Please try to understand why we are so opposed to mainstream black leaders. You say you oppose Sharpton and Jackson's racism but support the fact that they are "helping black people get jobs". Without getting into the perfectly valid questions of exactly who it is they are helping get jobs and what the proof is, I still do not think this is any kind of a valid reason to agree with them.
For starters, the fact that they (even in theory) are doing some good things does not negate their lifetime of evil. Al Sharpton ordered a mob of his crazed followers to kill every Jew they saw in Crown Heights, but he wants to help black people get jobs. I don't think that the latter negates the former. Joseph Stalin helped unemployed Russians get jobs (in the gulag, but that's besides the point). Hitler helped poor Germans get jobs. The Cali drug cartel bosses in Mexico that behead their enemies and rape and butcher poor village girls as a calling card to their rivals from those villages take awfully good care of their families. Big deal. Every evil person under the sun does a few apparently "good" deeds when it suits him or her. Your assertion that they are in part worth following because they run an employment program for African Americans bears no moral or practical significance whatsoever.
Secondly, the very notion of a blacks-only job aid program is racist and segregationist and apartheidist. How would you feel if Chaim opened up a jobs center just for whites? I am sure you would dislike that very much. You should be concerned with all needy people who are qualified or willing to be trained getting jobs, not just blacks.
Finally, you mention, in a positive light, the Million Man March. This has to be the point of yours that I agree with and respect the least. The MMM was organized and sponsored by Louis Farrakhan, a Muslim Nazi demagogue who openly admires Hitler, teaches that whites are space aliens, and believes that Jews are a devil race invented in a laboratory by treasonous black scientists. In addition to being hateful, the man is just plain insane. Do you really think JTF cares about some vague black-empowerment message he gives when the bulk of his message is to Kill Whitey and Kill Hymie? David Duke also puts together white rallies and marches and seminars with the theme of "white empowerment" or "Euro-American rights"... what do you think he says in these speeches?
Thanks for your interest in our forum, and we will continue to address the questions you present to us.
I more than understand what you have against Al Sharpton, Louis and Jesse. I concur with your anger towards them. But look. Chaim talks about Blacks in the same light Al and the boys talk about Jews and whites. There are people here who dont' agree with the way he speaks but still respect his approach to preserving Israel and its people. I can like the fact that jobs are being given by Al and still hate his guts where his politics and so called civil rights are concerned. And I don't think there is a valid reason to agree with Chaim when he admittedly puts ALL blacks into one lump and calls us ALL drek. But it is your opinion. I can't tell another grown person what to do with their ideas. Well, I could but its their perrogative to take it or trash it.

There has never been a time in the MMM where anyone has chanted "Kill whitey, Kill Hymie". As dreadful as Farrakhan is, he's never brought Allah into the Marches...because not everyone who attended was Muslim, or a part the Nation of Islam. There were a lot of people who were from every religious background. For Farrakhan to hold a hate ralley would make him no better than the KKK. Not that he's far from that negative accolade now with his political views.
The job centers in the inner city is needed. The job centers are not black ONLY they are for people who are either low income families of every race. When I was growing up, along with the black residents in the projects there were white residents as well. They were the minority but they were there. They also took part in receiving public assistance and any other service available in low income neighborhoods that happen to be predomenantly black. If Chaim came out with a white job center, I wouldn't be offended. LOL He'd be a part of the solution then. I'm aware that we are out of the 60's and well into the 21st century. I know you don't believe a word I'm typing, but unfortunately, I can't help that. But it should be noted that I notice how many homeless people there are on the streets in big cities like where I grew up, Chicago. We were also just stationed in New York for 3.5 years. We left in June of 06. I've visited Manhattan and saw the homeless population represented there. Its sad. Its not just blacks but whites, some Asian, some women and children, and a lot of Vets. I'm concerned with EVERYONE who is suffering in this country which is why I don't subscribe to the pity party some blacks throw in honor of their wounded pride. This is why I don't follow Farrakhan, Al and Jesse around like a loyal puppy-dog. Hanging on their every word. I respond better to positive action. Lip service can only get you so far.
And speaking of lip service, Don Imus is a prime example of a double standard in white America. He calls undeserving women "nappy headed hoes" and people (including himself) start saying "Come on, it was just a joke" but what about what he does for children with cancer and undepriviliged kids? " I respect his work with children with cancer, undeprivilaged children...I don't respect his whacked out version of 'humor'. He's disrespectful to everyone, I know. That's just crazy. But hey, if there is a job out there for disrespectful people like him, let him have it. LOL He should have been able to keep his job. I don't watch anyway.
In conclusion, Chaimfan, thank you for making things interesting here for me. I know more about the Jewish faith and JTF now. Who couldn't use more knowledge, right?