On the next " Ask JTF" program ( August 1, 2010 ), Dr. Brennan Fan is asking Chaim the following question:
http://jtf.org/forum_english/index.php/topic,48156.0.html2: Now that we have witnessed several of her stupid and senseless political choices, have you at all doubted Sarah Palin's denial that she and her husband were members of the "Buchanan Brigades"?
First, let me express that I think Dr. Brennan Fan is one of the all-time great members of the JTF Forum and all of his questions are very well thought out. The question he raised is well worth discussing. Nothing should be off the table so to speak unless it's illegal. Thankfully, JTF is NOT a politically correct organization. If people have doubts, "Ask JTF" and the JTF Forum in general are excellent vehicles to get opinions.
The following article discusses why Sarah Palin wasn't part of Pat Buchanan's ' organization':
http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2008/sep/03/moveon/palin-wasnt-in-buchanans-brigade/While I consider myself a proud Sarah Palin supporter, I thought she made a very bad decision by endorsing Rand Paul. I'm not going to condone her decision. When factoring in everything, I still believe she's the best choice of the realistic candidates in 2012. In large part because of her strong religious background. I was very impressed when she came out in support of the Jewish Settlements being expanded, when very few others on the national scene were willing to do so. There's no question that the JTF Forum members are very divided on Sarah Palin. The bottom line is whoever emerges as the 2012 Republican Nominee ( unless it's a Nazi ), all of us need to go all out and support that candidate in the attempt to get Barack Hussein Obama out of the oval office. If BHO's occupation of the oval office ( I don't recognize him as a legitimate President ) continues beyond January, 2013, it's hard to envision the United States ever recovering. With the worst yet to come.
I understand and respect Chaim's decision to support Liberal Democrat Jack Conway in the 2010 Kentucky U.S. Senate election because of the dangers associated with Rand Paul. Yet, because Conway is such an active supporter of Barack Hussein Obama's hideous agenda, this is an election I decided to sit out in terms of supporting a candidate. Whoever wins, the result is going to be horrific. It's like choosing which poison to take.
In my opinion, the key reason why Sarah Palin decided to endorse Rand Paul is because Steve Forbes did a few weeks prior:
http://www.nolanchart.com/article7236.htmlAgain, I don't condone Sarah Palin's decision. This must be stressed. But I do believe she has a great amount of confidence in Steve Forbes' opinions.