Dr Brennanfan, I've pretty much given up on your capacity for reason
I'll let that slide, it certainly was much nicer than the
evil things you said about Christian Zionist, one of the greatest JTFers we have.
but here's for other forum member's who actually know something about the sexual lives of Americans.
Being a former practicing homosexual does not make you an expert on everyones' sex lives, or STDs.
Most carriers of HPV are heterosexual.
Another weaseling statement that has absolutely no meaning whatsoever for the current discussion. You, I, Dr. Dan, and the possum that lives in my neighbor's lemon tree all know that this discussion was about
anal HPV specifically.
Most people with HPV infections are straight.
Most human beings are straight. Compare the proportion of heterosexuals infected with HPV to the proportion of homosexuals and bisexuals who have it.
Anyone who has rectal HPV is someone who has had anal sex, and I'm sorry to report that is lots and lots of straight people. I know that contradicts your entire theory of knowledge on sex, but it's true.
Another weaseling statement. The vast majority of heterosexuals do not have extreme amounts of partners and do not practice very high-risk activities. So naturally they have lower rates of rectal HPV even when they have rectal intercourse. I couldn't care less if a husband and wife have anal sex; if they do not cheat on each other they will not get rectal HPV (or any other STDs), and certainly won't spread it to the community at large. I want to hear you now try to explain away the holocaust that the homo community visited upon society in the 1980s, when blood donations were not screened for AIDS and huge numbers of innocent people died horrible deaths from this faggot plague.
And I am not remotely sorry for ONE WORD that I said about CZ, NOT ONE WORD.
Thanks for only reinforcing what was already obvious about your character all along.
He's a deliberate liar who makes this forum look like a bunch of kooks.
And you are a homosexual propagandist who wants to make gays out to be the noblest, kindest, most misunderstood of all citizens. Pleeze. Your people helped murder 6 million Jews (Hitler was very likely homosexual and several high-ranking SS/SA officials certainly were).
If you want to be against homosexuality, then be intelligent, don't cite articles from hate sites that are 30 years old that dont have a shred of medical validity.
Maybe 30 years ago people were less politically correct and brainwashed and told it like it is more.
So get off that horse already. I am on the side of science and reason.
That's a trolling statement if I've ever seen one.
The two of you are defending the kind of filth that results in people being attacked and murdered.
How about talking about all the crimes that your precious gays have visited upon society? Tell me about Jesse Dirkishing, will you? I guess he was a homophobe who "had it coming". Tell me about the war of molestation and pedophilia that your kind has waged on children all over the world (and yes, check the stats, a highly disproportionate number of pedophiles are mostly or exclusively attracted to boys). Tell me about all of the guys in prison who get raped and often infected with AIDS and other awful diseases. Now tell me that homos are innocent.