Interior Minister Eli Yishai of Shas wants to re-start the open-ended immigration of more Ethiopians to Israel only one's keen on bringing yet more Ethiopians to Israel is the Shas Party (who Chaim calls "the most unbelievably evil party in Israel") under its leader R.Ovadiya Yosef (who Chaim calls "demented"), together with a few extreme leftist Israelis, backed by "bleeding-heart" liberal Americans.
Yossi Sarid of Meretz actually advocated bringing over a million Ethiopians immediately in the 90s! Although an Ethiopian black, once he's undergone geirus and keeps to Judaism, changes from being a somewhat Judaised negro to Halachically a full Jew, the connection of the next batch of Falash Mura, with the potential of vast hordes to follow them, is just too tenuous: "By bringing the Ethiopians over, we haven't done any favors for us, nor for them" (Natan Sharansky, then immigration minister).
R.Moshe Feinstein ruled that the Falashas had the status of "
sofek yehudi" who required
giyur l'kula; all poskim rule that the Xtianised Falashmuras have the status of complete goyim who require
giyur l'chumra.
As with all groups, some become "israelified' criminals, drugs being a big problem with the Ethiopian youth, plus many family murders every year; others become tzaddikim and do their duty eg
Ethiopians generally make good soldiers
Doron Mehereta, yeshivah student, slain in Mercaz Harav massacre
Whe Falashas or Falshmuras move in to an Israeli neighborhood, just like the Jews in the US when blacks move in, most Israelis, especially Ashkenazi chillonim ones, flee!