Thank you mord! You are also a great person and a good friend!
You're a good friend and a great JTFer.
Everyone has things they can work on to improve themselves, but I think you probably know what those are better than anyone else would. I will say one thing though, that concerns me a lot. I worry that you provoke Muslims a lot, and I think you could get your point across effectively without putting your life in danger so often. I don't want you to get hurt!
Thank you!
You are right. I provoke Muslims with my Magen David and maybe the JDL Shirt I wear. But I have a right to wear them! Why shouldn't I wear them? Because Muslims feel provoke because of it? No! I feel provoke if I see a Turkish flag or a mosque! I will go on wearing my stuff. Whatever others think about it! I show my support! I am not afraid! I will do EVERYTHING that is necessary to protect Jews and Christians toward Muslims, Nazis and Islam.
It doesn't matter if I am in danger or not. Never Again will be 6 million Jews murdered by Nazis or Muslims! It's my duty to do it. I am not afraid to kill a Muslim or a Nazi if a Jewish life is in grave danger!
Kahanism will or is already in Germany and we will take over these filthy Nazis and Muslims who threat Jews!
Never Again! Nie wieder!
Kahane Chai! Kahane lebt!