Or better yet, go above the highschool level, (with a large sample) and pit Jews against any opponent, in science or math, we'll definitely outscore the bulk of them. Like taking candy from a baby.

From the international mathematics competition for university students in 2009:
IMC2009 Final Scores - Teams' Contest page 1/2
University Best 3 + average
1 Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University 270.75
2 Jagiellonian University 269.75
3 Moscow State University 264.17
4 Loránd Eötvös University 258.23
5 Sharif University of Technology, Tehran 247.406 Israeli national team 240.717 University of Bonn 235.17
8 St. Petersburg State University 234.80
9 École Polytechnique, Paris 233.78
10 Princeton University 233.12
11 Politehnica Bucuresti 225.22
12 Belarusian State University 223.83
13 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology 210.71
14 Warsaw University 209.50
15 Masaryk University, Brno 200.00
16 Technical University of Cluj-Napoca 199.50
17 University of Bucharest 194.60
18 Colombian team 184.83
19 Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 184.00
20 Ukrainian team 177.33
21 National University of Athens 177.00
22 Budapest University of Technology and Economics 176.25
23 Yerevan State University 176.25
24 Universidade Federal do Ceará 174.67
25 Belgrade University 174.25
26 Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran 173.83
27 National Technical University of Athens 171.44
28 Berlin Mathematical School 169.33
29 Cambridge University 165.75
30 Univerza v Ljubljani 165.50
31 Instituto Tecnológcio de Aeronáutica, Sao Paolo 164.80
32 University of Zagreb 162.90
33 Jacobs University, Bremen 156.50
34 Charles University, Prague 150.33
35 University of Helsinki 149.80
36 Instituto Militar de Engenharia, Rio de Janeiro 149.60
37 Helsinki University of Technology 148.50
38 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya 130.67
39 Georg-August-Universität Göttingen 130.50
40 Utrecht University 123.75
41 Ghent University 122.67
42 Comenius University in Bratislava 121.75
43 University of Michigan 119.60
44 Indonesian team 118.25
45 Angola team 117.33
46 University of Szeged 115.25
47 University of Amsterdam 109.00
48 Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman 105.40
49 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad 104.60
50 Hanoi University of Science 104.00
51 Austrian team 100.00
52 University of Warwick 98.67
53 University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy 91.14
54 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 88.00
IMC2009 Final Scores - Teams' Contest page 2/2
55 Universidad de Zaragoza 86.67
56 University of Tartu 82.67
57 Universitat de València 80.25
58 University of Isfahan 78.80
59 Mongolian University of Science and Technology 65.33
60 National University of Mongolia 65.33
61 Universidad Complutense de Madrid 56.00
62 University of Cyprus 42.67
63 Isfahan University of Technology 42.40
64 Pontificia Comillas de Madrid 26.25
65 Fed. Univ. of Tech. Owerri, Nigeria 6.67