The biggest Afrikaans enterprise is the insurance giant Sanlam. However, in all these enterprises it is difficult to separate the Afrikaaners, the English speakers including the Jews, and the Token Blacks, whose presence is now mandatory.
The ultra rich Afrikaaners at the head of these companies bear no resemblance whatsoever to the honest white farmers of whom we are talking, and who are getting slaughtered wholesale. Nor are the company heads themselves particularly concerned - there is no percentage in criticising the government. The destructive legacy of Terreblanche and his AWB ("Afrikaaners without Brains", as a Boer friend of mine once put it) is that it is now so easy for the entire world to stereotype all rural Afrikaaners as swastika-bearing nutters who deserve what they get. Realistically, putting the beer aside (or the condoms, whisky and cider in his case), he deserved zero sympathy from any of us.
Sorry folks, but the problem has moved on from Rooibos Tea, and from gestures made too little and too late. As a S. African myself I've no doubt that Brian is right.