORLD ORDER" is shown on the screen while a news voice says
"...intelligence committee today authorized a special panel to
investigate the current situation in New York City." Then a
voice from someone who sounds like they were being interviewed
says "We're at war, we're absolutely at war. This is 21st
century war. They know who's behind all this, they know what
country's supporting all these people! They give em money they
give em weapons they give em (unintelligible)".
During that last bit the screen shifts to a doorway
spraypainted with "KILL ALL ARABS!" and then a photo of I what
I think is supposed to portray an Israeli or American soldier aiming a gun
at a Muslim woman and her two children.
Then the screen shifts to someone named Gary Hart speaking on
C-Span. Below his name it says US Commissions on National
Security 21st Century Co-Chair.
He says "There is a chance the president of the united States
used this disaster to carry out what his father, the phrase his
father used I think only once and that's with a new sense and
that is a new world order"
The screen shifts to what look like Israeli girls writing messages on missles.
Then the screen is of another article that has the title "ABOUT THE PROJECT FOR THE NEW AMERICAN CENTURY" The visible portion
of the article says this:
pring of 1997, the Project for the New American Centu
organization whose goal is to promote American global
itiative of the New Citizenship Project. William Kristol
Robert Kagan, Deveon Gaffney Cross, Bruce P. Jackson a
ctors. Gary Schmitt is executive director of the Project.
0th century draws to a close, the United States stands as th
most preeminent power. Having led the West to victory i
The screen shifts to emphasize the part that says "promote American global leadership".
The text visible now says this:
For the New American Century is a non-
to promote American global leadership
hip Project. William Kristol is chairman
hey Cross, Bruce P. Jackson and John R.
utive director of the Project.
the United States Stands as the
The screen shifts to a wall with graffitti on it that says "DIE ARAB SAND-(N word)s!
Then the screen is there with the pyramid from the dollar bill in the lower left corner and George W. Bush depicted with fire
and 666 on on side of his head and the seal of the President of the United States on the other side of his head.
While the screen was shifting around during the last few scenes, a deep male voice was saying Your father believed his
country should look to another form of government, and he took control of that belief, so we view him as an extraordinary man.
And we believe, we know that it runs in the family."