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--- Quote from: Marzutra on October 28, 2006, 10:25:32 AM ---Shalom Davkakach.  I most deffinately agree with you, no harm nor offense taken.  I do know that my Rabbi supports Israel and would like to see a Jewish Israel and does much for the community.  Can you recommend any good Yeshivas or Orthodox institutions possibly in Canada or Israel?  Since being from a "progressive" "Jewish" family with no connections in Israel, it makes it very hard to return.  I had been there, obviously through the "Jewish Establishment", but I found it extremely hard to find employment to fund study, direction into proper Jewish Yeshivas, especially someone who has the basic level of Hebrew understanding.  Any advice or information is always greatly accepted.  Toda roba Davkakach.

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Shalom Marzutra.  I'm sorry I don't have any concrete advice to give you.  But I can share with you my plans for returning to Israel.  Basically, you're right---it is difficult to live in Israel in general, and even more difficult to live as a righteous, G-d fearing Jew, and these difficulties have nothing to do with the land, which is blessed, but rather with the evil Bolsheviks ruling over it.  When I return, I intend to live only in the Judea and Samaria region (which the MSM calls the "West Bank" in an attempt to de-Jewify this sacred Jewish land), and if I am to attend a Yeshiva, it will be only the "Yeshivat HaRa'ayon Hayehudi" (if this Yeshiva accepts me), founded by Rav Meir Kahane HY"D, or another yeshiva endorsed by "Yeshivat HaRa'ayon Hayehudi".  Once I arrive in Israel, I should be emotionally ready for anything---including sitting in prison and being penniless.  Noam Federman's hardships and his willingness to endure them without sacrificing his principles reveal his righteousness and indicate his spiritual Madrega.  As a Torah-true Jew, I should consider such hardships, when they befall upon me, as a privilege, an honor, and a insignificantl price to pay for living in Eretz Yisrael.  Netan'el Ozeri HY"D, Noam Federman, and other Kahanists are fortunate to have been married to righteous Jewish women who fully supported them, and never resented the difficulties that were their lot, as a result of their husbands' cleaving unto G-d and resisting the temptation to compromise their principles and their faith.

So, again, I'm sorry I can't answer your question concretely.  All I can say is that if you decide to do Aliya to Eretz Yisrael, and intend to be a real (Kahanist) Jew, brace yourself for anything.  You should really enter a different state of mind, like Noam Federman, like Itamar Ben-Gvir---so that, no matter what, the Bolsheviks won't break you, so that fasting for an entire week will seem like nothing, so that the prospect of languishing in jail for months, or even years, will seem like a pleasant vacation.  If you were following coverage of Yig'al Amir over the years, you would notice that in most photos he smiles---because he knows that what he did was a righteous deed, and he is proud of it, and that is the attitude that every real (Kahanist) Jew should have.


--- Quote from: davkakach on October 27, 2006, 05:39:56 PM ---
--- Quote from: Marzutra on October 26, 2006, 11:26:58 PM ---Shalom to all.  You are all clearly far more scholarly in Torah than I so I will most definitely stick to what I know best.  My Rabbi is Lubavitch and very informative in Torah and Talmud:  Now I know there are differences between Orthodox Judaism and Chassidim which Lubavitch is, although I do not know what.  Perhaps someone might inform me of these differences and are they something that should be of consideration? 

I have read many books on Zionism and Jewish Nationalism.  It seems to me that Labor Zionism is the sham, like the Bund, that is continually working against Jews and Israel.  Have you read “Perfidy” by Ben Hect.  This book I found fascinating. I couldn’t believe it until I researched many points myself.  I continually recommend “To Eliminate the Opiate” – Rav. Marvin Antelman which is a very quick but amazing overview of Jewish History and the various movements/schisms that continually work to undermine Judaism.  Sadly, the buck seems to end at the upper positions in the Israeli government, Diaspora Jewish Establishment and too the CFR.   Although I find that he is a poor writer and takes the conspiracy stuff a bit to the extreme, Barry Chamish’s latest book about Shabbatai Tzvi and Labor Zionism actually raises many questions which especially with the background of Hect, Antelman and Gershom Gerhard Scholem's works leave the Socialist "Jews" much to answer for.  There is actually a fabulous book written in 1798 by John Robison that lays out the first organized Communist Movement which seems to be the predecessor of the General Jewish Labor Union: The Bund of 1897.  Labor Zionism clearly stems from the Bund as does the cults of Reform and Conservative “Judaism”.  I strongly recommend Antelman’s and Hect’s books.  Both show a very different light to Jewish History than is taught openly.  When I was in the absorption center in Israel we had classes in Israel “history”.  The instructors painted Lahey and Itzel as “terrorist” groups.  I don’t know of any “terrorists” that warned their targets prior to acting?  In any event, I look forward to any and all information.  May HaShem wipe Iran and those greasy Muslims from His Earth.  Toda roba ve shalom.

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I also read "Perfidy" and I agree that it is a very important book.  The problems I see with Lubavitchers are, (a) Lubavitch ZT"L is considered by his followers to be above human, i.e. Moschiach or an angel, and (b) the Lubavitchers, as are Satmer, Skvirer, etc., are all part of the Hasidut movement, which Gaon of Vilna characterized as "a cult dangerous to Judaism".  The Hasidim are racist and regard non-Ashkenazi Jews almost the same as Goyim.  Don't take it personally, but I agree with Gaon of Vilna.  When Rav Kahane HY"D was fighting against the Israeli Knesset's effort to ban his party, not a single rabbi came to his aid.  All Rav Kahane needed was one lousy "recommendation" letter from any well-known rabbi in Israel, asserting that Kahane was not racist, and that he and his party were true to the Torah.  I'm sorry to say that only Kahanists are the "real deal" when it comes to authentic Judaism.  Lubavitch, Skvirer, Satmer, et al prove Rav Kahane's point when he said that it was easier to bring the Jew out of the exile than to bring the exile out of the Jew.

However, regardless of how negatively I depicted Hasidim, the Shas crooks are a million times worse.

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Marzutra, I know where you're coming from . Chamish, Antelman.  I even read some of Gershon Scholem (in antelman's reference pages).  I am from an orthodox background.  I can tell you that Lubavitch are kosher, they are orthodox. Infact, on one lubavitch forum, they say that the leader of lubavitch(who died around 1991). had spoken with kahane and said he was a righteous man.

Only a tiny number of lubavitchers consider their leader divine. I don't know how many of them think he was the messiah and will return. But from my experience, most don't.  Go to  it's a great lubavitch site, where you can chat to rabbis in real time.

Even the satmar anti-zionists, are legitimate. Listen To Rabbi Meir Kahane in the lecture "Yoke Of Torah" on youtube, he will tell you, they are torah jews, they base their argument on the torah, but he explains why he thinks that it's very clear why they are wrong.
I even know some non-zionists that say now the state of israel exists, that is the reality, whether they wantd it or not. And the thing to do is to stop it deteriorating, because if israel sins, G-d punishes israel.  And of course they want a strong israeli army.

The Neturei Karta, are a tiny minority of anti-zionists, a minority excommunicated from satmar . They are totaly corrupt, their position is not legitimate. They stand with muslim terrorists and their leader was even given money by arafat!!
google neturei karta arafat abu
(see the picture!!!)

Chassidim (of which lubavitch and satmar are a part) are not racist at all. They are ashkenazi, they follow ashkenazi customs.  So sephardim tend not to become chassidim , because sephardim have their customs. In Judaism we follow the customs of our ancestors.

Rabbi Meir Kahane went to Mir yeshiva! I've heard that there are yeshivot set up by rabbi kahane. But remember, rabbi kahane's great son was murdered, and those yeshivot may not be so good. Go to israel and visit the yeshivas.  See what they recommend. Yeshiva may be too advanced initially. You want a basic jewish education.  There are organisations like Seed.  or Aish or Ohr Sameach. Orthodox Jewish outreach groups you can contact for help.

Rabbi Kahane focussed on Kahanist principles.  He wrote many books, including a commentary on the entire bible!! Which when I learn to translate hebrew i'll get!!

Rabbi Kahane didn't come to create a new sect. Rabbi Kahane's ideas apply anywhere. Many lubavitchers are kahanist.

Did you know that around 40% of israelis want the arabs given incentive to leave , and I expect, they probably would want them forced out. There was apoll done. So many people are kahanist. Whether they know it or not.

DavkaKach mentions that the Vilna Gaon (great rabbi in the 1800s) said that Chassidim are a dangerous cult. It's true that the vilna gaon was against it. But it's common in jewish history that during one period, a rabbi is considered controversial. But after a while, people change their minds when they see their fears don't come to pass.
Even Maimonides , the RAMBAM.  Was considered very controversial in his time. But now he is considered one of te greatest rabbis of all time.  And one of the main rabbis that disagreed with him was Nachmonides, the RAMBAN.  Yet nowadays, both the RAMBAM and RAMBAN are both rated very highly. On the little that they disagree on, we may choose who we follow. 

Thanks very much for the information.  My Lubavitch Rabbi stated that Kahane was right and in total agreement with him.  He supports the Land of Israel but not the current Government/State of Israel due to its immense secularism, socialism etc.  Now compare that to my good friends relatives who believe Kahane to be everything but a righteous Jew.  They are so closed minded and intolerant that they have made up their minds without ever reading any of Rabbi Kahane's works, nor listened to any of his lectures and/or debates.  Wouldn't they even consider it questionable that Jabbotinsky, Begin and Shamir were all made to be or presented as "terrorists", "racists", "right wing extremists" by the Bolshevik Labor Zionist Judenrot scum only to later become Supreme Leaders of Aretz Israel?  They don't even see they hypocrisy of what the Left are doing.  It is so sad that Rav. Kahane didn't live long enough to have his name vindicated.  Thanks again… M


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