Author Topic: We are OBLIGATED to curse self-hating Jewish traitors  (Read 28618 times)

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Offline DownwithIslam

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Re: We are OBLIGATED to curse self-hating Jewish traitors
« Reply #100 on: March 04, 2009, 11:46:10 PM »
To Chaim Ben Pesach:

First of all I would like to note that this topic should have been in the Torah and Jewish Idea section where perhaps people would take such a topic more seriously. Regardless, I would like to thank Chaim once again for stepping in to give his insight on the matter. If any of my responses sound harsh, blunt, sarcastic, or anything of the sort please it was not my intention at all, and I did not mean to do so. I don’t have to give Chaim this warning because he is a grown man and grown men can have disagreements especially when it comes to interpretations of Torah. Rather, this is leveled at a small minority here in this forum whose maturity level cannot grasp these kinds of debates.

Chaim you mentioned we are obligated to curse ‘self-hating’ Jews and even kill them. First of all, you and many forum members here use the term self-hating quite liberally. It’s been thrown at everyone and everything. To many of you self-hating simply means a secular Jew who goes against what you view politically. This is clearly not the case. These Jews could be very well evil, but self hating is not the correct term. The word has been bastardized beyond belief and many people in this forum are guilty of it. A self-hating Jew is a Jew who hates the Jewish nation. People like Noam Chomsky, Norman Finkelstein, Dan Burros, morons of this sort. These are clear cut examples of self hating Jews. People like for example Ariel Sharon and Yitzhak Rabin were viciously evil Jews, but they had a thing called “secular Jewish pride.” Like what seems rampant of many people here in the forum, which I find absurd because it’s Jewish pride with no Torah. It doesn’t make sense to me. So you see the term self hating cannot apply to them.

Indeed we are commanded to hate evil Jews:

To what extent is hatred forbidden? One should not say, “Love scholars
but hate students, love students but hate ignoramuses.” One must love
everyone, hating only heretics, inciters to heresy, and informers. As King
David said (Ps. 139:21-22), “O L-rd, do I not hate those who hate you? Do
I not strive with those who rise up against You? I hate them with the utmost
hatred. I count them among my enemies.”
Does it not say, “Love your neighbor as yourself. I am the L-rd” [i.e how
can one hate these when it says we must love our neighbor]? The answer is
that G-d said, “ I am the L-rd Who created him.” If he conducts himself
in way required of our people, you must love him. Otherwise you must
- (Avot DeRabbi Natan)

Our sages further said:

“If your brother incites you….. Do not accept him or listen to him. Have
no pity on him…. You shall surely kill him” (Deut. 13:7,9-10): Since it   
says, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” I might think one should love this
Person too. It therefore says, “Do not accept him.” (Sifri, Re’eh 89)

So indeed we are not only obligated to hate evil Jews but to kill them as well. But you have misled people here to a certain extent with this statement:

We are actually obligated to kill them. But we in JTF are so moderate and so law-abiding that we do not kill these traitors even though under Torah law, that is our obligation. We JTFers are simply too moderate and too law abiding to do such a thing.”

Too moderate? Too law abiding? Are you forgetting biblical punishments such as the death penalty are only applicable if there is a Sanhedrin? Without one, Halacha does not allow capital punishment. We are not mafiosos giving people street justice. It doesn’t work like that. Now I feel rather disappointed in you for your casual talk and in my opinion glee towards violence against a fellow Jew. Let’s look at what Rav Kahane HY"D had to say about this:

Question: Is violence between and among Jews legitimate?
Kahane: It depends on the circumstances. For example, if we begin a
a program to move the Arabs out, and there were Jews who
opposed this program, even though it was government law,
then we would have to use force against them. That’s sad.
they would have to obey.  (Israel’s Ayatollahs, Raphael Merqui)

Rav Kahane HY"D clearly is leaving violence as the absolute last option. And if you still are not convinced, here is more:

Question: And what do you think about murders among Jews, for example
the killing of Emil Grunzweig, one of the Peace Now activists?
Kahane: Terrible……If he really was murdered. But nobody knows, nobody
knows yet; there have been a lot of rumors….But if he was really
killed by a Jew, it would be a terrible, tragic incident; this Jew
should be brought to trial and sentenced. You don’t do that to a Jew.

Question: In other words, you’d never resort to violence against a Jew? Not
even a communist Jew?
Kahane: If a Jew used violence against me, I’m not sure I wouldn’t retaliate.
But we certainly wouldn’t be the ones to start using violence
against Jews.
(Israel’s Ayatollahs, Raphael Merqui)

So indeed the Rav Kahane HY"D has ‘spoken’ on this matter. I agree with him 100%

To further this point on hating ‘evil’ Jews, unfortunately some non-Jewish members of this forum (of which several Jews joined in) have attacked Jews like Chandra Levy. I can’t even look back into that thread I was so disgusted. Levy is just one example, there has been plenty, too much to name. First of all, are we really in a position to say this is an evil Jew? Let alone a gentile tell us this is an evil Jew? Let alone a gentile who I won’t even write his name, tell us Jews she was a, “self-hating, leftist, Arab-loving whore.” Who does this guy think he is? We need to make it clear where gentiles stand with us, unfortunately I think there is great confusion to role of a Jew and Gentile to some our Gentile forum members. Let’s use the words our great sage to expand on this:
The second is the non-Jew who was created in G-d’s image,
yet who is not dear and special to G-d and not classed as
“adam.” After all, Adam’s mission in the world passed on to
Israel. Although we are forbidden to hate or denigrate such a
non-Jew as long as he does not become an enemy of G-d and
as long as keeps the seven Noahide laws, there is no mitzvah
to love and respect him.
(Kahane, Or’ Hara’ayon)

To the gentile that provokes a Jew[any Jew]:

On the other hand, if a non-Jew hates and torments a Jew, even
if he is doing so for personal reasons, the very fact that he is
unafraid to provoke a Jew, G-d’s firstborn, is itself a provocation
of G-d and a profanation of His name
. How much more so that
When non-Jews seek to harm the Jewish People, this constitutes
Profanation of G-d’s name and war against G-d, and not a personal
Matter. (Kahane, Or’ Hara’ayon)

If this is what the Rav said about a gentile who torments a Jew, I can just imagine what the Rav would of said about the gentile who provokes the memory of a dead Jew. But let's move on.........

Hashem works in mysterious ways. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that you mentioned the event of Moses & the golden calf and the current state we find ourselves in this forum with a particular small group of members.

Let me explain what I mean; first of all, let us reveal who exactly were these people who incited the worshiping of the calf. Our sages have said:

It was in the sixth hour of the day that when Moses did not
come back down from the Mount, the then vocal minority,
the erev rav, called out to Aharon and the rest of the Jews to
build the golden calf. (Vilna Goan, Kol HaTor)

Who exactly are these people? The so called erev rav? Erev rav means the mixed multitude of nations that came out of Egypt with the Jewish people.

The Children of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth,
about six hundred thousand men on foot, aside from children.
Also a mixed multitude (erev rav) went up with them, and flock
and cattle, very much livestock. (Exodus12:37-38)

They were clearly not apart of the Jewish nation. These people were the sorcerers and magicians and the outright pagans of Egypt. Even though Hashem warned Moses not to take them, he ended up accepting them. What great tragedy this brought. Moses saw what
these people were capable of and the subsequent idol worship so he gathered the Levites. They slaughtered everyone of them. Here’s what Rav Kahane HY"D said:
What self-sacrifice! What acceptance of the yoke of Heaven!
only a person with an exalted soul, who is full of love of G-d
and of G-d’s righteousness, full of hatred of the wicked and of
wickedness, is capable of reaching such heights. Levi and Simeon
Combined within them zealotry and fierce love of G-d, coupled with
revenge against evildoers and evil. After G-d refined them through
such tribulations and diminished their arrogance and hatred, they 
emerged as leaders and saints of the Jewish people. Indeed, “where
Revenge is necessary, it is great thing.”
(Kahane, Or’ Hara’ayon)

Zeal is a divine trait and they certainly showed it. But again, it was at the right time, and the right place. The Rav stressed this time and time again.

Chaim, I’d like to thank you for protecting the honor of our sages. Indeed we cannot curse our Torah scholars. I hope this message of yours gets through to some of the moderators who seem to ignore these posts.

Sorry for the long reply. I couldn’t even get to what I wanted to say about Pinchas. I’ll leave it for later.

- Nadav

Nadav, I read your post. Clearly you are taking a more  mainstream approach and are not as harcore as some of the longtime members. nobody cares whether or not you agree with us, obviously nobody can force you to do so. the problem arose when you disagreed with chaimfan and then proceeded to call him a goy of the rapist kind. I believe that viscous attack prompted Chaim to set the record straight.
I am urinating on a Koran.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: We are OBLIGATED to curse self-hating Jewish traitors
« Reply #101 on: March 04, 2009, 11:47:11 PM »
Hi CF. I am not a Christian, if it sounds like I am using their idea it is not intentional, honest. This is my own idea and not anyone elses.
I just know Satan is evil and wants to create death, destruction and chaos.I believe Satan will use people to accomplish this.
I wish people would not think that I am taking ideas from other people's religion, it really is my own personal idea and from what I see
happening in the World, I came to that conclusion. 
No, no, no, that's not what I was saying at all!  :) I wasn't at all being critical. I know that you are Jewish. I was just characterizing your view of Satan after you went into more detail about it. That's my own understanding of Satan, and how could I disagree with myself?  :laugh:

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Re: We are OBLIGATED to curse self-hating Jewish traitors
« Reply #102 on: March 04, 2009, 11:53:01 PM »
Elizabeth, your view of Satan comes closest to the Christian view, which is not dualism. At least that's what it seems like.

Hi CF. I am not a Christian, if it sounds like I am using their idea it is not intentional, honest. This is my own idea and not anyone elses.
I just know Satan is evil and wants to create death, destruction and chaos.I believe Satan will use people to accomplish this.
I wish people would not think that I am taking ideas from other people's religion, it really is my own personal idea and from what I see
happening in the World, I came to that conclusion. 

                                                                    Shalom - Dox


I am not knocking or judging your view of this. If this understanding explains the world for you then it will have to do. But maybe someday you might investigate the Talmud and the Tanach to discover what the sages of Judaism had to say on the subject.

Each person is only expected to reach the level which they can reach. I have changed much in seven years since I came back and I learn every day.

Of course I agree with you on this one! I have read the Tanach and there is no way I comprehend all of it. I would have to read it hundreds of times to fully understand. I do have trouble retaining what I have read, and have trouble sometimes trying to interpet some things. practise does make perfect or at least improve the memorie. Thanks for understanding.

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Re: We are OBLIGATED to curse self-hating Jewish traitors
« Reply #103 on: March 04, 2009, 11:53:27 PM »

Well these are all things from the teachings of Rabbi Kahane HY"D. If you consider it to be moderate, I'm a moderate then. So be it.

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Re: We are OBLIGATED to curse self-hating Jewish traitors
« Reply #104 on: March 04, 2009, 11:53:35 PM »
Ok, here I go again. I believe that Satan is using people to harm other people. Satan is jealous of G-d and he wants to annoy G-d by using people who can do his evil deeds. Satan cannot do things like a normal person would, so Satan has to find individuals to do his work for him.
Does that make any sense?

Elizabeth, makes perfect sense to me! If I were a child that did not know what Judaism or Christianity was, I would believe that this statement is a matter of opinion and not religion! Your statement makes sense, because it IS common sense. :usa+israel:
---Never, ever deal with terrorists. Hunt them down and, more important, mercilessly punish those states and groups that fund, arm, support, or simply allow their territories to be used by the terrorists with impunity.
Meir Kahane

Offline DownwithIslam

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Re: We are OBLIGATED to curse self-hating Jewish traitors
« Reply #105 on: March 04, 2009, 11:59:01 PM »

Well these are all things from the teachings of Rabbi Kahane HY"D. If you consider it to be moderate, I'm a moderate then. So be it.

Nadav, I have seen numerous videos of rabbi kahane speaking and in action. I have to admit that he might of been even a little more moderate than me but he certainly wasn't moderate. I would just kill all the muzzies in Israel but Rabbi kahane was willing to pay them to leave.
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Offline GoIsraelGo!

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Re: We are OBLIGATED to curse self-hating Jewish traitors
« Reply #106 on: March 05, 2009, 12:11:57 AM »

Well these are all things from the teachings of Rabbi Kahane HY"D. If you consider it to be moderate, I'm a moderate then. So be it.

Nadav, I have seen numerous videos of rabbi kahane speaking and in action. I have to admit that he might of been even a little more moderate than me but he certainly wasn't moderate. I would just kill all the muzzies in Israel but Rabbi kahane was willing to pay them to leave.

Moslems deserve no mercy. If I was the president of the USA, I would have bombed the hell out of every major City in every Islamic country on September the 12th, 2001. Wiping out the enemy is the only way to gain peace and stability in our World.
For Israel I would have done the same, eliminate the enemy and answer questions later.

Offline The One and Only Mo

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Re: We are OBLIGATED to curse self-hating Jewish traitors
« Reply #107 on: March 05, 2009, 12:17:26 AM »
I pray for them to do teshuvah. If they don't do teshuvah, then it's "off with their heads."

Offline The One and Only Mo

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Re: We are OBLIGATED to curse self-hating Jewish traitors
« Reply #108 on: March 05, 2009, 12:27:44 AM »
Oh and for the record, I wish every goy/gentile/non-jew/ whatever they want to be called (excuse my ignorance) in the world was more like CF. You



Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: We are OBLIGATED to curse self-hating Jewish traitors
« Reply #109 on: March 05, 2009, 12:34:18 AM »
Well these are all things from the teachings of Rabbi Kahane HY"D. If you consider it to be moderate, I'm a moderate then. So be it.
Taken 100% out of context. Yes, HaRav Kahane (zt"l) hated Gentiles, even though around half of JDL members in New York were Irish and Italian at one time. Nice try. Prepare to be humiliated when Chim responds to you.

Offline Nadav

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Re: We are OBLIGATED to curse self-hating Jewish traitors
« Reply #110 on: March 05, 2009, 12:37:13 AM »
Well these are all things from the teachings of Rabbi Kahane HY"D. If you consider it to be moderate, I'm a moderate then. So be it.
Taken 100% out of context. Yes, HaRav Kahane (zt"l) hated Gentiles, even though around half of JDL members in New York were Irish and Italian at one time. Nice try. Prepare to be humiliated when Chim responds to you.
Where in any of the quotes do you see Kahane saying that?


Cf, your problem is that you read what you like and just skip over any parts you dont like. Here is what I quoted
The second is the non-Jew who was created in G-d’s image,
yet who is not dear and special to G-d and not classed as
“adam.” After all, Adam’s mission in the world passed on to
Israel. Although we are forbidden to hate or denigrate such a
as long as he does not become an enemy of G-d and
as long as keeps the seven Noahide laws, there is no mitzvah
to love and respect him. (Kahane, Or’ Hara’ayon)

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Re: We are OBLIGATED to curse self-hating Jewish traitors
« Reply #111 on: March 05, 2009, 12:41:39 AM »
Oh and for the record, I wish every goy/gentile/non-jew/ whatever they want to be called (excuse my ignorance) in the world was more like CF. You


Aww gee thanks *blushes*. You can call me whatever you like--you can call me a Martian as far as I'm concerned. The only reason the term "goy" was ever an issue was because certain numbskulls over on the AKC "forum", led of course by one learning-disabled Asperger's patient who talks about his employment problems on that "forum", love to throw around "goy" and "goyim" as some kind of racial slur. But I know that was not the original meaning of it.

Offline DownwithIslam

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Re: We are OBLIGATED to curse self-hating Jewish traitors
« Reply #112 on: March 05, 2009, 12:52:37 AM »
Oh and for the record, I wish every goy/gentile/non-jew/ whatever they want to be called (excuse my ignorance) in the world was more like CF. You


Aww gee thanks *blushes*. You can call me whatever you like--you can call me a Martian as far as I'm concerned. The only reason the term "goy" was ever an issue was because certain numbskulls over on the AKC "forum", led of course by one learning-disabled Asperger's patient who talks about his employment problems on that "forum", love to throw around "goy" and "goyim" as some kind of racial slur. But I know that was not the original meaning of it.

That is true, in the yiddish language, goy is simply the main word for a gentile. It is not derogatory at all. The only reason its a touchy subject is cause some of the geniuses over at tapuach animal control use it to bash gentile zionists.
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Re: We are OBLIGATED to curse self-hating Jewish traitors
« Reply #113 on: March 05, 2009, 12:52:51 AM »
Oh and for the record, I wish every goy/gentile/non-jew/ whatever they want to be called (excuse my ignorance) in the world was more like CF. You


Aww gee thanks *blushes*. You can call me whatever you like--you can call me a Martian as far as I'm concerned. The only reason the term "goy" was ever an issue was because certain numbskulls over on the AKC "forum", led of course by one learning-disabled Asperger's patient who talks about his employment problems on that "forum", love to throw around "goy" and "goyim" as some kind of racial slur. But I know that was not the original meaning of it.

There used to be a show called   " My Favorite Martian "               :robot:

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Re: We are OBLIGATED to curse self-hating Jewish traitors
« Reply #114 on: March 05, 2009, 12:57:40 AM »
Nadav, my big disadvantage here is that I do not have time to respond repeatedly to long threads.

a. You agree that we are obligated to hate and even kill Jewish traitors. But you claim that such death sentences cannot be carried out when there is no Sanhedrin.

Wrong! The vast majority of death sentences carried out in ancient Israel were done without the Sanhedrin.

When the Sanhedrin existed, death sentences were very rarely imposed. The standard of proof is so high when bringing someone before the Sanhedrin, it is extremely difficult to get a conviction and a death sentence.

"A Sanhedrin that puts a man to death once in seven years is called destructive. Rabbi Eliezer ben Azariah says: a Sanhedrin that puts a man to death even once in seventy years. Rabbi Akiba and Rabbi Tarfon say: Had we been in the Sanhedrin none would ever have been put to death. Rabban Simeon ben Gamaliel says: they would have multiplied shedders of blood in Israel." (Mishnah, Makkot 1:10).

As you see from this Mishnah, the Sanhedrin often did not execute anyone for 70 years.

But Rabban Gamaliel warns in the Mishnah that this extreme caution multiples the "shedders of blood in Israel". Because if you do not execute murderers, there is no deterrence and there is no justice.

However, kings of Israel can order that someone be executed. This was done frequently. So Israel's political leadership is permitted to execute without a Sanhedrin.

In fact, modern Israel has the death penalty. The extreme leftwing courts never impose it, but the death penalty exists for murder, treason, espionage and a host of other offenses. The religious parties in Israel voted in the Knesset in favor of the death penalty, and they often demand that Arab terrorists be executed. How could all of these rabbis and religious Knesset members call for the death penalty when there is no Sanhedrin?

Obviously, the claim that we cannot kill people without a Sanhedrin is a myth.

b. Your quotes of Rabbi Kahane are also distortions of reality. I knew and worked closely with the rabbi for decades.

If the rabbi had said that he approves of the killing of the Peace Now traitor, the rabbi would have been convicted of incitement and placed in Israeli prison for years. His movement would have been instantly banned. Although his movement was eventually banned anyway and the rabbi was eventually murdered, the rabbi did try to prevent the banning and did want to be able to run until he could actually be elected prime minister. So the rabbi did not make blatantly illegal statements that would have immediately ended his attempts to achieve power. He said what Israeli law required him to say. Let me clarify that in Israel, it is illegal to praise the killing of leftist traitors or of Arabs. But if you praise the murder of Jews by Arab terrorists, as Arab Knesset members do all the time, it is perfectly acceptable.

c. I do want to clarify that we in JTF will not kill Jewish traitors or break any laws. For the same reason that the rabbi had: it is not worth it for us to go to prison over this. But under Torah law, self-hating Jews do deserve death. We in JTF will not do anything to the traitors and we urge our fellow Jews not to risk imprisonment because it is not worth it.

d. You claim that we JTFers call too many Jews self-hating. How sad that someone who calls himself a "Kahanist" has such minimal understanding of these concepts.

You cite the case of Chandra Levy ys"v sr"y. This beast had an affair with one of the most notorious Jew-haters in Washington. The Congressman that this traitor slept with, Gary Condit, voted against Israel even on the most routine matters that passed almost unanimously. Chandra Levy and her self-hating mother enjoyed dressing like Arabs while visiting Arab Muslim Nazi countries. When she came back to America, she found the most vicious married anti-Semite to sleep with.

Nadav, I have to be honest: your lack of Jewish self-respect is appalling to me. If a Serb woman had slept with and supported enemies of the Serbs, don't you think every self-respecting Serb would be delighted to see such a traitor killed? And the Serbs would be right! Why is it that we have Jews, who actually call themselves "Kahanists", who do not want the traitors among their people to be eliminated? This is just sick! Like we have "Kahanists" who praise the traitor Irv Rubin ys"v even after he called for the death of the Jewish hero Jonathan Pollard in front of 30 million people on national television. The rabbi would turn over in his grave if he saw this. The only solace the rabbi would get is that JTF is representing his true legacy.

You also tell us that Yitzchak Rabin and Arik Sharon were not self-hating. They had "secular Jewish pride". Unbelievable! Tell me which Gentile leaders who have nationalist pride would knowingly volunteer to surrender the most sacred parts of their homeland to an enemy that vows to exterminate them? This is your definition of "pride", secular or otherwise? You will not find a single nation on the face of the earth that has leaders that behave with such repulsive self-hatred. But you are upset that we call them "self-hating"!

« Last Edit: March 05, 2009, 01:02:43 AM by Chaim Ben Pesach »

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Re: We are OBLIGATED to curse self-hating Jewish traitors
« Reply #115 on: March 05, 2009, 01:08:33 AM »
Nadav, my big disadvantage here is that I do not have time to respond repeatedly to long threads.

a. You agree that we are obligated to hate and even kill Jewish traitors. But you claim that such death sentences cannot be carried out when there is no Sanhedrin.

Wrong! The vast majority of death sentences carried out in ancient Israel were done without the Sanhedrin.

When the Sanhedrin existed, death sentences were very rarely imposed. The standard of proof is so high when bringing someone before the Sanhedrin, it is extremely difficult to get a conviction and a death sentence.

"A Sanhedrin that puts a man to death once in seven years is called destructive. Rabbi Eliezer ben Azariah says: a Sanhedrin that puts a man to death even once in seventy years. Rabbi Akiba and Rabbi Tarfon say: Had we been in the Sanhedrin none would ever have been put to death. Rabban Simeon ben Gamaliel says: they would have multiplied shedders of blood in Israel." (Mishnah, Makkot 1:10).

As you see from this Mishnah, the Sanhedrin often did not execute anyone for 70 years.

But Rabban Gamaliel warns in the Mishnah that this extreme caution multiples the "shedders of blood in Israel". Because if you do not execute murderers, there is no deterrence and there is no justice.

However, kings of Israel can order that someone be executed. This was done frequently. So Israel's political leadership is permitted to execute without a Sanhedrin.

In fact, modern Israel has the death penalty. The extreme leftwing courts never impose it, but the death penalty exists for murder, treason, espionage and a host of other offenses. The religious parties in Israel voted in the Knesset in favor of the death penalty, and they often demand that Arab terrorists be executed. How could all of these rabbis and religious Knesset members call for the death penalty when there is no Sanhedrin?

Obviously, the claim that we cannot kill people without a Sanhedrin is a myth.

b. Your quotes of Rabbi Kahane are also distortions of reality. I knew and worked closely with the rabbi for decades.

If the rabbi had said that he approves of the killing of the Peace Now traitor, the rabbi would have been convicted of incitement and placed in Israeli prison for years. His movement would have been instantly banned. Although his movement was eventually banned anyway and the rabbi was eventually murdered, the rabbi did try to prevent the banning and did want to be able to run until he could actually be elected prime minister. So the rabbi did not make blatantly illegal statements that would have immediately ended his attempts to achieve power. He said what Israeli law required him to say. Let me clarify that in Israel, it is illegal to praise the killing of leftist traitors or of Arabs. But if you praise the murder of Jews by Arab terrorists, as Arab Knesset members do all the time, it is perfectly acceptable.

c. I do want to clarify that we in JTF will not kill Jewish traitors or break any laws. For the same reason that the rabbi had: it is not worth it for us to go to prison over this. But under Torah law, self-hating Jews do deserve death. We in JTF will not do anything to the traitors and we urge our fellow Jews not to risk imprisonment because it is not worth it.

d. You claim that we JTFers call too many Jews self-hating. How sad that someone who calls himself a "Kahanist" has such minimal understanding of these concepts.

You cite the case of Chandra Levy ys"v sr"y. This beast had an affair with one of the most notorious Jew-haters in Washington. The Congressman that this traitor slept with, Gary Condit, voted against Israel even on the most routine matters that passed almost unanimously. Chandra Levy and her self-hating mother enjoyed dressing like Arabs while visiting Arab Muslim Nazi countries. When she came back to America, she found the most vicious married anti-Semite to sleep with.

Nadav, I have to be honest: your lack of Jewish self-respect is appalling to me. If a Serb woman had slept with and supported enemies of the Serbs, don't you think every self-respecting Serb would be delighted to see such a traitor killed? And the Serbs would be right! Why is it that we have Jews, who actually call themselves "Kahanists", who do not want the traitors among their people to be eliminated? This is just sick! Like we have "Kahanists" who praise the traitor Irv Rubin ys"v even after he called for the death of the Jewish hero Jonathan Pollard in front of 30 million people on national television. The rabbi would turn over in his grave if he saw this. The only solace the rabbi would get is that JTF is representing his true legacy.

You also tell us that Yitzchak Rabin and Arik Sharon were not self-hating. They had "secular Jewish pride". Unbelievable! Tell me which Gentile leaders who have nationalist pride would knowingly volunteer to surrender the most sacred parts of their homeland to an enemy that vows to exterminate them? This is your definition of "pride", secular or otherwise? You will not find a single nation on the face of the earth that has leaders that behave with such repulsive self-hatred. But you are upset that we call them "self-hating"!

Chaim, this is just another one of your perfectly written posts. I learn so much when you write on the forum. I know that you don't have that much time but I would love to see you make these these types of  posts  more often.
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Re: We are OBLIGATED to curse self-hating Jewish traitors
« Reply #116 on: March 05, 2009, 01:14:00 AM »
Chaim, as usual you have put your opponent in his place and force-fed them crow. Nadav must certainly be humiliated now. But there is little need to keep responding to his absurd claims. I know you have warned me about jumping to conclusions, but there is almost no reason at this point to doubt that Nadav is a troll. We can continue this over PM if you like.

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Re: We are OBLIGATED to curse self-hating Jewish traitors
« Reply #117 on: March 05, 2009, 01:33:22 AM »
Chaim, as usual you have put your opponent in his place and force-fed them crow. Nadav must certainly be humiliated now. But there is little need to keep responding to his absurd claims. I know you have warned me about jumping to conclusions, but there is almost no reason at this point to doubt that Nadav is a troll. We can continue this over PM if you like.

I am not trying to humiliate anyone. Nadav and Tzvi are my fellow Jews and it hurts me to see that they have been so brainwashed. I want them to become true Kahanists.

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Re: We are OBLIGATED to curse self-hating Jewish traitors
« Reply #118 on: March 05, 2009, 01:38:47 AM »
I think people are jumping to conclusions. It is obvious that Chaim is more knowledgable about Rabbi Kahane than Nadav I am still one who gives the benefit of the doubt. If I am sticking my neck out un-necessarily then I apologize but I do not believe Nadav is a troll.

I believe that any religious Jew who is not familiar with the more rightwing ideas of Kahanism would not be aware of the full extent of Chaims ideas. I do not curse the Levys and think it is a bit much. One could ask themselves about all the victims of 9/11 and whether they 'deserved' to die on that day. Everyone is judged on different scales and it is not wise, according to my understanding, to judge others unfairly.

Im sure that I may be flamed for standing up for the very Torah principles which are dear to all Jews. I believe I want the same outcome as Chaim does but I think the way to achieve it is different. When do we cease to be Jews and become the enemy of the Jews, just like the Muslims. To see muslims screaming curses and beheading people does not acheive the goal which Hashem wants. Do we glorify his name by killing more people? Those who oppose Israel as the home for the Jewish people should be removed from the land. Once that is accomplished then we can go home and we know Moshiach is coming soon. Should we not be trying to get more Jews to come to our cause?

I love Chaim and JTF and it troubles me that we are pushing so many away. I hope I have some sympathy from someone here.
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

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Re: We are OBLIGATED to curse self-hating Jewish traitors
« Reply #119 on: March 05, 2009, 07:04:16 AM »

 It is NOT a "Christian" thing, Satan is ALIVE and WELL. 
He stood before G-d and wanted JOB.  There are NO interpretations of TORAH. It is what it IS.
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Re: We are OBLIGATED to curse self-hating Jewish traitors
« Reply #120 on: March 05, 2009, 02:54:34 PM »
By the way, I think it's very clear to everyone that the edited tzvi ben roshel fabricated what I said simply to harm gentile-jewish relations on this forum. Chaim supporting me here has confirmed this.

 Why do you insist to bring this up you will only harm yourself. Just for the record, I did NOT fabricate anything and you know it. I will swear on it, will you swear that you are saying the truth? and like I said before if I am lying let one of the admins who can check P.M.s (And I already gave my permission before and now), go and check the PM's you sent me and publicly say who is lying and who is telling the truth. Page- 21, 22, and 30.
  And about cf finding out, I thought that becuase it is what you told me. (Maybe he did or maybe he didn't I dont know).

« Last Edit: March 05, 2009, 04:11:38 PM by Pheasant »
The Academy of Elijah taught, whoever studies the laws (of the Torah) every day, (he) is guaranteed to have a share in the World to Come.

‏119:139 צִמְּתַתְנִי קִנְאָתִי כִּישָׁכְחוּ דְבָרֶיךָ צָרָי
My zeal incenses me, for my adversaries have forgotten Your words.
‏119:141 צָעִיר אָנֹכִי וְנִבְזֶה פִּקֻּדֶיךָ, לֹא שָׁכָחְתִּי.
 I am young and despised; I have not forgotten Your precepts.

" A fool does not realize, and an unwise person does not understand this (i.e. the following:) When the wicked bloom like grass, and the evildoers blossom (i.e. when they seem extremly successful), it is to destroy them forever (i.e. they are rewarded for their few good deeds in this World, and they will have no portion in the World to Come!)

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Re: We are OBLIGATED to curse self-hating Jewish traitors
« Reply #121 on: March 05, 2009, 03:10:59 PM »
By the way, I think it's very clear to everyone that the edited tzvi ben roshel fabricated what I said simply to harm gentile-jewish relations on this forum. Chaim supporting me here has confirmed this.

 Why do you insist to bring this up you will only harm yourself. Just for the record, I did NOT fabricate anything and you know it. I will swear on it, will you swear that you are saying the truth? and like I said before if I am lying let one of the admins who can check P.M.s (And I already gave my permission before and now), go and check the PM's you sent me and publicly say who is lying and who is telling the truth.
  And about cf finding out, I thought that becuase it is what you told me. (Maybe he did or maybe he didn't I dont know).

Anybody who wants to know the truth can contact Chaim ben pesach himself who investigated and knows the truth. I am sure most people will take chaims ben pesachs word over tzvis. I am just adding in this comment to set the record straight. for the good of the forum, I am not discussing this any further.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2009, 04:12:28 PM by Pheasant »
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Re: We are OBLIGATED to curse self-hating Jewish traitors
« Reply #122 on: March 05, 2009, 04:44:25 PM »
Oh and for the record, I wish every goy/gentile/non-jew/ whatever they want to be called (excuse my ignorance) in the world was more like CF. You


Aww gee thanks *blushes*. You can call me whatever you like--you can call me a Martian as far as I'm concerned. The only reason the term "goy" was ever an issue was because certain numbskulls over on the AKC "forum", led of course by one learning-disabled Asperger's patient who talks about his employment problems on that "forum", love to throw around "goy" and "goyim" as some kind of racial slur. But I know that was not the original meaning of it.

There used to be a show called   " My Favorite Martian "               :robot:
It use to be a great show. I use to watch it when I was a kid.
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Re: We are OBLIGATED to curse self-hating Jewish traitors
« Reply #123 on: March 05, 2009, 05:18:33 PM »
Oh and for the record, I wish every goy/gentile/non-jew/ whatever they want to be called (excuse my ignorance) in the world was more like CF. You


Aww gee thanks *blushes*. You can call me whatever you like--you can call me a Martian as far as I'm concerned. The only reason the term "goy" was ever an issue was because certain numbskulls over on the AKC "forum", led of course by one learning-disabled Asperger's patient who talks about his employment problems on that "forum", love to throw around "goy" and "goyim" as some kind of racial slur. But I know that was not the original meaning of it.

There used to be a show called   " My Favorite Martian "               :robot:
It use to be a great show. I use to watch it when I was a kid.

Those were the days!   

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Re: We are OBLIGATED to curse self-hating Jewish traitors
« Reply #124 on: March 05, 2009, 06:01:57 PM »

What I would like to know is where in the Torah are we commanded to kill Jewish traitors. If I'm reading the portion of the Shmona Esrai that Chaim sited correctly, we pray to G-d to smash and obliterate our traitors and informers. We don't do it ourselves. Chaim also gave examples where Moses ordered the death of those who built the golden calf, and also the killing of someone who had an affair with a woman from an enemy nation. Does this mean we, today, are obligated to kill such people ?  My guess is probably not. After all, the members of this forum (Jew and non-Jew alike) live in nations and societies where Torah law is superceded by national laws where killing is concerned. But what about an Israel that was strictly Torah observant ??

As a secular Jew this concerns me. Could I be killed for eating a bacon sandwich or driving on Shabbat or

These are good questions, I encourage you to ask some of them in the Ask Judea Torah Show in the Judaism section where they can be focused in on.  It seems this thread is more focused on a controversial other matter so it may not get addressed directly here.