Author Topic: How common are partial-birth abortions?  (Read 9420 times)

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Offline RationalThought110

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Re: How common are partial-birth abortions?
« Reply #25 on: April 22, 2007, 07:21:21 AM »
"...if we allow abortion, where does it end?..."

Try this scenario...

State of the art genetics allows for cloning, identifying families of individuals who carry certain genetic predispositions.

Here's what's coming:

Soon, all computerized ID cards will carry the owner's complete life record including DNA analysis, etc... .

The "health care industry" will soon have analysed every single individual in the country, and drawn up dossiers on everyone based on "risk" potential.

Expectant parents who register as "suspect" will be offered the ultimatum:  either abort the baby, or have your entire familys' insurance cancelled.

All embryos in their mothers' wombs will soon be examined by "specialists" looking for any possible gene sequences indicating a "risk" for developing virtually any disease or problem; even if it is not expected to develop until very late in life.

In the coming socialist world of "single payer" insurance, "universal coverage", etc., all that will matter is "how much are you costing "the community"?

If an individual requires medical care outside of an occasional routine exam, they will be told that they "are damaging our perfect system", and their insurance and "right to health care" will be immediately cancelled by the State.

In addition, the technology will soon present the ability to clone any and all human organs, as replacements for worn out or damaged ones.

Surgery as we have known it, will be a thing for the history books.  Instead, most aging or damaged organs will be regenerated through the new miracles of modern genetic science.

Result:  The "health care professionals", "associated health-care industries", and "The State", are all going to take a good look around at all the billions of humans now living in overpopulation.  They will set quotas allowing only the currently wealthy individuals capable of affording organ & limb regeneration to live as full citizens.  All others will be completely "cut off" from all rights as human beings.  Some will be actually enslaved, cloned, & mass produced so that they can be murdered & have their organs harvested for use by the rich elites.

Even further:  Because the ability to clone life without sexual reproduction will soon exist, and because pre-natal care and childbirth place a financial burden on "the community", sex will be complete outlawed for all except the elite rich few able and willing to pay a tremendous license fee for that luxury.  Holders of a sex license will be forced to be either sterilized or injected with long lasting birth control drug devices.

Cloned slaves will function in all servile positions; everything from housecare to manufacturing will be the domain of the clones; some of whom will be genetically engineered to be true androids.

"I've seen the future; and it's murder."...Leonard Cohen

Hillary Clinton has already called for a single database to list the medical records of everyone.

Offline jdl4ever

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Re: How common are partial-birth abortions?
« Reply #26 on: April 22, 2007, 12:49:24 PM »
OK I apologize for judging you.  For me if I had it twice I would think that there is a good chance of having it again.
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Re: How common are partial-birth abortions?
« Reply #27 on: April 22, 2007, 01:44:15 PM »
OK I apologize for judging you.  For me if I had it twice I would think that there is a good chance of having it again.
Like I said, I didn't concieve after my second child for 7 years, jdl, I was sure that pre e wouldn't find me again. But after you've been told by doctors that "its only known to happen once in African American women", you tend to think ... hey, maybe they're right. My Second child is now 10 and my third will be 3 soon. I was sure that if I'd gotten pregnant again that it would happen again so once the bc method failed, we had to make a hard decision. Either I'd be incapacitated and not be able to take care of my children or myself during the pregnancy, and avoid being put into a hospital without anyone to take care of my children while I'm pumped full of drugs, or I have an abortion so that I could be there for my older children. Some women would have chosen to die and leave their older kids. I wasn't going to do that.

Offline kahaneloyalist

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Re: How common are partial-birth abortions?
« Reply #28 on: April 22, 2007, 01:57:00 PM »
Interesting note, according to the American Medical Association, 50% of all sterile woman, that is those who are incapable of becoming pregnant, became sterile because of an abortion.
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Re: How common are partial-birth abortions?
« Reply #29 on: April 22, 2007, 03:44:54 PM »
Interesting note, according to the American Medical Association, 50% of all sterile woman, that is those who are incapable of becoming pregnant, became sterile because of an abortion.
And that's their cross to bare. Their business. Its unfortunate but just like I can't change your minds on your stances on how you view black people, you can't change the minds of women who choose to have abortions for whatever reasons.

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Re: How common are partial-birth abortions?
« Reply #30 on: April 22, 2007, 07:11:47 PM »
Who is talking about how we view black people? This thread is solely about abortion. Why have you put race into the mix?

I am surprised that you did not know that hormonal contraception is among the least reliable contraception out there. The Pill has a 97% success rate when it is used perfectly... since the Patch uses the same hormonal poisons, it's rate is similar. If this was such a huge issue for your health, you or your husband should have looked into a sterilization long, long ago.


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Re: How common are partial-birth abortions?
« Reply #31 on: April 23, 2007, 03:52:42 AM »
Who is talking about how we view black people? This thread is solely about abortion. Why have you put race into the mix?

I am surprised that you did not know that hormonal contraception is among the least reliable contraception out there. The Pill has a 97% success rate when it is used perfectly... since the Patch uses the same hormonal poisons, it's rate is similar. If this was such a huge issue for your health, you or your husband should have looked into a sterilization long, long ago.

Actually Chaimfan, this is your quote in the beginning of the thread...

***Sidenote: Blacks are 13% of the U.S. population but constitute 37% of abortions***

I've tried all kinds of birth control. I had my first child at 21, my second at 23. We, my husband and I were too young to be sterilized at that time... After my second child I was on Depo Provera which took me from 135lbs to 175lbs in 4 months and caused a heck of a lot of other physical problems I wont' mention here. After that, we used condoms solely until I found out about the Patch. We used it alone for 4 years with no problems. 7 years later, when we were ready to have another baby, I got off of the Patch and we concieved my third child. After she was born, I started the Patch again... she was 1 when we concieved again (while I was wearing the Patch). I was told after my third daughter was born that we shouldn't try to conceive again because the pre e came back when I was pregnant with her.  I didn't expect the one B.C. method that worked for me before to fail on us years later.

Needless to say that now, my husband is looking into getting a vas. I can't have a tubal ligation because I've already had two emergency c sections AND an abortion. Its too much for my body to take.

So Chaim fan this has less to do with what we "SHOULD HAVE" done and more to do with "WHAT WE WILL DO NOW."
« Last Edit: April 23, 2007, 06:03:10 AM by Imerica »

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: How common are partial-birth abortions?
« Reply #32 on: April 23, 2007, 09:57:50 PM »
Fine, people can have an abortion.  However, there should not be any law that encourages people to do so. 

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: How common are partial-birth abortions?
« Reply #33 on: April 23, 2007, 09:59:23 PM »
Interesting note, according to the American Medical Association, 50% of all sterile woman, that is those who are incapable of becoming pregnant, became sterile because of an abortion.

Yes.  It will be their problem.  And then they can blame idiots like Rosie O'Donnell.