Obama is hosting a town hall meeting next month to celebrate the 50 years of progress that Africa has made since the end of colonialism. According to the Obama administration, Africa is an "increasingly important voice on the world stage."
Try not to laugh. This man is the President of the United States.
What do you suppose Obama means by progress? Zimbabwe's meltdown? The Ethiopian famine? South Africa being the rape capital of the world? The millions who have been slaughtered in the Congo? General Butt Naked in Liberia? Idi Amin in Uganda? The Rwandan genocide? The cannibal "Emperor Bokassa" in the Central African Republic? The disintegration of Somalia into anarchy? Darfur in Sudan?
With few exceptions, Sub-Saharan Africa is worse off in every conceivable way than it was under colonialism. Africa was a largely pacified region while Europe and East Asia were torn apart in World War 1 and World War 2. In the 1950s, Ghana was on par with South Korea and the Democratic Republic of Congo had the same economic growth rate as China.
"Significant gains."