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What is the best movies have you seen?

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Rain Man? Anyone? Anyway, I'd just like to point out something that might be of interest from the movie "Saving Private Ryan" which was directed by Steven Spielberg, just incase some people here didn't happen to know.

There was a time in the movie where the squad of soldiers attacked a German radar station and killed all of the troops occupying it except for one who they held for a short amount of time and later released. They had only one casualty however I can't remember if there was evidence in the movie indicating that the German POW was directly responsible for the casualty. If I was there, I would've killed the son-of-a-b*tch regardless if he shot the American soldier or not. There was even a corporal whose name was Opphum who was rather friendly towards the German POW; going so far as to even have a cigarette with him.

So anyway, they released the Nazi and, at the end of the movie, he killed not one but probably three of our soldiers, including the protagonist/Captain of the squad. One was also Jewish. U.S. reinforcements finally arrived and just when the released German soldier and his surrounding troops were probably thinking about retreating, corporal Opphum came out of a crater and pointed his gun at the German troops, demanding surrender. The German soldier whom he had met before smiled and said the Corporal's name; simultaneously gesturing surprise yet a very slight amount of relief. Opphum came to his senses and shot the bastard. He then ordered the other German troops to surrender and turn themselves in.

I don't know about you but if you ask me, I'd say there's a lesson here. I guess Spielberg changed over the time.

I don't see many movies, but here are ones that I've especially liked:

"Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown" by Pedo Almodovar
"All About My Mother" by Pedro Almodovar
"Excalibur" by John Boorman
"Animal House"
"All That Jazz" (the film based on the life of choreographer Bob Fosse)

...and the Mel Brooks movies.


--- Quote from: Din Rodef on March 28, 2007, 06:03:18 PM ---Beyond the Valley of the Dolls
It's a Wonderful Life
A Clockwork Orange

--- End quote ---

Have you read the article why liberals hate stanley kubrick?

My list:

Heat (robert de niro, al pacino)
Taxi Driver
Raging Bull
The French Connection
Andrei Rublev
Arlington Road
Black Hawk Down
once upon a time in america
the limey

I better stop here I could go on forever.

Terminator 2 is the best move ever made. (-:  The Ten Commandments is number two since it modified some stuff. 

The Ten Commandments was a classic example of campiness.  I liked how Anne Baxter cooed "Moooses, Mooooses Moooses, are her lips ruby red and moist like mine?  Or are they parched by the desert sun?" 


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