Lisa and Bullcat, you can't raise your kids in a hermetic vacuum. Sooner or later, even the most devoutly raised Christian or Jewish children will learn who the vile prostitute Megan Fox (yimach schma vezichra--may the name of the wicked rot in hell) is and will wonder what to do with her mentally speaking. It is true that kids that are raised correctly are far more likely to reject these human abominations than mindless secular youth, but the fact of the matter is that there will always be people who, despite the best efforts of their parents, are too stupid and rebellious for these values to sink in. What then? Megan Fox is urging young women to all be bisexuals, and is deliberately feeding a perverse sexual fantasy that unfortunately many males have in our culture today (thanks to constant bombardment by movies, music, magazines, and porn). If G-d took Fox tomorrow via a rapidly-spreading ovarian abscess, it wouldn't be soon enough.
Your right, C.F..
There are many evil influences in today's society.
Yet, I can't shield my child from all of them.
That is not realistic.
Therefore, I try to be the best role model I can.
I teach her religion instruction class, attend the PTA and volunteer often.
We are very involved with the local senior and veteran groups.
What better role models can there be?
She helps deliver meals on wheels. Has done so from birth(in a car seat). She loves the homebound people we deliver to.
Hopefully - the moral people that she is growing up around will be the people she will emmulate.
When I see things that are evil or immoral, I point that out to her. I also explain the consequences that come with following that path.
As for Megan Fox. I don't wish any evil to befall her. If she lives her life in an evil way...she will have to live with the consequences.