Author Topic: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews  (Read 16478 times)

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Offline Sveta

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #50 on: March 28, 2010, 01:37:01 PM »
TO say the least, this guy is just a conspiracy nut. No need to argue with someone who is so brainwashed to the point of mental incapacitation.
Now, I never comment on here. I may ask Chaim a question on Sundays here and there and that is it. Mostly, because I do not see myself as a "member" here. However, I could not hep but laugh when I read what this "genius" said.
What I find amusing is the thought that (I assume) a grown person can view him/herself as a poor innocent little victim. Here is my version of what this troll thinks:
"Boohoohoo, I'm a white person and am a little victim of the Jews who are so wealthy while I'm such a poor aryan white. I hate Jews and prefer muslims, even though they kind of are at the helm of the petrolium industry and I hand over about $150.00 or more on gasoline for my redneck kkk American truck every month to the OPEC arab nations. Not to mention that if al-qaida ever caught me, they would literally SAW my head off with a seared knife. Not to mention that muslims threaten that they will control America and Europe. My gentile chritian relgions will be dead when the moslims tell me to stop believing in them because they find it offensive. I like muslims right now but when they tell my wife/mother/sister/daughter to wear a hijab or face rape or tell me to cover my arms with long shirts and no shorts allowed, no more bacon and no more beer for the supwerbowl then I'll just start accusing muslims of being Jews or blame the Jews for muslim immigration, whatever helps me cope with the fact that I am a coward that prefers to point the finger rather than take personal responsibility in life. I also blame Jews for my economical woes because basically I am an idiot and don't make too much money and yet I HAVE to go to a "Jew Bank" anyways. Every day I go to a bank I need to swallow my pride and go in, then blame that on the banker Jews.
But I am mad at the Jews because they somehow in my distorted mind are indirectly responsible for what the evil hitler did oh wait but i love hitler so it's ok, still hate them though!But what I hate most about Jews is that they brought ethical monotheism to the rest of humanity which makes me very uncomfortable because I do not want ethics, I do not want to be responsible for my actions, I don't want any rules and most importantly while I am an anti religion cynic, somewhere deep down inside my soul fears the G-d that Jews believe in. 

There Daniel, hit the nail with that? I think that pretty much describes you and your friends.

And that is where the problem with people like him/her is. Ethical monotheism is the basis for so many things, some people of the gentile nations hate it so much. The worst part for them is that while they go about with conspiracies, hatred and anti-Semitism deep down they DO fear the G-d of Israel and hate that Jews have introduced Him to the nations. They hate knowing that they are responsible for their actions, even hitler knew this as he said:
"The Jews have inflicted two wounds on mankind - circumcision on its body and conscience on its soul" (Conscience, what some people can't deal with. Circumcision does not apply to them but Conscience does).

People like "Daniel" just don't like facing ethics and conscience and when they do they just blame their destructive emotions on other's actions.
So Daniel, guess what I don't care what people like you say or think. What's important to me is my religion (Judaism), the Torah, my family and friends. You can say whatever you want, its only true in your little head. In real life I and most other people will never care about your nonsense.
I'm PROUD of who I am and people like "Daniel" fail. They want to make us feel ashamed of who we are and some Jews fall for it, assimilate and hide their Jewishness. But many of us read that and don't care because it's crazy, plus we wont care about what some aryan jealous devil has to say.

« Last Edit: March 28, 2010, 02:08:11 PM by Zionist YY »

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #51 on: March 28, 2010, 01:47:24 PM »
That daniel Boone scumbag really is dumb as shittt.

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #52 on: March 28, 2010, 03:14:54 PM »
I don't think it is in anyway useful for White Nationalists to say all jews are evil, I would even consider many people who post on this site quasi white nationalists or at least sympathetic to the cause.

It is important to understand the capacity of certain jews(and nonjews) to subvert a country and to study how it is done in order to prevent it in the future. Nearly every white country has been infected except a few eastern European countries - the infection won't be cured by saying the same thing that was said 40 years ago and had no affect.   

Being a raving lunatic won't solve our problems.

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #53 on: March 28, 2010, 03:31:09 PM »
I stop the discussion here.  >:(

In fact I should say you dumb, self-hating White traitors are the real problem. You, rubystars, Hanna, Dan Ben Noah, etc. You scum have enabled Jews to take power because you refuse to see that they're the cancer of humanity. There is overwhelming evidence of these snakes working against the interests of the nations that they have infested, like parasites. Every crime a Negro or Muslim commits against a White person is in essence a Jewish crime because they have caused the minority problem, immigration, their "civil rights," and affirmative action.
This is a poor ahole.
It is very easy for a non-Jew to see what has happened, IF they really want to know.  David Horowitz's book, the Radical Son describes his life with Bolsheviks, who Chaim is always rebuking. If people REALLY wanted to know what ha happened, they would read the book of an X-Bolshevik, but scum like BoonesFarm want to just hate ALL Jews.

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #55 on: March 28, 2010, 03:34:42 PM »
So, what did WE do, personally to this poor ahole? Nothing. Anyone can see for themselves hours and years of the same thing here on the JTF.  "Fighting to Save America and Israel"
So, obviously we are not one of 'those' Erav Rav Joos. 

He knows this, just like to egg Jewish people on for a little thrill.  As if we dont get enough already.
What a HATEFUL, pathetic little man,.
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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #56 on: March 28, 2010, 03:55:36 PM »
I stop the discussion here.  >:(

In fact I should say you dumb, self-hating White traitors are the real problem. You, rubystars, Hanna, Dan Ben Noah, etc. You scum have enabled Jews to take power because you refuse to see that they're the cancer of humanity. There is overwhelming evidence of these snakes working against the interests of the nations that they have infested, like parasites. Every crime a Negro or Muslim commits against a White person is in essence a Jewish crime because they have caused the minority problem, immigration, their "civil rights," and affirmative action.
English queen is the head of committee of 300. They are forming world government not the Jews who are struggling to survive surrounded by enemies. If Jews control everything they would not allow 6 million deaths in WWII and 2 million murdered Serbs.

Serbia will never surrender Kosovo to the breakaway province's ethnic Albanian majority or trade its territory for European Union or NATO membership,

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #57 on: March 28, 2010, 04:26:43 PM »
Someone needs to kick out this ustasha for the forum!!
Serbia will never surrender Kosovo to the breakaway province's ethnic Albanian majority or trade its territory for European Union or NATO membership,

Offline AsheDina

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #58 on: March 28, 2010, 05:57:59 PM »
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Offline White Israelite

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #59 on: March 28, 2010, 08:26:23 PM »
Granted the guys banned now, all one would have to do is post some videos from Israel 21 century to show that Jews have done plenty for the world and their brains are a major reason for our technological advances today. Israel is known for working behind the scenes in the technology industry.

Don't forget their medical industry.

I find it absolutely insane that a white supremacist is comparing the entire white race to a "ethnic group", that's like comparing a semi truck to a bicycle in performance. Israel is a nation made up of people who speak a semitic language and are members of the larger semitic group, maybe it would make more sense to compare the Jews to the Germans rather than the white race, and do we get to take credit for our contributions in German society before they decided to murder our scientists? Better yet, what has this person done as an individual or does he simply use a safety net of his "race" to be proud of himself?
« Last Edit: March 28, 2010, 08:33:12 PM by White Israelite »

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #60 on: March 28, 2010, 09:03:02 PM »
Boone is such a vile, hateful loser that this genious spends his free time coming on a Jewish forum to start up.  Man, he should just drop dead, and his mother too, for bringing him into the world.

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #61 on: March 28, 2010, 10:08:21 PM »
If were up to me, I would find you and shoot you, your boyfriend and your dog point take them all out of their misery..but life is too important to waste on your asss.

The lying Jew snakes that you have allied with claim Islam is the most evil but one again they lie.

To tell you the truth. I hate bolschewiks, but Muslims are the worst people on this earth. Bolschewik apparatschiks are at least rational people. But with Muslims you can't even negotiate.

Concerning the Jews - I learned lots of things about them and have to admit, that they are intelligent, nice and decent people. I think I admire them a little bit for some of their qualities. Muslims on the other hand - I met lots of them in person - are lying, cheating and arrogant people. They think they are superior to us, because their crazy ideology called Islam tells them. But in reality they are the lowest of the low. They soak our money by oil-purchases, receiving welfare and stealing as well as blackmailing while thinking all of this is right, because they are a kind of Übermensch and we are the Dhimmi slaves who have to give it to them.

The Jews are the lowest of the low. They created Marxism, Bolshevism, non-White immigration to White nations, and "civil rights" in America. If it weren't for them there wouldn't even be Muslims in White nations. Even in ancient times they assisted the Moors to invade Europe. They are evil and supremacist by nature and if it were up to me all the oven magnets would be choking on Zyklon gas.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #62 on: March 28, 2010, 10:16:15 PM »
Hey Tom- Message from a Jew to you:   Kill yourself! 

Offline Aces High

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #63 on: March 28, 2010, 10:18:03 PM »
Tom the C-U-N-T

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #64 on: March 28, 2010, 10:18:33 PM »
By the way, "White Israelite" is an oxymoron. There are no White Jews. Pure blooded Jews have an average IQ of 89 and are as ugly and stupid as Arabs. Observe the Jewish porn star Ron Jeremy's features to an Arab:

Well it would help if you actually posted a picture of an Arab

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is usually reported to have been born in Kuwait to parents from Balochistan in Pakistan.

Pakistani are Asian, not Arab.

As a matter of fact, your more genetically related as a European to a Pakistani than Semites are.

Arab is not even a racial definition but a cultural definition and if you knew anything about phenotypes or racial categorization, most of your "Italians/Spaniards/Greeks/Macedonians/Turks/Assyrians/Armenians" share the same DNA.

There are white arabs and there are olive brown arabs. We are not arabs culturally, arab originally referred to nomadic people from the Arabian peninsula and extended to a cultural term much like "Hispanic" is a cultural term referring to people of Latin America although that can include whites, blacks, asians, amerindians or a mixture of them therefore your research on DNA is not fact.

Did you know Benjamin Netanyahu has a reported IQ of 180?

And maybe you should look at the various racial types of Arabs before assuming all middle easterners are the same.


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Syrian Jews


On the other hand, if you knew anything about Europeans, you likely have a admixture of R1a which originates from India, if your German, you may have Slavic blood or even Gypsy blood. If your Spanish, you may have Moorish blood or even Semitic blood.

Even in Germany, some Germans are darker and some are lighter.

By the way

K thx, bye.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2010, 10:47:04 PM by White Israelite »

Offline Sveta

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #65 on: March 28, 2010, 10:29:40 PM »
Like I said before, I don't care what this idiot sheigetz says
Whatever dude  ;D

Yes yes, we're low iq people...not like Einstein was Jewish or something. Not white, whites are the best race in the universe, Israelis are poor, hitler was soooo great that he lived a long life after winning WW2 and taking over the world, so on and so on.  K then  ^-^

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« Last Edit: March 28, 2010, 10:35:40 PM by Zionist YY »

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #66 on: March 28, 2010, 10:41:49 PM »
LOL hitler committed suicide!

Herr Douchenozz I see you're posting a reply to what I said so let me repeat

no one cares

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #67 on: March 28, 2010, 10:49:03 PM »
Still....don't care

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #68 on: March 28, 2010, 10:51:35 PM »
People of JTF, I am sooo sorry for typing in big bold letters. I only did it because this looser is a troll.

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #69 on: March 28, 2010, 10:51:59 PM »
Trolly, if you're actually interested in the future of the white race why are you attempting to p!ss off a forum of right wing jews?

We need all the help we can get and antagonizing a potential ally isn't an intelligent choice of action.

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #70 on: March 28, 2010, 10:54:18 PM »
But who would want a vermin no brain like that freak as an ally though.

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #71 on: March 28, 2010, 10:55:36 PM »
Like I said before, I don't care what this idiot sheigetz says
Whatever dude  ;D

Yes yes, we're low iq people...not like Einstein was Jewish or something. Not white, whites are the best race in the universe, Israelis are poor, hitler was soooo great that he lived a long life after winning WW2 and taking over the world, so on and so on.  K then  ^-^

I'm proud of who I am for ever

Go back to the links I provided. Iran, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Jordan, and Malaysia outscored Israel. Einstein and the other Jews who win nobel prizes are favored because they're Jews. In technological achievement per capita Israel was behind every White nation and the Muslims are rapidly approaching. Israel can't even manufacture it's own weapons include the arrow missiles. In fact Israel's military is so pathetic that even Turkey is consider to be stronger than Israel.

Maybe you should look at Israels exports then and see that they are one of the largest military defense contractors out there, and the US purchases a lot of Israeli equipment mind you. Go look at what Israeli companies produce

« Last Edit: March 28, 2010, 11:16:57 PM by White Israelite »

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #72 on: March 28, 2010, 10:59:54 PM »
By the way, Hebrew University of JERUSALEM is ranked 102 (in 2008 it was ranked 93 in the top 100 in the world), Tel Aviv university is ranked 114 in the world which is comparable to American, Western European, and Japanese universities, I don't see any middle eastern universities on that list.

« Last Edit: March 28, 2010, 11:07:56 PM by White Israelite »