So Barack Obama dies and goes to where wicked little dead Muslims go. He is immediately approached by George Washington who punches him in the face and tells him that he's mad at Obama for destroying the nation that he was the father of. Next Tom Jefferson walks up to Obama and thrusts his fist into his stomach after which he condemns Obama for shredding the Constitution that he was the writer of. Next Ben Franklin walks up and breaks Obama's nose and chides him for ruining the inventive nature of the industrious American people. These three are joined by 69 other patriots who beat, kick and maim the former president. Lying on the ground in pain and bleeding Obama sees an angel appear and in tears he tells the angel that heaven isn't what he was always told it would be. The angel tells Obama that since one of his many character flaws was that he didn't listen to people he neglected to hear correctly the reward that will be given to a good Muslim when he dies. The angel tells Obama that the reward for being a good little Islamo-Nazi is that when he dies, he will be rewarded by being given 72 VIRGINIANS!

Shalom to all of you wonderful JTFers!! Yirmayahu