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Offline judeanoncapta

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The Sickest Self Hating Jew of All Time!!!!!!!!!
« on: March 27, 2007, 09:51:02 PM »
I would like to give this guy the one dollar solution.

Look at this:

American-born Yousef Al-Khattab, formerly Joseph Cohen, a devout Orthodox Jew, moved to Israel in 1998 in the name of Judaism, where he stayed in Gush Qatif settlement in Gaza. Three years later, he converted to Islam after a theological dialogue with an Emiratei sheikh over the Internet. Within a short period of time, his wife and four children joined him in embracing Islam. He is now actively engaged in da'wah (call for Islam) among Jews.

Joseph Cohen moved from the United States to Israel as a devout Jew in 1998, but within three years he had converted to Islam and become Yousef Mohammed Al-Khattab, a supporter of the militant Hamas, according to a report broadcast Thursday on Israel TV.

Now he refuses to say the word Israel, choosing instead to call the area "Palestine." His four children study the Quran, the Muslim holy book, instead of the Torah, its Jewish counterpart.

It was while living in the desert town of Netivot that Khattab met a sheik from the United Arab Emirates through an Internet chat about Israel. Khattab said he spent hours corresponding with the sheik, discussing theology. Gradually he began to see Judaism as racist and turned toward Islam after reading the Quran, he told Channel 10 TV. The report did not say where he lived in the United States or give his age.

Last year he told his wife of 10 years, Luna, also a devout Jew from the United States, that he wanted to convert to Islam.

"I said, `Listen, I love you very much ... and I have to be honest with you,'" Khattab said in the TV interview. "I read the Quran and I agree with everything it says in the Quran, and if I continue saying that I'm a religious Jew, I would be a liar."

The family converted together and moved from Netivot to an Arab neighborhood in east Jerusalem. The children went from being top in their classes on Judaism studies to being well-versed in Islam, he said.

Instead of supporting the Israeli Orthodox Jewish political party Shas, Khattab now supports the radical Islamic Hamas and believes an Islamic state should be set up where Israel and the Palestinian areas are now located.

He praised Hamas for setting up social services for Palestinians but dodged questions about the other side of the Islamic group — suicide bombings and other attacks against Israelis. The United States has declared Hamas a terror group.

Khattab differed from most Israelis and Americans in his views about Osama bin Laden, the top suspect in the Sept. 11 terror attacks in New York and Washington.

"I think that he's number one, Muslim number one," Khattab said with a strong New York accent about bin Laden. "But I don't think that he's responsible for the World Trade Center (attacks)."

Wearing the white skullcap and robes of a religious Muslim, Khattab denied his Jewish past, insisting that he is 100 percent Muslim. He made a parody of a blessing that observant Jews say every morning, in which they thank God for not making them gentiles.

"Blessed are Thou, Lord Our God," Khattab began in the traditional Jewish blessing, but ended it with, "for not making me a Jew."

Al-Khattab's site has been attacked with viruses, threats and complaints. With links such as "My Heros the Taliban" and "Freaky Jewish Stuff," which details such familiar anti-Semitic myths as rabbis sucking babies' blood, it is no wonder the site has been taken down several times.

His transformation from being an ultra-Orthodox American Jew to a fundamentalist Muslim gives him license to preach a higher level of invective against Jews than his Gentile counterparts, said Rabbi Tovia Singer, who says al Khattab threatened his life by posting his home address on the Internet and inviting Muslims to "visit him at his home and help him understand what it's like to suffer."

"Jews who've converted to Islam are disenfranchised and self-hating," Singer said. "When you listen to them, you will hear virulent hatred toward Judaism. Their message is pregnant with hate."

But al Khattab, who denies ever having contact with Singer, says it is Judaism, rather than Jews, that he opposes, arguing that Jews have been misled by their rabbis.

"Muslims are all inclusive and the whole message of Islam is to invite Jews, Nazis, capitalists, all religions and beliefs," al Khattab said in an e-mail.

Al Khattab, who has converted 11 Jews, said he was attracted by Islam's clear message of obedience to God. He seems unfazed by charges that he supports the goals of terrorists (he has called on Muslims to take up arms against Jews who don't convert), or by other Muslims' initial suspicions that he was a member of Mossad, the Israeli secret service.

"When we become Muslims we do this for the sake of Allah all mighty alone," he said. "We don't care if Muslims or non-Muslims approve of our goals."

Some quotes from an interview.

"Judaism should really be called Rabbism. And it is based on God being racist, imperfect, and it is based on everything found in business dealings. "Oh God, please don't forget your covenant, and give me this and this." Judaism originally is an Eastern religion, and when the Jews moved away from the Middle East, they lost most of their eastern ideas. That is except one concept: tribalism. And this in turn turned into racism. Their faith is not based on the Torah, it is based on the Talmud..."

"I believe that the holocaust did take place before I was a Muslim. And today, I still believe that some Jews were killed, but I think the 6 million number is not correct. And we sympathize with them as we sympathize with all the Russians who were killed, the Greeks, the Polish, and all those who were killed.

I believe today the letter "S" in holocaust should be changed to a dollar sign "$". I believe that after instituting an Islamic or Palestinian state, we the Muslims and Palestinians in occupied Palestine should be recompensed for the suffering put on us by the Jewish state."
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Re: The Sickest Self Hating Jew of All Time!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2007, 09:52:48 PM »
That idiot used to post on the old Kahane site he was a real fool :D
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Offline dawntreader

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Re: The Sickest Self Hating Jew of All Time!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2007, 09:57:06 PM »
My Gosh....

That is truly one of the saddest, sickest things I think I've read in a long time.
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Offline kahaneloyalist

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Re: The Sickest Self Hating Jew of All Time!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2007, 10:26:11 PM »
he was never Orthodox, he was raised Secular and was sympathetic to Orthodoxy, he never went to Yeshiva or learned Torah. But when he converted to Islam it made a better story to say he was Orthodox, so poof he became Orthodox.
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Offline judeanoncapta

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Re: The Sickest Self Hating Jew of All Time!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2007, 11:10:50 PM »
According to what I heard. he actually was a baal tshuvah but he was wild and kept switching from group to group. Chassid to Mitnaged, Satmar to Mizrachi. Ashkenazi to Sephardi. He literally went from A litvish school to living with Satmar in Williamsburg, then he went and moved to Gush Katif with dati leumi, Then he went to Netivot and became a sefardi and put his kids in shas school. He went bouncing from group to group, liking it at first and then becoming disillusioned that the next group does not contain perfect sinless human beings. Now he has found a group that will kill him if he leaves it. Islam.

The real reason he converted was that his neighbors kept calling the police on him for beating his wife and molesting his kids. So he found a religion where domestic abuse and child molestation is OK.
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Re: The Sickest Self Hating Jew of All Time!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2007, 11:35:22 PM »
Yousef Al-Khattab ימח שמו וזכרו

He isn't joking when he says he invites Nazis to Islam.  Islam worships Hitlerism, and has ever since WW2.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: The Sickest Self Hating Jew of All Time!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2007, 11:42:13 PM »
Isn't this the same schmuck from NY who was a used car salesman?

Now he runs through the streets of Jerusalem, prays at Al-Aqsa, screams "Death To The Jews", smells like two pigs after sex.

Mental case.

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Re: The Sickest Self Hating Jew of All Time!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2007, 12:36:38 AM »
Re:  "...That is truly one of the saddest, sickest things I think I've read in a long time...."

On no!...We're all just "part of the family of man"!

He is actually equal to you and me!

Don't you want to invite him over to your house for dinner?

Perhaps you can open a "dialogue" with him and his cutthroat Mohammedans!

Offline Trumpeldor

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Re: The Sickest Self Hating Jew of All Time!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2007, 12:38:04 AM »
Yousef Al-Khattab ימח שמו וזכרו

He isn't joking when he says he invites Nazis to Islam.  Islam worships Hitlerism, and has ever since WW2.

Hitler also worshipped the Muslims.

Offline dawntreader

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Re: The Sickest Self Hating Jew of All Time!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2007, 12:51:54 AM »
Re:  "...That is truly one of the saddest, sickest things I think I've read in a long time...."

On no!...We're all just "part of the family of man"!

He is actually equal to you and me!

Don't you want to invite him over to your house for dinner?

Perhaps you can open a "dialogue" with him and his cutthroat Mohammedans!

Your sarcasm is not lost on me! LOL!

No. I would not like to invite this man over for dinner. Or maybe...yes I would. There is always a chance that you can turn the man's heart and mind back to his original faith. This guy was born a Jew yeah? Well then maybe G-d can turn him back to the truth.

As for the cutthroat Muhammedans...these guys need the light of truth as well. We're supposed to be a light unto the nations right? Why not shine the light of goodness on them as well?
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Offline judeanoncapta

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Re: The Sickest Self Hating Jew of All Time!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2007, 10:17:42 AM »
No, we should shine the "light" of the flash of a neutron bomb all over them.
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Re: The Sickest Self Hating Jew of All Time!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2007, 12:30:04 PM »

That sounds like you are advocating genocide. This, I cannot agree with. This, I think is mass murder.

It's just not right. It doesn't matter what the enemy is like. We are to be above that. As I said in another posting. If they try to kill us...then we should kill them first. I believe we should take back all the land from them that G-d originally gave to us as laid out in the Tanach. BUT!

That does not mean killing every last man, woman and child. It does not mean I wish total and utter destruction on a whole people.

It is no wonder people accuse Zionists of being racist if the comments of people like those who have been posting on the JTF boards are examples of "real" Zionism. (Which is utter nonsense since I am a "real" Zionist in favor of a greater Israel. But you will never see me posting vile and ugly statements either to those I disagree with that are Jews, OR about my enemies.)
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Offline judeanoncapta

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Re: The Sickest Self Hating Jew of All Time!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2007, 02:07:12 PM »
Dawntreader, had you been alive 3500 years ago, you must assuredly would've called Moses and Joshua Racists and Genocidal Lunatics.
What do you think he did with 7 Nations? Or the Canaanites?
Did they talk peace?
Offer Compensation in order to get them to leave?


They killed men, women and children.
There are many verses that say they left not one soul alive.
If you call me a racist, anyone who beleives in the Torah is also a racist.
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Re: The Sickest Self Hating Jew of All Time!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #13 on: March 28, 2007, 02:41:32 PM »

That sounds like you are advocating genocide. This, I cannot agree with. This, I think is mass murder.

It's just not right. It doesn't matter what the enemy is like. We are to be above that. As I said in another posting. If they try to kill us...then we should kill them first. I believe we should take back all the land from them that G-d originally gave to us as laid out in the Tanach. BUT!

That does not mean killing every last man, woman and child. It does not mean I wish total and utter destruction on a whole people.

It is no wonder people accuse Zionists of being racist if the comments of people like those who have been posting on the JTF boards are examples of "real" Zionism. (Which is utter nonsense since I am a "real" Zionist in favor of a greater Israel. But you will never see me posting vile and ugly statements either to those I disagree with that are Jews, OR about my enemies.)

It doesn't bother me that people accuse Zionism of being racist. These people themselves are racist.

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Re: The Sickest Self Hating Jew of All Time!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #14 on: March 28, 2007, 02:42:50 PM »
This is not so. In the case of Joshua, G-d said that the peoples of Canaan were evil. He is the one that specifically said in certain instances to go and wipe them out. (He Himself wiped out Sodom and Gamorah.) I have no doubt there are times when utter destruction is called for.

However, in the case of the Arabs living in Aza, there is no prophet of G-d that I know of who has said "G-d the Almighty has spoken! Thou shalt Destroy the Arabs and leave none standing!"

The Arabs are not matter how much they wish to pretend that they are descendants of those who lived there originally. The Arabs are not descended from Philistines either.

No, the Arabs are either Egyptian or Iraqi. And since the Arabs conquered Egypt, at least some of them as well are Ishmaelites...our cousins. And G-d has never said to wipe them out.
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Offline judeanoncapta

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Re: The Sickest Self Hating Jew of All Time!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #15 on: March 28, 2007, 03:26:41 PM »
No prophet of G-d told the Maccabbees anything and yet, they killed every Greek in Israel that they could get their hands on.
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Re: The Sickest Self Hating Jew of All Time!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #16 on: March 28, 2007, 03:36:08 PM »

But the Greeks had taken over Israel, AND they were trying to actively force the Jewish population (Which was under their control) to worship false gods. And! The Greeks went into the Temple and made sacrifices to their gods there which blasphemed HaShem. was a much different circumstance.
Victory is a thing of the will. -General Ferdinand Foch

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Re: The Sickest Self Hating Jew of All Time!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #17 on: March 28, 2007, 03:45:15 PM »
And G-d has never said to wipe them out.
False.  G-d commanded us to throw out any nation living in Israel no matter who they are as stated in the book of judges.  The 7 nations were the ones living in there at that time so many verses specifically refer to them but the same applies to any nation living in there today as other verses indicate.  And the Bible specifically says "when you go out to war against your enemies" meaning any one who is your enemy go out to war against.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2007, 03:48:03 PM by jdl4ever »
"Enough weeping and wailing; and the following of leaders & rabbis who are pygmies of little faith & less understanding."
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Re: The Sickest Self Hating Jew of All Time!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #18 on: March 28, 2007, 05:04:21 PM »
Dawn treader, any Goy who will become a Ger Toshav, I dont have a problem with, they can stay in Israel and must be treated kindly. But there is nothing moral or Jewish about being nice to our enemies. Even in modern times David Raziel single handedly stopped the attacks against Jews by Arabs in the 1930's by blowing up Arab marketplaces, Mosques and buses.

As I have said before I dont hate any race, but the Jewish people fight nations not people, that is how Hashem has commanded us to fight, and he never placed a time limit on these Halachot.
"For it is through the mercy of fools that all Justice is lost"

Offline judeanoncapta

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Re: The Sickest Self Hating Jew of All Time!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #19 on: March 28, 2007, 09:17:47 PM »

But the Greeks had taken over Israel, AND they were trying to actively force the Jewish population (Which was under their control) to worship false gods. And! The Greeks went into the Temple and made sacrifices to their gods there which blasphemed HaShem. was a much different circumstance.

It's not different at all. The Arabs are desecrating the holy of holies every single day. They also make sacrifices to a moon god named Allah there which blasphemes Hashem.
Every year, they convert around a hundred Jews to that moon god worship. If they could force us to convert they would.
The circumstance is not different at all. If Judah Maccabee was alive today, he would be slaughtering Arabs left and right.
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