Hey folks. If any of you listened to this weeks ask JTF, ou have may have heard my question in regard to interrcacial couples. I have often stated that us white men, gentile or jew, give women so much grief to the point where its like they dating anything but white men.
But when you calm down, and actually analyse the stats, white men reject white women far more than the other way round. Here are the stats...
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interracial_marriage_in_the_United_StatesWhite male with white female there was 50 224 000 weddings...
White female with black male, the one that gets highlighted the most is only 286 000...thats it..
Bare in mind that white male and black female is worryingly catching up with 117 000, nearly 50 % of the "traitorous" white females do..
But white male and white asain is by far the biggest racial marridge with a whopping 530 000, with 40 percent of asian women being with a white man...that is almost double what white female black male does...
To put the final nail in the coffin for white men, if you look at "other", which could be marrying mixed race, mexican etc, white man married over all it shows that 2.2 percent of white men married outside there race whereas 1.9 percent of white women married outside there race...
Now the big question is, why do us men focus on the what women do..ive done it in the past, but when you really take a step back, you can see in reality white men, jew or gentile are more race traitors than white jew/gentile female..
Here are my reasons as to why us white men notice black male white female couples more..
1) stick out like a sore thumb. Lets be honest white and black couples are more noticible. Especially in crowded situations. asains have palerskin, as do mexican and hispanic. Yet gorilla, with a white female, just naturally is more obvious.
2) We like women. Lets be honest us jtfers, are tough heterosexuals who like women. God made us attracted to women. We dont look at who a white male with, as we dont care whether hes with a black, a asia, etc. But we do care who a white girl is with as we are attracted to them. its in our nature to think"why is she with that jerk" etc. So when we see a black negro with a white female,we emphasise on it..aswecannot believe she would go with such a creature. But There is a very fast growing number of whitemen with black females,especially in the hollywood world, but because we dont care for men we dont highlight it.
3) white men asain women/mexican women are lighter skinned and more rightous. Very simple, its less obvious a white men and asain female/mexican as often they are paler skinned. Plus, asians are very intelligent and more often than not are very rightous(in my experience anyway). So you will see these couplesmore in the suburbs etc. Whereas blacks are the lowest of the low, so you wil see them more in inner city highstreets, shopping malls, walmart etc which again gives the mpressionits the most prevalent...
Conclusion-im not saying its not a problem, what i am saying is that we need to stop bashing our white women, and look at ourselves for once as well. And admit that its just as much as a problem with white men, if not more of a problem than with white men than white women.