Imerica, you are wasting your time here since we do not think that ALL blacks are evil. We just think that black culture is mostly evil. I mean you experienced its effects first hand so that should be enough. You think the black culture in Africa is acceptable? It is the poorest country in the world and has constant civil war, murder, rape, starvation and is an AIDS farm. If you want to counter racist people, then go to genuinely racist forums like [censored site].com and not accuse righteous Jews and Gentiles of being racist.
We stand up for what is right in the eyes of G-d and don't care if the truth offends you. Let me contrast Jewish culture with Black culture. It is completely unacceptable in Judaism for a man to beat his wife. Such a man is a coward and he is shunned by the community. Pre marital sex does not happen at all in religious Jewish families such as my own. Rape is unheard of and violent crime is very rare among religious Jews, almost non existent in America. And we don't complain about being discriminated against all the time. Compare this with Black culture where no one is a virgin since they can't control themselves. Rape is commonplace and violent crime happens every day on every block in some neighborhoods. It is also very common to see black men beat their wives. AIDS and STDs are very high in the black population as well as abortions. Black men like to leave their black children behind as well. How many black women and men are like you and your husband in all honestly? You think that you represent the majority of black women?
Fortunately, I dont' think I'm wasting my time here. Maybe I'm here for a reason. Maybe through all of the negative stereotypes you keep spewing about blacks, I can find out more about your culture and learn something I've never knew about someone else's background.
As for what I experienced, those crimes aren't represented in only the black community. I want you to turn off JTF news for a week and see what's really happening in the world. Who is committing the crimes you're talking about, where, why and how. When you've done that, if you come back with "See, I told you, mostly blacks are killing, raping, hijacking, listening to that 'crap' music and being incited to kill the white man," or whatever the damage may be, I'll leave this forum and never come here again. I'll go and spread my "love and peace for EVERYONE" mantra elsewhere. To make it fair though, lets watch the same channel... Something that neither the left or the right can touch... CNN. Its a neutral network that reports the news as it should be. (Fox News and MSNBC don't really appeal to me)... but its your choice. If you find that the news isn't filled with black men walking off with handcuffs I'll only ask one thing of you. That you find out something ELSE about the black community besides what the evil people are doing. I don't care if its one thing or 3 things; just find something that peaks your interest about the American Black culture. Or hell, just ask me something and I'll be more than happy to tell you anything you want to know.
*If you don't want to do this, I'll understand. I see I'll just have to stick around a little longer. *