Thanks for educating me on that Kahane Was Right Bt.. I guess its hard to undersand the history of Khazar nation. From what I read, there was a king who was a muslim, but he lator favored Judaism over Islam , because he thought Islam was fallacious. I really don't know the depths of Khazar history, I did dabble with it a bit, but have forgotten a lot of what I read. As I said, paganism was a great influence of their culture than Islam was. Jews in MUslims countries lived mainly as indentured subjects who were forced to pay the unscrupulous jizya (Muslim Tax) or either that they woudl have to sell their wives as sex slaves or even be murdered. The Khazars in my mind were definately not islamic. Many of the Christians in the region were following medieval Catholicism, which was quite barbaric in olden times. Those catholic nations would more or less force Jews to convert or exterminate them. This is not because of the bible perse, but rather
Muman.. I don't find the bible to be hateful of Jews, but yeah, it does point to you need Jesus for salvation. The bible was written by Jewish scholars, who left their JEwish heritage behind. Hellenism, probably was a major factor here , as the Greeks spread their culture and theology around the world and many JEws succumbed to that. Judaism and Christianity can coexist, but cannot intermix. I don't see how Christians are a threat to the JEwish people.. THey want us to be CHristians and Jews want Christains to be Noachides. Hindus want us to worship Shiva.. Trust me, I have hindu friends, they would love it, but I will never do it and they will never force me or hate me for not doing so. Everyone wants something, but nobody will force anyone. We are not muslims! Muslims believe you must convert to their religion or face torture, massive taxation, rape and murder.