You forget Imerica lol.
That's not my name, its my USERNAME. MY name is Erica. I don't see the point in making fun of names you weren't given. However if someone made fun of your name (be it Hebrew or otherwise) how would you feel?
true, but i thought it mean it America, because Blacks name themselves with weird names, to have a supposed "Culture" like Damoney lol!
Not every black person has an ethnic name. Not every black person has an African name. And my username came from someone I knew when I was younger. She said that it sounded like I was saying "America" when I introduced myself.

So my username is an introduction and a spin on America.
You generalize a lot. My mom's name is Juanita Maria, my sister is Ursula, my brother is Damien, my children have beautiful names. Nothing too ethnic there. By the way, my middle name is LaTrice (La- TREECE...phonetically) . I don't know where my dad found that name but I like it. Its a bastardization of LaTricia.
Someone could easily make fun of your names also. Especially ignorant people like Jesse Jackson who have called Jews "Hymies".
Our names are part of our culture, yes, but there are a lot of blacks who have 'regular' names like Mary Jane, Suzette and Carmen- Richard, Robert and Charles.