Author Topic: ANOTHER Jerusalem "Gay Pride" Parade - Here we go again!  (Read 31884 times)

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Offline Shlomo

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Re: ANOTHER Jerusalem "Gay Pride" Parade - Here we go again!
« Reply #75 on: October 15, 2006, 05:20:35 PM »
Quote from: rko on October 13, 2006, 12:32:27 PM
what sort of backwards country punishes homosexuals, llet alone not punish homophobia? so backwards!

A country that has morals and ethics and doesn't tolerate or promote sub-human behavior... like how gay men on average have over 200 sexual partners in their life.

why is gayness wrong?

You aren't going to accept what we say because you are too busy justifying your behavior for your own ego's sake. Being gay is a choice... it comes from a reprobate mind that can't get kicks from normal sex anymore... they have to do the dirtiest thing they can think of so they can get their rocks off. It's call being a pervert.

Let me ask you... so is sex with animals ok then? Should incest be ok because people might be born that way? So if you just feel an urge, then it must be "OK" because you just feel like doing it? If it feels good... it MUST be right... is that what you are saying?

So the fact that a man cannot have children (at least with both the feminine and masculine influences in their lives which is important to human growth no matter how many self-serving gay psychologists tell you otherwise) and raise a healthy family is seen as a good thing? So you'd rather just skip the self-reflection that is required from seeing the importance (and life changing demands) of the opposite sex?

It just so easy to do what you feel, isn't it? But it just eats you up inside because deep down in there, this anger you exhibit is because you know you are doing something wrong and it makes you feel bad about yourself. That's why you go off in the forum and call us names... because you can't handle that. Your fragile ego can't take it. You'd rather not think about it or what it takes to be a man and how that might be valuable to your actually purpose in life. You'd rather convince yourself that your right and were just lunatics and you have it all figured out... you like how dirty it feels and the attention you get. If we are "deleted backwards folk" then you can feel better about yourself... or can you?

apart from the crap you read, why don't you be accepting to people. arent you supposed to love thy neighbour and forgive people?

Not if they #1) want to kill us or #2) are sick and disgusting and would influence us over generations to miss out on the real purpose of life... and that the self-reflection of a mate of the opposite sex is vital to figuring ourselves out and growing closer to G-d and understanding reality.
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim


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Re: ANOTHER Jerusalem "Gay Pride" Parade - Here we go again!
« Reply #76 on: October 15, 2006, 05:41:28 PM »
I feel like a sycophant doing this sometimes, but I must comend Jeffguy for another excellent post.

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Re: ANOTHER Jerusalem "Gay Pride" Parade - Here we go again!
« Reply #77 on: October 15, 2006, 05:52:44 PM »
yeah jeffguy has hit the nail on the head

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Re: ANOTHER Jerusalem "Gay Pride" Parade - Here we go again!
« Reply #78 on: October 16, 2006, 10:39:34 AM »

I myself am gay and happy, yes I'm very happy, I'm popular, got lots of freinds (all of which love the fact I'm gay) and my family all love me for who i am, I'm studying at university and generally having a great time!

Your "happiness" is a temporary thing. You cannot be really happy by disobeying G-d's laws. G-d created Adam and Eve and not Adam and Steve. If you study history properly no society that promoted homosexuality had survived. The same G-d who destroyed sodom and gomorrah those days is still executing His righteous judgment on fags. Your happiness in not really happiness but a darkness surrounding your soul. There are many fags who got delivered from homosexuality and living a normal life now.

No my happiness is not a "temporary thing" as you have said to nearly every gay person posting on this board. 
I'm not bothered about history, and as I keep saying, you people need to realise we are in the twenty first century and get with it!
Sodom and Gommorrah, hehe, Are you gonna go to the sodom and gomarrah show? Its a pet shop boys song and I love it, yes the pet shop boys are fags too, anyway beside the point.
And as you're not gonna refer to me as a gay man, or homosexual, then I'm quite happy to adopt the term "fag" I'm a fag and proud :D:D
And with reference to a normal life, I don't want to live a normal life, I think my life would be quite boring if i was a hettie actually (a hetrosexual) I love my life and wouldn't want to change anything about me.

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Re: ANOTHER Jerusalem "Gay Pride" Parade - Here we go again!
« Reply #79 on: October 16, 2006, 01:46:26 PM »
When you get AIDS and other fag diseases you will find out what your happiness is all about and it will not be boring!

(G-d forbid, I do not want you to get those diseases - I wish you repent from that evil habit as soon as possible)

One thing is certain - G-d will judge every fag and dyke and they will be punished for this ungodly behavior.

A sewer pig will always find pleasure in enjoying the dirty sewer water in the gutter.  A sheep, bunny or a cat would not enjoy filth like  a pig. Likewise when you repent and become a normal human being you will know that the fag behavior is abominable!

Also in the world to come all fags and dykes will burn in hell for ever (eternal on going destruction).   There is no place for fags and dykes in the world to come.

In this forum you are confronted by the Word of G-d by righteous Jews and Christians - This is a G-d given opportunity for you to repent and seek deliverance from the G-d of the Bible.

Repent before it is (eternally) too late!

The posters in the forum can pray for you and point you to the right direction.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2006, 02:20:14 PM by christianzionist »
Isaiah 62:1 -  For Zion's sake I am not silent, And for Jerusalem's sake I do not rest, Till her righteousness go out as brightness, And her salvation, as a torch that burns.

Offline lu2006

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Re: ANOTHER Jerusalem "Gay Pride" Parade - Here we go again!
« Reply #80 on: October 18, 2006, 06:50:19 AM »
You hetties can get AIDS too you know!! And as long as we take simple precautions (like using condoms) then the risk is minimal.  If you assume every gay man will eventually get Aids, you're very wrong. 

God can judge me however he wants, at the end of the day he made me gay so if he wants to punish his own creation then thats fair enough, although I wouldn't see the justice in that.

There has always been a place for "fags and dykes" in the past worlds, and there will be in the world to come. 

And finaly, you can pray for me as much as you like, but its not gonna change my sexuality! These people who claim were once gay and have now been "converted" are still gay, but merely trying to hide their sexuality and living in denial. 

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Re: ANOTHER Jerusalem "Gay Pride" Parade - Here we go again!
« Reply #81 on: October 18, 2006, 07:27:43 AM »
You hetties can get AIDS too you know!! And as long as we take simple precautions (like using condoms) then the risk is minimal.  If you assume every gay man will eventually get Aids, you're very wrong. 

G-d can judge me however he wants, at the end of the day he made me gay so if he wants to punish his own creation then thats fair enough, although I wouldn't see the justice in that.

There has always been a place for "fags and dykes" in the past worlds, and there will be in the world to come. 

And finaly, you can pray for me as much as you like, but its not gonna change my sexuality! These people who claim were once gay and have now been "converted" are still gay, but merely trying to hide their sexuality and living in denial. 
Take your precautions and do as you like! Just stop telling the rest of the world about it.
Your right there is a place for fags and dykes its the privacy of their own home. When will you people realize the less said the better.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Offline genteelgentile

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Re: ANOTHER Jerusalem "Gay Pride" Parade - Here we go again!
« Reply #82 on: October 18, 2006, 08:25:26 PM »
This is a couple of days late, but Oh, SNAP, Jeffguy layin' down the law once again!!  I think most of the people of JTF do not want homos to rot in hell or wherever.  But stop getting in our face.  Homos shouldn't marry.  It IS a decadent lifestyle that leads NOWHERE.  I have been acquainted with homos, and at the end of the day, they go home unhappy.  You can believe what the Bible says, or don't.  But that lifestyle is a bad choice.
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Re: ANOTHER Jerusalem "Gay Pride" Parade - Here we go again!
« Reply #83 on: October 18, 2006, 10:10:52 PM »
You hetties can get AIDS too you know!! And as long as we take simple precautions (like using condoms) then the risk is minimal.  If you assume every gay man will eventually get Aids, you're very wrong. 

G-d can judge me however he wants, at the end of the day he made me gay so if he wants to punish his own creation then thats fair enough, although I wouldn't see the justice in that.

There has always been a place for "fags and dykes" in the past worlds, and there will be in the world to come. 

And finaly, you can pray for me as much as you like, but its not gonna change my sexuality! These people who claim were once gay and have now been "converted" are still gay, but merely trying to hide their sexuality and living in denial. 

Heterosexuality by itself cannot cause AIDS.  AIDS is essentially a fag disease.  There are so many fags and dykes who have come out of that detestable lifestyle.  They live a normal life style.  They indeed experienced a total deliverance.

God did not create you as a fag.  It was your choice to become a fag by yielding to demonic voices.  Ex-fags can tell how devils came out of them and their sexual orientation got completely changed.
Isaiah 62:1 -  For Zion's sake I am not silent, And for Jerusalem's sake I do not rest, Till her righteousness go out as brightness, And her salvation, as a torch that burns.

Offline Shlomo

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Re: ANOTHER Jerusalem "Gay Pride" Parade - Here we go again!
« Reply #84 on: October 19, 2006, 02:36:52 AM »
Everyone in here should read this book:

The Marketing of Evil: How Radicals, Elitists, and Pseudo-Experts Sell Us Corruption Disguised as Freedom

One of the things it talks about, in full detail, is the propaganda set forth trying to sell the whole gay thing and it has full rebuttals to almost every thing you'll ever hear a homosexual pervert say to justify the whole culture and life style.

You hetties can get AIDS too you know!! And as long as we take simple precautions (like using condoms) then the risk is minimal.  If you assume every gay man will eventually get Aids, you're very wrong.

It's sad... do you know how many thousands of innocent children have gotten AIDS from gay blood donors? These people are so convinced into what they want to believe that they'll just run down and donate blood to children because they think AIDS isn't a gay disease. And you can't convince them otherwise. They are convinced! Let's drop the whole politically correct propaganda and look at reality here.

AIDS is a primarily gay disease. It was originally called "Gay-Related Immune Deficiency" (GRID) before it was called AIDS. Boy, that name got changed fast by the gay activists! There has been so much propaganda by the left and the schools to brainwash people into thinking differently... just like the whole thing with feminism or saying that there are more blacks in prison because the police are racists. Believe what you want to believe you sick pervert. You aren't going to change... you aren't in here to figure out why being gay might be wrong... you don't have an open mind. No, you are in here because you want to "educate us"... you arrogant sack of excrement.

Let me put it this way... you are so insecure about your "gayness" that you come into a religious forum to sound off about how you love being gay. Are you really that starved for attention? Do you hurt so bad that you have to come in here and then you'll know... if you convert one of those religious people to gayness, then you'll KNOW you were right! Is what I'm saying sinking in? You can't look at it... you're whole philosophy about having an open mind doesn't apply to yourself, does it?

You know as well as I, that condoms are NOT 100% effective at protecting from the AIDS virus.

G-d can judge me however he wants, at the end of the day he made me gay so if he wants to punish his own creation then thats fair enough, although I wouldn't see the justice in that.

Ok, how illogical is that? You see what kind of pseudo-intellectual garbage that is? Let's see if it holds up... let's look at the facts.

What if G-d made someone a murderer (heaven forbid)? Or let's just say that the man wants to kill stuff when he's born. So the guy might make a great butcher. He might be an incredible elite solder. -OR- He could kill innocent people to get his rocks off... so each person is born with a challenge in their nature but how you choose to use that is called "freedom of choice".

Saying G-d made you that way is the hugest and weakest cop-out I could ever imagine. It's so corny and so riddled with error that it makes me wonder how far out in fantasy land you live! I mean, some people say they know being gay is wrong but they just want to be gay right now. You... you wouldn't DARE thinking about easy that falls about because you'd have to accept that you wasted most of your life as a complete idiot.

There has always been a place for "fags and dykes" in the past worlds, and there will be in the world to come.

Past worlds? You've obviously came up with your own "religious" beliefs here... or you're a pagan. Ok, so you and your little group of gay buddies are so smart, that you can just ignore the actual real Bible that's been here for about three and a half thousand years... and also ignore all the most amazing and wise people who ever existed throughout the ages and what they contributed... and all the people that tried to prove it wrong and still can't... so you can somehow justify to yourself that being gay is ok. Talk about a messed up, self deceiving, ignorant, pervert piece of human garbage.

And finaly, you can pray for me as much as you like, but its not gonna change my sexuality!

Yup... just like I said.

These people who claim were once gay and have now been "converted" are still gay, but merely trying to hide their sexuality and living in denial.

You'd know all about living in denial, wouldn't you? We don't have a problem looking at reality... you do. So what are you getting from being here? Do you enjoy looking like a fool?
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim


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Re: ANOTHER Jerusalem "Gay Pride" Parade - Here we go again!
« Reply #85 on: October 19, 2006, 04:17:28 PM »
Another brilliant post Jeffguy.

Offline Christian Zionist

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Re: ANOTHER Jerusalem "Gay Pride" Parade - Here we go again!
« Reply #86 on: October 19, 2006, 07:56:47 PM »
Great post Jeffguy!  Your post itself should be sufficient to cure lu2006 from that fag disease!

Fags Are Biological Terrorists!

They carry AIDS and spread that all over the world.  Billions of dollars are wasted every year to do AIDS research.

Israel should not even permit these filthy fags to live in the Holy City of Jerusalem!  Jerusalem is the Holiest City on the face of the earth and no fag should be allowed to defile that.

Statistics We Should Know: It’s Not Just Holding Hands
• 65% of all reported AIDS cases among males in the United States since 1981 have been men engaged in homosexual behavior (Centers for Disease Control HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report, Vol.9, No. 2, May, 1998).
• Homosexuals account for a disproportionate number of cases of gonorrhea, hepatitis A, and hepatitis B (JAMA, 1986).
• 57% report they have had sex with more than 30 partners, and 35% claim to have had sex with over 100 partners (The Advocate, August 1994).
• 52% report they have had sex in a public park; 46% report they have had sex in a public bathroom (Genre magazine, October 1996).
• 48% of homosexuals admit to having participated in a “three-way” sexual encounter within the past five years (The Advocate, August 1994).
• A 2003 Dutch study of homosexual men discovered that the average homosexual union lasts 1 1/2 years. The study also found that men in homosexual relationships, on average, have eight partners a year outside of these relationships (Washington Times, July 11, 2003).


Homosexuality Costs Us Plenty!
$14.7 billion federal AIDS/HIV spending / 8,963 AIDS-related deaths = $1.64 million per AIDS-related death
(The Kaiser Family Foundation, 2003 & Centers for Disease Control, September 24, 2002)

Cancer Patients? $4.9 billion federal cancer-related spending / 550,000 cancer-related deaths = $8,828 per cancer-related death
(Congressional Activities Report, September 2002 & American Cancer Society, 2002)

Heart Disease? $2.58 billion federal heart disease-related spending / 710,760 heart disease-related deaths = $3,630 per heart disease-related death (American Heart Association, 2003)
« Last Edit: October 19, 2006, 08:14:19 PM by christianzionist »
Isaiah 62:1 -  For Zion's sake I am not silent, And for Jerusalem's sake I do not rest, Till her righteousness go out as brightness, And her salvation, as a torch that burns.

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Re: ANOTHER Jerusalem "Gay Pride" Parade - Here we go again!
« Reply #87 on: October 19, 2006, 08:57:02 PM »
talk about a subject that just won't die!!  Homos are in need of help.  Homosexuality used to be classified as a mental disorder.  It should be once again.  So many people can make this point better than me, but I know that it needs to be that way once again.  I don't want fag bashing, but this decadent lifestyle should NEVER be encouraged.
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Re: ANOTHER Jerusalem "Gay Pride" Parade - Here we go again!
« Reply #88 on: October 22, 2006, 03:16:38 AM »
Another brilliant post Jeffguy.

Ah... I dunno... I might have been a little rough on the guy. genteelgentile had a good point about it being a mental disorder. We still can't tolerate that garbage... it's sub-human and destroys the whole concept of the family with both a male and a female to raise a balanced child.

It just makes me nuts when people come in here telling us we don't have open minds. Sometimes it feels like we are the only ones with open minds. Everyone else is just sticking their heads in the sand and pretending that the problems don't exist.
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Re: ANOTHER Jerusalem "Gay Pride" Parade - Here we go again!
« Reply #89 on: October 22, 2006, 03:36:45 PM »
yeah they have open minds, their minds are so open nothing stays in ;D
"For it is through the mercy of fools that all Justice is lost"

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Re: ANOTHER Jerusalem "Gay Pride" Parade - Here we go again!
« Reply #90 on: October 26, 2006, 11:15:30 PM »
yeah they have open minds, their minds are so open nothing stays in ;D

hahahaha! The logic just falls right out, eh?

Did you ever notice that not one of them EVER refuted what I said? Not once... they ignored it... conveniently.
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim