If only Hotovely & Feiglin had overcome their egos & twisted hashkofo and gone in with Ichud Leumi, instead of flogging the rancid carcass that is the Likud, they'd have had 7-8 seats!
hasn't this been tried? fracturing the right into many small parties.
they do make a good argument, the only chance of forming or influencing a government that makes actual policy, is through the Likud. what is the point of maintaining some kind of ideological purity, but having no influence on the future of Israel? it may make us feel better to have Ichud Leumi in the Knesset, but they won't form a government and I doubt anyone would work with them in coalition - look at the flak Netanyahu got for including Lieberman!
Shmuel Sackett, long time JDL member and director of Kahane Chai, gives a good explanation of why they are trying to work from within the Likud -
http://www.jewishisrael.org/eng_contents/video/video012.html According to Kahanism, to actually go in with Likud is an aveiroh : "Labour is treif & Likud is neveiloh!" (R.Kahane 1977)
Kahane said that in 1977 when he was looking for people to vote for Kach, times have changed - especially now that there is a chance that this faction could dominate the Likud.
they don't want to go in with Likud and compromise their values, they want to take Likud over and move it in a Jewish, nationalist direction.