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Fruit, why don't you ask a doctor about this? If you really wanted to get the procedure done, I'm sure they would numb you first. As far as medical operations go, it's a minor procedure.
Last Spring, I had Lasek eye surgery where they basically split open your cornea with lasers to correct your vision. There was a lot of discomfort afterwards, so much so that I felt like my eye sockets were on fire. And it took a few weeks for my vision to completely stabilize. But I am so glad I had the procedure done, as I was no longer able to wear contact lenses.
Fruit of thy loins:
--- Quote from: Lisa on March 22, 2007, 06:57:05 PM ---Fruit, why don't you ask a doctor about this? If you really wanted to get the procedure done, I'm sure they would numb you first. As far as medical operations go, it's a minor procedure.
Last Spring, I had Lasek eye surgery where they basically split open your cornea with lasers to correct your vision. There was a lot of discomfort afterwards, so much so that I felt like my eye sockets were on fire. And it took a few weeks for my vision to completely stabilize. But I am so glad I had the procedure done, as I was no longer able to wear contact lenses.
--- End quote ---
Knowing the British NHS they would probably botch the operation and end up giving me a sex change instead.
The odds are against me. Everywhere I go, Satan pisses into my mouth.
--- Quote --- Everywhere I go, Satan pisses into my mouth.
--- End quote ---
EWWWWWW........ :)
You'd be dead by time the NHS get their act together and give you a proper operation. There are many private surgeries that do it too.
Lisa how much did the laser surgery cost? Why were you not able to continue wearing contact lenses?
Fruit, Sometimes its best to leave well enough alone. The part where Lisa said discomfort and feeling like it was on fire don't sound good for the procedure your looking for. I think for that sort of surgery that would be a real possibility. Honestly what gets you started with subjects like this.
Hail Columbia:
Circumcision is done to keep men from masturbating.
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