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Offline MrPatriot1776

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I support... the moderate Muslims
« on: December 09, 2009, 12:32:14 AM »
I've brought this up before, but it is worthy of attention once again... especially with the forum filling up with Ron Paul supporters and Muslims, I thought it would be fair to share my two cents also. Please don't ban me; I am honored to be a part of the JTF and hope to see you prove how much conservatives value free speech and open dialogue.

I joined the JTF desperate to find a political organization to support to help us radically step up the War on Terrorist Groups, in order to win it. To strike out Iran's, even China and N Korea's, nuke facilities. I also wanted to solve illegal immigration and the moral and cultural deterioration America is experiencing. The Constitution Party seemed cool, but their vice was not supporting the WoTG and being anti-semitic conspiracy nuts, for the most part.

So I joined the JTF. But, I found that the JTF's views... didn't exactly match my carefully formulated views...

From a moderate Muslim regarding Turkey:
"Turkey is one of the countries that depend and shows to the world the real islam about not the fake. god bless turkey and all of those that hate the terrorists and the Racists"

From a moderate Muslim regarding the Iraqi Military Tribute:
"woow thanx dude for this video ^_^ [censored] the insurgents "

And I'm supposed to believe the demagogic lie that "you can't be a moderate Muslim"?

If we are a political group, we should judge only based on the politics of people, not their religion - in which case moderate Muslims should be welcome here. And if we are a religious group, we should stop conning Christians (like me and many other users) into joining. Make your choice: Is the JTF a religious or political group?

There are 1.5 billion Muslims. If we view them all as infidels just as the radical Muslims view all of us (any Westerners) as infidels, are we really better than them?

Getting moderate Muslim support, not scapegoating all Muslims, is the key to defeating terrorism. The key to winning the War on Terrorist Groups (which is not a war on a tactic). And until you recognize that, the JTF will remain fringe.

A concession I will make is that ALL immigration to the West should be slowed.
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Offline GWallenberg

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Re: I support... the moderate Muslims
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2009, 12:36:06 AM »
Please pick up the Quran and see for yourself.

Offline The One and Only Mo

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Re: I support... the moderate Muslims
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2009, 12:37:19 AM »
This isn't as black and white as you make it, my friend.

Offline MrPatriot1776

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Re: I support... the moderate Muslims
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2009, 12:39:26 AM »
Please pick up the Quran and see for yourself.

I have read all the Jihadi verses, but things other, pacifist verses negate those.

True Muslims only believe in war as self-defense. The early conquest-driven Muslims? Those guys were radical, my friend.

Notice, one verse says "fight them as they fight you."

See Verse 5:32
« Last Edit: December 09, 2009, 12:45:48 AM by MrPatriot1776 »
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Offline The One and Only Mo

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Re: I support... the moderate Muslims
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2009, 12:45:27 AM »
I've brought this up before, but it is worthy of attention once again... especially with the forum filling up with Ron Paul supporters and Muslims, I thought it would be fair to share my two cents also. Please don't ban me; I am honored to be a part of the JTF and hope to see you prove how much conservatives value free speech and open dialogue.

I joined the JTF desperate to find a political organization to support to help us radically step up the War on Terrorist Groups, in order to win it. To strike out Iran's, even China and N Korea's, nuke facilities. I also wanted to solve illegal immigration and the moral and cultural deterioration America is experiencing. The Constitution Party seemed cool, but their vice was not supporting the WoTG and being anti-semitic conspiracy nuts, for the most part.

So I joined the JTF. But, I found that the JTF's views... didn't exactly match my carefully formulated views...

From a moderate Muslim regarding Turkey:
"Turkey is one of the countries that depend and shows to the world the real islam about not the fake. G-d bless turkey and all of those that hate the terrorists and the Racists"

From a moderate Muslim regarding the Iraqi Military Tribute:
"woow thanx dude for this video ^_^ deleted the insurgents "

And I'm supposed to believe the demagogic lie that "you can't be a moderate Muslim"?

If we are a political group, we should judge only based on the politics of people, not their religion - in which case moderate Muslims should be welcome here. And if we are a religious group, we should stop conning Christians (like me and many other users) into joining. Make your choice: Is the JTF a religious or political group?

There are 1.5 billion Muslims. If we view them all as infidels just as the radical Muslims view all of us (any Westerners) as infidels, are we really better than them?

Getting moderate Muslim support, not scapegoating all Muslims, is the key to defeating terrorism. The key to winning the War on Terrorist Groups (which is not a war on a tactic). And until you recognize that, the JTF will remain fringe.

A concession I will make is that ALL immigration to the West should be slowed.
There's no way to kill only the bad ones. We can't sacrifice ourselves so that "moderate" muslims can live. If there's a way to leave "moderate" ones alone, then fine. But there's no way. It's impossible to know who's who. If 10 muzzies are standing together, and you know one will kill you, but you don't know which, and all u have to do is a press a button and it will kill them all, are you really going to sacrifice your life to save 9 of them?

Offline MrPatriot1776

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Re: I support... the moderate Muslims
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2009, 12:48:13 AM »
I've brought this up before, but it is worthy of attention once again... especially with the forum filling up with Ron Paul supporters and Muslims, I thought it would be fair to share my two cents also. Please don't ban me; I am honored to be a part of the JTF and hope to see you prove how much conservatives value free speech and open dialogue.

I joined the JTF desperate to find a political organization to support to help us radically step up the War on Terrorist Groups, in order to win it. To strike out Iran's, even China and N Korea's, nuke facilities. I also wanted to solve illegal immigration and the moral and cultural deterioration America is experiencing. The Constitution Party seemed cool, but their vice was not supporting the WoTG and being anti-semitic conspiracy nuts, for the most part.

So I joined the JTF. But, I found that the JTF's views... didn't exactly match my carefully formulated views...

From a moderate Muslim regarding Turkey:
"Turkey is one of the countries that depend and shows to the world the real islam about not the fake. G-d bless turkey and all of those that hate the terrorists and the Racists"

From a moderate Muslim regarding the Iraqi Military Tribute:
"woow thanx dude for this video ^_^ deleted the insurgents "

And I'm supposed to believe the demagogic lie that "you can't be a moderate Muslim"?

If we are a political group, we should judge only based on the politics of people, not their religion - in which case moderate Muslims should be welcome here. And if we are a religious group, we should stop conning Christians (like me and many other users) into joining. Make your choice: Is the JTF a religious or political group?

There are 1.5 billion Muslims. If we view them all as infidels just as the radical Muslims view all of us (any Westerners) as infidels, are we really better than them?

Getting moderate Muslim support, not scapegoating all Muslims, is the key to defeating terrorism. The key to winning the War on Terrorist Groups (which is not a war on a tactic). And until you recognize that, the JTF will remain fringe.

A concession I will make is that ALL immigration to the West should be slowed.
There's no way to kill only the bad ones. We can't sacrifice ourselves so that "moderate" muslims can live. If there's a way to leave "moderate" ones alone, then fine. But there's no way. It's impossible to know who's who. If 10 muzzies are standing together, and you know one will kill you, but you don't know which, and all u have to do is a press a button and it will kill them all, are you really going to sacrifice your life to save 9 of them?

Our soldiers are killing insurgents, and doing a pretty good job. If we can't differentiate between radicals and moderates in a certain situation, by all means, kill all of them. But if the radicals stopped using human shields, then we would be able to kill less innocent Muslims.
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Offline New Yorker

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Re: I support... the moderate Muslims
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2009, 01:31:38 AM »

Where do you think the mass murdering terrorists get their money and support from? Yeah, from the so called "moderate" muslims. Every terrorist needs a place to stay, food, money, moral support, those lovely "moderate" muslims provide this. Want to see some "moderate" muslims? Type "palestine" and Israel or "palestine" and America into a youtube search, then browse some of the anti-Israel rants in the comments section, browse their youtube page, yeah you'll find your "moderate" muslims, whole social pages dedicated to Jihad, death to Israel and death to America.

Oh and on 9-11 most those "moderate" muslims were thrilled about it, they loved it! Immediately after 9-11, those "moderate" muslims when into propaganda mode for the terrorists. I remember them online saying, "Oh this is terrible..." then the next word "BUT",  Oh this is terrible, BUT, you must understand the grievances, blah.. blah.. blah..

GRIEVANCES!!!? This after 3000 of my countrymen had been massacred!!!!! They might as well have been mouthpieces for the terrorists themselves.

No there aren't moderate muslims, if they are moderate it is because for all intents and purposes they aren't muslim, they must be completely assimilated and/or secular, well, those are RARE.
Nuke the arabs till they glow, then shoot them in the dark.

Offline The One and Only Mo

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Re: I support... the moderate Muslims
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2009, 01:35:48 AM »
I've brought this up before, but it is worthy of attention once again... especially with the forum filling up with Ron Paul supporters and Muslims, I thought it would be fair to share my two cents also. Please don't ban me; I am honored to be a part of the JTF and hope to see you prove how much conservatives value free speech and open dialogue.

I joined the JTF desperate to find a political organization to support to help us radically step up the War on Terrorist Groups, in order to win it. To strike out Iran's, even China and N Korea's, nuke facilities. I also wanted to solve illegal immigration and the moral and cultural deterioration America is experiencing. The Constitution Party seemed cool, but their vice was not supporting the WoTG and being anti-semitic conspiracy nuts, for the most part.

So I joined the JTF. But, I found that the JTF's views... didn't exactly match my carefully formulated views...

From a moderate Muslim regarding Turkey:
"Turkey is one of the countries that depend and shows to the world the real islam about not the fake. G-d bless turkey and all of those that hate the terrorists and the Racists"

From a moderate Muslim regarding the Iraqi Military Tribute:
"woow thanx dude for this video ^_^ deleted the insurgents "

And I'm supposed to believe the demagogic lie that "you can't be a moderate Muslim"?

If we are a political group, we should judge only based on the politics of people, not their religion - in which case moderate Muslims should be welcome here. And if we are a religious group, we should stop conning Christians (like me and many other users) into joining. Make your choice: Is the JTF a religious or political group?

There are 1.5 billion Muslims. If we view them all as infidels just as the radical Muslims view all of us (any Westerners) as infidels, are we really better than them?

Getting moderate Muslim support, not scapegoating all Muslims, is the key to defeating terrorism. The key to winning the War on Terrorist Groups (which is not a war on a tactic). And until you recognize that, the JTF will remain fringe.

A concession I will make is that ALL immigration to the West should be slowed.
There's no way to kill only the bad ones. We can't sacrifice ourselves so that "moderate" muslims can live. If there's a way to leave "moderate" ones alone, then fine. But there's no way. It's impossible to know who's who. If 10 muzzies are standing together, and you know one will kill you, but you don't know which, and all u have to do is a press a button and it will kill them all, are you really going to sacrifice your life to save 9 of them?

Our soldiers are killing insurgents, and doing a pretty good job. If we can't differentiate between radicals and moderates in a certain situation, by all means, kill all of them. But if the radicals stopped using human shields, then we would be able to kill less innocent Muslims.
They won't stop using human shields or surrounding themselves by "innocent" ones. They take advantage of their own people and their enemy's morals.

Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: I support... the moderate Muslims
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2009, 02:04:04 AM »
"If we are a political group, we should judge only based on the politics of people, not their religion - in which case moderate Muslims should be welcome here. And if we are a religious group, we should stop conning Christians (like me and many other users) into joining. Make your choice: Is the JTF a religious or political group?"

Why does there have to be a choice ?

Why can't JTF be an organization dedicated to saving Western civilization from Islamic totalitarianism and imperialism, comprised of mainly religious people but also welcoming secular people who share the same political beliefs ?

Where do you come off making demands that JTF choose one or the other ?

No one conned you into joining the forum. And why would you feel that because you're Christian, that you've been conned ?

Also, there's something very disingenuous about you demanding that JTF either be a religious or political group. I notice you don't make that demand when it comes to Islam, which is quite obviously more than just a 'religion', but also dominates the politics of virtually every Islamic nation.

Quite a double standard you have there.

If you feel you've been conned into joining this forum, or if you're uncomfortable with the religious aspects of it -- there's a very easy solution.

"There are 1.5 billion Muslims. If we view them all as infidels just as the radical Muslims view all of us (any Westerners) as infidels, are we really better than them?"

Yes, we really are better than them. You see ? I said it. It's not that hard. Hopefully, one day the light will go on for you and you'll put aside your cultural relativism and moral equivalency and realize that YES, WE ARE BETTER THAN THEM.

You claim that the 'war on terror' isn't a war on tactics. Well, it sure is. Terror is a tactic employed by Muslims throughout the world to further Islamic hegemony and imperialism. It just so happens that the tactic of terror is Koranically inspired, and that's why virtually every act of terror is carried out by Muslims. That's why the 'war on terror' will never be won - because we aren't addressing the root cause of terror, which is Islam (as much as you would like to deny this painful reality).

I've got a suggestion for people like you. If you're so convinced that the key to defeating terrorism is getting the support of moderate Muslims, go find some and have them help you fight terror. Good luck with that.

By the way, since you seem interested in dialogue, what percentage of Muslims do you believe are 'moderates' ? Just curious.

Offline Rubystars

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Re: I support... the moderate Muslims
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2009, 02:21:05 AM »
There is no moderate Islam and there are no moderate Muslims.

Offline The One and Only Mo

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Re: I support... the moderate Muslims
« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2009, 02:25:11 AM »
Any "moderate" Muslim, isn't religious and therefore is just genetically Muslim.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: I support... the moderate Muslims
« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2009, 02:31:45 AM »
*sniff sniff*

I am getting suspicious here. If he is using the Koran to try to defend Islam, I am very suspicious of him.

Offline HiWarp

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Re: I support... the moderate Muslims
« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2009, 06:33:18 AM »
Moderate muslim = secular muslim = not a muslim in the eyes of a true muslim.

So, as far as I'm concerned, yeah I'll support moderate muslims because they aren't really muslims. But how many out of the 1.5 billion actually fit this description? And by the way, the moderate muslim who does not outwardly and devoutly practice islam and considers himself secular but who supports the annihilation of Israel and the takeover of Europe and America is NOT a moderate muslim.
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Offline Every Jew AK47

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Re: I support... the moderate Muslims
« Reply #13 on: December 09, 2009, 06:47:24 AM »
I like moderate Kaffirs.. I like extreme kaffirs too..

Well, I Like my muslims well done.. that way they cannot go blow up any more Jewish synagogues or American business buildings.  Of course the moderate muslims are always there to apologize for the extremists, who they seem to work hand-in-hand with.  Had it not been for moderate muslims, we would have had no exterem muslims.  Thanx to thsoe so-called moderate muslims, many innocent people have to die and we have to treat teh Muslim community with respect.  MUslims have only one desire, TO WIPE ALL US KAFFIR , APES AND PIGS , FROM THE EARTH!

SHalom Mr Patriot.. Look I know many naive Americans like you who think Islam is a peaceful religion.  Yet, one other thing I knwo is you never read about the final battle in the Quran where muslims will make deadly jihad against all non-muslims and wipe them off the earth.  IN this final book, Allah is no longer merciful, as he had been previously.  Muslim mercy is hardly mercy at all, but in the final battle there isn't any mercy , whatsoever.. On that day a Jew will hide behind  the rock and the rock will say, "OH Muslim, there is a Jew hiding behind me, slay him!"   Yes, this is the religion of love and peace.   Love = Love to Kill Infidels.  Peace = Let Infidels Rest in Peace Or "pieces".

After what happened in Fort Hood, its ashame that you think of Muslims still as your friend.  Nadil Malik Hassan was a good example of a so-called "moderate muslim".

I am a right-wing American Zionist Conservo-Libertarian Jew..  I know what it means to be a patriot. That means we support our forefathers and support the Chritiand and Jewish people.  Muslims come to destroy you and your culture and your heritage.  Why do you sit there and allow it like a blind man?  Open your eyes, ther eis no such thing as moderate muslim. THere is such thing as an ignorant muslim and that is what moderate muslims are.. But many moderates support, indirectly, the jihad of their brothers.. They want islamization to occur.  THere is a reasoon why most islamic countries are ruled by maniacs and not moderates. 

The Turks are blood suckres and have done everything in their power to oppress and harm the Jewish state. Don't go defending TUrks here.

Are you really an American Patriot? Just want to make sure, you are not the spammer who Dr. Brennan Fan accused me of being.. LOLOL..
Please keep the Kahanist movement strong and free of internal strife and drama.

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Re: I support... the moderate Muslims
« Reply #14 on: December 09, 2009, 06:47:56 AM »
Islam is Muhamadism, a violent, subversive, expansionist  political, legal and spiritual ideology. No one who calls himself muslim is a friend of mine. If he is welcome in mecca, we don't want him here.

What a great example in Turkey you bring. What a loyal and reliable ally it is.... NOT. Even most of the secular turks are savages in western suits. Just ask them something more specific like say... the Armenian genocide, the invasion of Cyprus, "Palestine", and see what answer they give you.

Also I want you to give an example of one moderate muslim party, one moderate muslim leader, can you name just one example and show it to be true ?

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: I support... the moderate Muslims
« Reply #15 on: December 09, 2009, 06:48:46 AM »

Please pick up the Quran and see for yourself.

I have read all the Jihadi verses, but things other, pacifist verses negate those.

True Muslims only believe in war as self-defense. The early conquest-driven Muslims? Those guys were radical, my friend.

Notice, one verse says "fight them as they fight you."

See Verse 5:32

Muslim don't believe any of this nonesense cause it's not relavent.
There are two main versions of the Qur'an - Suraht il-Madinah and Suraht il-Mahckia. Suraht il-Mackia is the more "peaceful one" --- that was written down by Muhammad's slave when he was in Mecca, and wanted support from the Jews and the local Arab Pagans, that's why he wanted to copy Judaism so much and he took various ideas from Judaism (Monotheism - "All-aht" is the name of the Babylonian Mythological idol "of moon", just like the Greeks had Zeus and the Romans had Jupiter, and he had many "children" in the Babylonian Pantheon, so he summarized it up by choosing "Allah" [an Arabized version of "All-aht"] and "his daughters" "il-Uzzah" and "Il-Mannaht", and he saw the Jews didn't like it either, so he changed it to Monotheism).

The Jews didn't like him and didn't accept his false religion - and so did most of the local Arabs. He wanted money, power, booty, etc and they didn't want to give it to him. That's why he went to Il-Yathrahb (il-Madinah) and when he got enough power, he wrote the more violent version of the Qur'an --- Suraht il-Madinah.

Now there's a major basic "rule" in the Qur'an. It's called "Wa'Nasach Wa'Il-Mansuch" - "the invalid and the irralevnt". When the verses are changed and edited, the ones they are placing are irrelavant according to the "Muslim law".
That means that the verses you posted, yes, the same il-Taqqiyah verses the Saudi government makes all of its efforts to spread it in non-Muslim countries, are irrelavant for the Muslims.

Offline Ithaca-37

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Re: I support... the moderate Muslims
« Reply #16 on: December 09, 2009, 06:49:58 AM »
"Moderate muslim = secular muslim = not a muslim in the eyes of a true muslim."

HiWarp (interesting handle there) hit the most salient point thus far in response.  Allow me to add another:  The original poster thinks that he/she has hit on something new?  Since oil was discovered in the middle east, every U.S. President has counted on doing business with 'moderate Muslims'.  Consequently, the West has endured the chronic headaches that inherently come from dealing with even marginal followers of a faith spawned by Satan himself.

Heck, arguably Reagan's biggest foul-up in his eight years was the Iran-Contra controversy.  It didn't bother me that he tried to funnel money to the Contras against the wishes to the libs in Congress.  It bothered me immensely that he aided supposedly 'moderate' fanatics in Iran to get that done.

So, in lieu of the same old/ same old with moderate Muslims, our current president is taking a brilliant new tack:  Taking the side of fanatical Muslims.

Swallow hard, Israel and the West.


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Re: I support... the moderate Muslims
« Reply #17 on: December 09, 2009, 07:16:14 AM »
If a muslim believes in everything jtf and kahanism believes in then I wouldn't mind that muslim. I'm sure he would eat a ham sandwich on a regular basis.

Americanpatriot, come on. Please  WTF?!  Wake up and smell the coffee. Turkey supports gaza. That's not moderate. If you can't see that then you need to be debrainwashed
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: I support... the moderate Muslims
« Reply #18 on: December 09, 2009, 07:19:06 AM »

If a muslim believes in everything jtf and kahanism believes in then I wouldn't mind that muslim. I'm sure he would eat a ham sandwich on a regular basis.

Americanpatriot, come on. Please  WTF?!  Wake up and smell the coffee. Turkey supports gaza. That's not moderate. If you can't see that then you need to be debrainwashed

That Muslim would be slaughtered and considered "Ibn Warraq".

Offline Every Jew AK47

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Re: I support... the moderate Muslims
« Reply #19 on: December 09, 2009, 07:36:29 AM »
I am just stickin to my name.. Death to Islam!!

Here is the face of Moderate Islam.. I think the pic of these two fags speaks for itself...
Please keep the Kahanist movement strong and free of internal strife and drama.

Offline Rubystars

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Re: I support... the moderate Muslims
« Reply #20 on: December 09, 2009, 09:59:44 AM »
"Moderate" Muslims only want to kill you once. Radical Muslims want to kill you over and over.


Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: I support... the moderate Muslims
« Reply #21 on: December 09, 2009, 10:30:51 AM »

There are no "moderate" and "extermist" Muslims, there are only dumb and smart Muslims. The "moderate" (smart) Muslims have murdered way more many Jews than the "extremist" Muslims did.

Offline HiWarp

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Re: I support... the moderate Muslims
« Reply #22 on: December 09, 2009, 10:43:03 AM »

There are no "moderate" and "extermist" Muslims, there are only dumb and smart Muslims. The "moderate" (smart) Muslims have murdered way more many Jews than the "extremist" Muslims did.

That's actually a brilliant way to look at it.

Extremist muslim = muslim who blows himself up and takes as many infidels as he can with him
Moderate muslim = muslim who finances and supports extremist muslims
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Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: I support... the moderate Muslims
« Reply #23 on: December 09, 2009, 10:46:22 AM »


There are no "moderate" and "extermist" Muslims, there are only dumb and smart Muslims. The "moderate" (smart) Muslims have murdered way more many Jews than the "extremist" Muslims did.

That's actually a brilliant way to look at it.

Extremist muslim = muslim who blows himself up and takes as many infidels as he can with him
Moderate muslim = muslim who finances and supports extremist muslims

Not neccesarily HiWrap.

Arafat is what Patriot1776's reffering to --- a non-religious Muslim. He really wasn't a religious Muslim just like Nasser and Assad (son and father). Though, the "P"LO had murdered the biggest amount of Jews after Hitler and Stalin. Hamas didn't even reach 1/8 of it. Hamas was the "moderate" organization in the first "Intifada", and "P"LO was the "extremist" one.

Offline The One and Only Mo

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Re: I support... the moderate Muslims
« Reply #24 on: December 09, 2009, 10:48:24 AM »

There are no "moderate" and "extermist" Muslims, there are only dumb and smart Muslims. The "moderate" (smart) Muslims have murdered way more many Jews than the "extremist" Muslims did.

That's actually a brilliant way to look at it.

Extremist muslim = muslim who blows himself up and takes as many infidels as he can with him
Moderate muslim = muslim who finances and supports extremist muslims

Like the opposite of Yissachar and Zevulun. Zevulun works so Yisachar can learn Torah, lehavdil, the "moderate" ones work so the extremists can kill non-Muslims.