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Offline wonga66

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Barry Chamish joins the KKNY
« on: September 27, 2010, 03:11:53 AM »
Is this a new group?

Although Chaim strongly disagrees with arch-conspiracist Barry Chamish, seen here packing with the boys

for his claims of there being a conspiracy behind the deaths of R.Kahane, his son, 911, Baruch Goldstein, Rabin, Ofra Haza, Eitan etc etc, now that Chamish has moved to New York, I think that Chaim should interview Chamish on his show in the interests of giving him a fair-minded hearing.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2010, 02:07:17 PM by wonga66 »

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Kitat Konenut New York Jewish Militia
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2010, 02:25:06 PM »
Re:  "I think that Chaim should interview Chamish on his show in the interests of giving him a fair-minded hearing. "

I notice that some people watch Obama welcome Ahmanigrajihad to NYC, watch Ahmanigrajihad meet with Black Panthers, Farakhan, and [censored] Nigarone, but THAT is never considered in any way a conspiracy by people quick to shout down all "conspiracy theorists".

Then, someone like Chamish who does "investigative journalism" finds lots of evidence, testimony, and info, linking the likes of Shimon Peres, Ariel Sharon, Ehud Barak, and Ehud Olmert to the "Peace Now" Movement, the plans already carried out to destroy Yesha communities, to any number of "very strange deaths" of their business associates involved in corruption and bribe taking, not to mention how they've all abandoned Jonathon Pollard for dead after using him to their own ends ... BUT THEN, ALL OF A SUDDEN, CHAMISH IS DENOUNCED AS A CONSPIRACY THEORIST FOR SAYING THOSE HORRIBLE THINGS ABOUT THE VERY SAME PEOPLE WHO ARE DENOUNCED EVERY MINUTE RIGHT HERE ON THE FORUM!

Seems to be a very disingenous "double standard" in many Jews' thinking.

Chamish is refused a forum almost anywhere in the news services or websites with Jewish connections and/or Jewish talk hosts, but when as a last resort he turns to the only sites which will allow him a hearing, he's denounced as a NAZI! for providing fuel to those who hate Jews by appearing on their websites and talking down the Israeli Government!.

I read all of his articles, and while I don't always think he's 100% accurate about some things, there has certainly been a great deal of information about the "behind the scenes" goings on by the Israeli Government status quo elite which appears to "hold water" under scrutiny.

Unfortunately, to all too many Jews, a "Conspiracy Theorist" is anyone possessing facts which they refuse to read or hear because of their delusional belief that all is well within their own isolated little Jewish world.

The Jews of Europe denounced Jabotinsky as their foremost "Conspiracy Theorist" almost a century ago and chased him out of every town.  His crime?  He was warning the Jews that a huge conspiracy was in place to annihilate each and every Jew, that it was real and growing, and that its success was imminent, and that they must arm themselves and flee to Eretz Yisrael.

Guess what happened?

The brilliant genius Jews who knew more than anybody else in the world, those that had good jobs and were most comfortable, those normal Jews who knew a conspiracy theorist when they heard one - those Jews all got shot, gassed, and shoved into ovens by the "conspiracy" which they were certain could never exist.


Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Barry Chamish joins the KKNY
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2010, 03:55:25 PM »

Chamish claims that bombs blew up the World Trade Center with a "controlled demolition."

All of the evidence contradicts this claim.   This particular claim of his (and by extension, all the speculative theories he weaves BASED ON that incorrect position) is completely false and dishonest.   Anyone can see that that is NOT a controlled demolition.    Anyone can count the seconds and see that the building falls SLOWER than free-fall speed.   Controlled demolitions are conducted in freefall speed because the foundations of the building are taken out first.   There is NO evidence that there were explosives placed into the building at any time in the lead-up to the attacks, and there were no remnants of explosives found in the wreckage that would indicate whether there was a demolition.    It is not "double standard" to point out when someone takes a completely distorted view which contradicts fact and then builds an entire theory out of it (which he does) that implicates many people who are likely innocent in regards to this particular incident.

Offline david1967

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Re: Barry Chamish joins the KKNY
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2010, 04:02:01 PM »
It seems like a great organization that is intent on defending Jewish communities in the U.S and fighting terror.  However, I'm sure Obama's Feds are looking at them under a microscope, and are looking to imprison them.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Barry Chamish joins the KKNY
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2010, 04:13:46 PM »
Re:  "I'm sure Obama's Feds are looking at them under a microscope, and are looking to imprison them. "

I feel the same is true about this group.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Barry Chamish joins the KKNY
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2010, 04:16:46 PM »
Re:  "I'm sure Obama's Feds are looking at them under a microscope, and are looking to imprison them. "

I feel the same is true about this group.

If that was true, what do we have to worry about?  We obey the law here.

Offline muman613

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Re: Barry Chamish joins the KKNY
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2010, 04:58:48 PM »
I am one who denounces Chamish every chance I have. This guy is a lunatic who has a following which makes him dangerous. I would like to pretend this nut-job did not exist. I really think the guy needs to be locked up in a padded room...

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
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Offline wonga66

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Re: Barry Chamish joins the KKNY
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2010, 05:03:06 PM »

Chamish claims that bombs blew up the World Trade Center with a "controlled demolition."

All of the evidence contradicts this claim.   

Major events, like Pearl Harbour, the Kennedy assassination, the Moon landings, the Rabin killing, the death of Princess Diana etc, conspiracy theories at the least give pause for thought.

On the day of the hijackings the US air defense, by amazing coincidence, happened to be running drills involving "multiple hijackings of aircraft within the USA”. This caused great confusion amongst air traffic controllers, preventing interception of the real hijackings.

The Twin Towers were designed specifically to be able to withstand the impact of a Boeing-sized airliner without collapsing. Their destruction is indeed not blamed on the crashes, but on the fuel fire. But jet fuel is merely refined paraffin, it burning at far below the melting point of steel, as can be seen by its innocuous use in millions of steel heaters and ovens everywhere.

No steel-framed building has ever suffered structural collapse due to fire. Yet within one hour of the impacts, fires supposedly melted the massive steel beams in three buildings, the thickest and strongest ever used in construction, resulting in a total collapse of all the 267 floors in WTCs 1, 2 and 7 (the latter not even being hit), falling neatly into their own atomized footprints, anomalously at exactly the free-fall acceleration due to gravity of 32 feet per second per second, totally without resistance, as if nothing existed beneath them but air, and without leaving any of their steel skeletons standing. (In 1985 I witnessed the controlled demolition of a 22-storey block. It disappeared literally in the blink of an eye, but only because explosives and thermite had been deliberately placed to destroy all critical support members simultaneously in a controlled demolition. The WTC collapses looked eerily similar).

Perplexities such as six months before 9/11 the purchase of the entire asbestos-filled, loss-making World Trade Center complex  for only $200 million, it being insured by its new owner for $7 billion, but solely against terrorist attack. The massive placing days before 9/11 of put options in American and United Airlines. The US president’s behaviour on being told in public of the attack. The initially contradictory statements of Osama bin Laden. The terrorist passports that survived fireballs and landed intact blocks away, whereas none of the four indestructible black boxes were ever found. The terrorist bag that did not make the flight that included the names and details of every hijacker. Cell phones working from 35,000 feet where they had never worked before. Untrained pilots who couldn’t even start a Cessna, suddenly being able to perform complex low level corkscrew maneuvers in airliners at 500mph, something  beyond even jet fighter aces. The statements by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld that Flight 93, believed to be targeting the White House, didn’t crash in Pennsylvania after passengers had stormed the cockpit, but had been “shot down” and that the Pentagon had been “hit by a missile”, not Flight 77 etc etc, has led many scientists, structural engineers, military leaders, Members of Congress, 9/11 Commissioners, victims families, first responders, pilots and air traffic controllers, to claim that at the least some US agencies, possibly including those of Pakistan and Israel, had some foreknowledge of the attack.

Amongst many speculations are “false-flag” operations, whereby a ruling power stages attacks against its own assets or allies in order to further far reaching agendas (such as oil, corporate profits, invasions and world hegemony) e.g. Nero’s burning of Rome, the USS Maine incident, the Mukden incident, the Reichstag fire, Operation Himmler, the Lavon Affair, Operation Northwoods, the Gulf of Tonkin incident etc.

"This process of transformation is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event — like a new Pearl Harbor." (from the US Government's “Project for a New American Century” Thinktank, 2000)."We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order" (David Rockefeller addressing the UN in 1994).

Interestingly, the Zohar (Balak 212) says that on 25th Elul “three lofty towers in the city of Rome will collapse”. The Vilna Gaon said that the date should be corrected to read 23rd Elul, which in 2001 fell on……September 11!
The main miracle is that had the collapses occurred a few hours later, there could have been 40,000 deaths, instead of 3,000 (400 of whom were Jews, lo aleinu).

« Last Edit: September 27, 2010, 05:12:21 PM by wonga66 »

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Barry Chamish joins the KKNY
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2010, 05:14:21 PM »
Re:  "This guy is a lunatic who has a following which makes him dangerous. I would like to pretend this nut-job did not exist. I really think the guy needs to be locked up in a padded room... "

Perhaps all you write about him is true, but I would like to know why you feel so strongly about him.

I am more than willing to learn why it is you have made these judgments against him.

So many people today are denounced as "conspiracy theorists" that the label has lost its meaning in describing what it is that is disreputable.

So how about sharing your views with me?

Offline muman613

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Re: Barry Chamish joins the KKNY
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2010, 05:21:21 PM »
Re:  "This guy is a lunatic who has a following which makes him dangerous. I would like to pretend this nut-job did not exist. I really think the guy needs to be locked up in a padded room... "

Perhaps all you write about him is true, but I would like to know why you feel so strongly about him.

I am more than willing to learn why it is you have made these judgments against him.

So many people today are denounced as "conspiracy theorists" that the label has lost its meaning in describing what it is that is disreputable.

So how about sharing your views with me?

As KWRBT points out Chamish is one of the leading 9/11 liars. As a result of this I have nothing but disrespect for him. I have heard some of his other theories and find them mostly beyond belief. Didn't he start out as a National Enquirer UFO story writer? I think his whole shtick is to say things so nutty that those fringe lunatics will buy his articles...

Wonga, you are posting bold faced lies and attempt to mislead... Shame on you..

Controlled Demolition Theory (with bombs): There is no evidence of flying glass, loud explosions that would have been picked up by the three seismograph stations in NYC, accounts of deafening or blast lung, nothing noticed by the thousands of forensic investigators who looked at the steel, no demolition wires or wireless devices found and no video/audio evidence of loud explosions that would have been heard from a mile away. There were also bomb sniffing dogs that were brought in during clean up. Not one detected any bombs. Since we don't see any of these tell-tale signs we can conclude there were no bombs in the World Trade Center on 9/11.

Controlled Demolition Theory (Thermite): Thermite has never been used to demolish a building, and would not even work.(1) There is no plausible way to rig up the building to have the thermite burn up at the same time. Thermite cuts gravitationally so if you put it around the columns it would just burn through the floor. The chemical signatures of the dust samples studied by Steven Jones match the primer paint of the columns and do not have the right ignition temperatures as thermite(off by 400 degrees). We can conclude that the red grey chips found are not thermite and are probably primer paint chips. Lastly, none of the forensic investigators reported any kind of thermitic effects on the steel, and none of the bomb sniffing dogs trained to sniff out incendaries (thermite) detected any. (2) There are many other logical problems with the Controlled Demolition theory. How would they rig the building with thermite without any of the security guards, building inspectors, contruction managers finding out? If the security of the WTC buildings let them in, why did some of them die in the building?(surely they would know to leave) And why blow up the towers, putting the conspirators at a huge risk for exposure?

Iron Microspheres: Iron mircospheres could have formed from columns bending or the heating of the columns. These can easily account for the so-called "mysterious" iron microspheres which the other investigations into the dust addressed back in 2003. This is another example of anomaly hunting that conspiracy theorists engage in.
No Planer Theory: The planes could have easily reached the recorded speeds because they came in on a 20,000 foot dive. A perfect example demonstrating this is Egypt Air Flight 990 which reached speeds over 600 MPH before crashing. (3) All of the video evidence, eyewitness testimony and physical evidence of the plane itself show that there were planes that crashed into the WTC buildings.

Reccomended sites and papers that debunk 9/11 conspiracy theories: Mark Robert's website   Ryan Mackey's White Paper that refutes David Ray Griffin's arguments.
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« Last Edit: September 27, 2010, 05:36:53 PM by muman613 »
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
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Offline wonga66

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Re: Barry Chamish joins the KKNY
« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2010, 05:38:03 PM »
Not all the conspiracy theories are correct, but there's definitely something amiss about the government's 911 story

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Re: Barry Chamish joins the KKNY
« Reply #11 on: September 27, 2010, 05:40:26 PM »
There's definitely something amiss about the government's 911 story

You bastard!

Wonga, you are on my drek list... My brother jumped from the 105th floor of WTC tower #1 on that day. That you would be so rude and uncaring as to post a picture of a person falling is beyond me... You are my enemy... Go to hell wonga

The only thing amiss is your brain...

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
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Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Barry Chamish joins the KKNY
« Reply #12 on: September 27, 2010, 05:43:10 PM »
Re:  "If that was true, what do we have to worry about?  We obey the law here. "

If you're truly so naive as to believe that "staying within the actual letter of the law" keeps one safe, then I can only pray that you soon have your eyes opened.

As for "obeying the law", more than once I've had to report individual posts or threads for being in violation of laws which they didn't even know they were breaking.

Ancient Chinese saying:

"Once you have decided someone is guilty, it's easy to manufacture the evidence!"

Didn't you read the news this past weekend of the FBI raids on the homes of "Peace Activists" in Chicago, confiscating all of their personal belongings, computers, records, on suspicion of aiding terrorists?

Those raided insist that each and all were in complete compliance with the letter of the law, as well as merely exercising their Bill of Rights guarantees to disagree with the policies of their government in working to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Were they in fact lying and actively supporting terror?

And...If if you could care less whether or not they are technically innocent, totally disagree with their "politics' anyway, are more than happy to see them raided, and if you hope Federal Authorities lock them up and throw away the key, then aren't you encouraging Obama and Company to do the same to another group which he and his appointees consider to be "A tiny group of fanatical Jewish followers of the Fascist, Racist, and Islamophobic Rabbi Kahane, whose supporters once set off explosives in NY City, and whose followers today spout Racist Hate, call for Genocide against innocent Muslims, and Oppose Obama's Efforts to achieve for Peace in the Middle East based on A Two State Solution"?

Think about it.

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Re: Barry Chamish joins the KKNY
« Reply #13 on: September 27, 2010, 05:53:36 PM »

Chamish claims that bombs blew up the World Trade Center with a "controlled demolition."

All of the evidence contradicts this claim.   

Major events, like Pearl Harbour, the Kennedy assassination, the Moon landings,



Please remove tinfoil hat to continue participation here.

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Re: Barry Chamish joins the KKNY
« Reply #14 on: September 27, 2010, 06:01:08 PM »
Not all the conspiracy theories are correct, but there's definitely something amiss about the government's 911 story

There is no need to post a picture like that,

You can make a point without a dramatic visual.

You put up this laughable trash of a video like a complete lemming.  You can't think for yourself.   You have adopted the dogma of the 9/11 truthtards and you lack the ability to think critically about their claims (or you are simply unwilling because you like and prefer the dogma).   This is similar to the time you promoted geocentrism here.   You start with a dogmatic principle (ie, US govt did 9/11), then you twist whatever information you possibly can to try to promote that dogma, whether it's believable or not, honest or not, correct or not, contextual or not.   

Do you know what air pressure is?   Do you know what happens when multiple floors of a building collapse onto floors beneath?  Engineers do.   Let's let the engineers explain it instead of some idiotic video made by an ignoramus that asks a meaningless question that any engineer can easily answer.

Do you realize Wonga, that the very first visual in the trash video you posted here proves that it was NOT a controlled demolition?   When the towers fell, the floors collapsed onto floors below, in succession.   This is often termed as "pancaking" and can be easily observed from the videos.   Look at the visual in your video which appears first.   There are items which ARE falling at free fall speed (coming off the building) and you can see that they are BELOW the level of the building where the current floor is collapsing at the time of that visual.  That is because the collapse itself happened SLOWER than free fall speed [/i]

Please don't be a moronic lemming. :robot:

We have little patience for this, particularly on this subject.

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Re: Barry Chamish joins the KKNY
« Reply #15 on: September 27, 2010, 06:10:42 PM »
Re:  "If that was true, what do we have to worry about?  We obey the law here. "

If you're truly so naive as to believe that "staying within the actual letter of the law" keeps one safe, then I can only pray that you soon have your eyes opened.

As for "obeying the law", more than once I've had to report individual posts or threads for being in violation of laws which they didn't even know they were breaking.

Ancient Chinese saying:

"Once you have decided someone is guilty, it's easy to manufacture the evidence!"

Didn't you read the news this past weekend of the FBI raids on the homes of "Peace Activists" in Chicago, confiscating all of their personal belongings, computers, records, on suspicion of aiding terrorists?

Those raided insist that each and all were in complete compliance with the letter of the law, as well as merely exercising their Bill of Rights guarantees to disagree with the policies of their government in working to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Big deal.

We are obeying both the letter of the law and the spirit of the law.   I'm not sure why you keep stressing "letter of the law" as if something that goes on on this forum is questionable.   I really would not be surprised that those so-called "peace activist" nuts were doing questionable things and had contacts with terrorists.

Were they in fact lying and actively supporting terror?

Probably, but I haven't researched it, so I won't say one way or the other.

And...If if you could care less whether or not they are technically innocent, totally disagree with their "politics' anyway, are more than happy to see them raided, and if you hope Federal Authorities lock them up and throw away the key,

Those are big if's, and they're not correct.   I'm not prepared to believe they were "technically innocent" especially since the likelihood that groups like this have contacts with and give aid to groups that fight against US troops is probably high, although I have no proof one way or the other.  But why do you automatically assume their rights are being violated?   I'm sure when/if they are brought up on charges, the evidence will be presented and a case made for what laws they violated.   Saying they are against war or having a forum is not violating any law.  Contacting the Taliban and working with them on any type of projects probably is.   Although I don't know, I'm not a legal expert.

But the courts are not going to lie down and accept it if no real case with real evidence of illegal activity is made against what they did.  That's the beauty of the american justice system.

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Re: Barry Chamish joins the KKNY
« Reply #16 on: September 27, 2010, 06:11:29 PM »
Im sorry but I have to stop reading these kinds of threads. I just can't believe people actually believe that America was directly involved with the attack on 9/11. I do believe that the events which occured on that day could have been prevented if only there was less corruption and less inefficiency in government agencies. But I very much doubt that Americans laid explosives, knew that an attack was coming on that day, or anything else. There is enough information out there that we know that agencies did know a lot about the plot, that some of those involved in the attack were under surveillance, and they had made clear their intentions when they attacked the WTC in 1993.

But I will say again, that the 9/11 conspiracy spreaders are trying to move the blame from the Jihad against the west {which also resulted in the assassination of our Rebbe} to others...

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
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Offline wonga66

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Re: Barry Chamish joins the KKNY
« Reply #17 on: September 27, 2010, 06:22:31 PM »
As Mike Guzofsky said about the Rabin conspiracy theories: "Who cares who did it! The main thing is that he's gone!"

And about the WTC conspiracy theories one could say: "Who cares who did it! The main thing is that the Muzzies take the rap!"

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Re: Barry Chamish joins the KKNY
« Reply #18 on: September 27, 2010, 06:25:02 PM »
Not all the conspiracy theories are correct, but there's definitely something amiss about the government's 911 story

WOnga, that is in HORRIBLE taste.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Barry Chamish joins the KKNY
« Reply #19 on: September 27, 2010, 06:52:45 PM »
Re:  But why do you automatically assume their rights are being violated?


How about the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution?

Unless those raided are handed warrants specifically stating which items engaged in the commission of a crime are being sought, and unless the homeowner is charged and arrested with a crime, then all the rest is tyrannical harrassment typical of a dictatorship.

How can "peace activists" acting within the letter of the law be in support of of enemies of the U.S. Government?

The U.S. is fighting two wars overseas for over eight years - wars never declared, against two countries which never attacked us, occupying their countries, during a "peacetime", with no military draft, no civil defense policies, no rationing of fuel and food -- all while Washington can not and will not name the enemy it is warring against?

Let me remind all that the F.B.I. officially states that there is no proof or evidence whatsoever that Osama Ben Laden is connected with the attack of 9/11.

That is hardly grounds for W to invade Afghanistan and then commit Shock & Awe against Iraq.

Bad guys?  No doubt.

Deserve it?  Probably, but so does Castro and he's only 90 miles from us.

And if the pretext for invading Afghanistan was promising the American people that Osama Ben Laden would be apprehended and brought to justice, then where is he?
After 8 years nobody even mentions him anymore.

Which brings up ONE MORE Constitutional Law which states that only the Congress of the U.S. is allowed to declare war and authorize a military conflict against foreign states.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Barry Chamish joins the KKNY
« Reply #20 on: September 27, 2010, 07:22:32 PM »
As Mike Guzofsky said about the Rabin conspiracy theories: "Who cares who did it! The main thing is that he's gone!"

I guess there's a certain logic to this statement in that Guzofsky is glad Rabin is out of the picture, but I think it's worth analyzing who did it and how.


And about the WTC conspiracy theories one could say: "Who cares who did it! The main thing is that the Muzzies take the rap!"

No, I believe only a moron would say that.   A moron who "believes" irrationally that the US govt did it and Muslims didn't.   Because.... umm... Bush .... oil .... saudi family....  uhhhh.... Stuff!

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Re: Barry Chamish joins the KKNY
« Reply #21 on: September 27, 2010, 07:26:24 PM »

How can "peace activists" acting within the letter of the law be in support of of enemies of the U.S. Government?

How do you know they're acting within the letter of the law? 

Doesn't every criminal claim innocence?   So why is that gospel for you in this case?

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Re: Barry Chamish joins the KKNY
« Reply #22 on: September 27, 2010, 07:32:21 PM »

Which brings up ONE MORE Constitutional Law which states that only the Congress of the U.S. is allowed to declare war and authorize a military conflict against foreign states.

But you already said above that the US never declared war on them.  So that law hasn't been violated.

wars never declared

Let us also not forget that Congress who has this authority, jointly, in bipartisan formal declaration, gave the President authority to begin a military venture in Iraq at his discretion.   The law wasn't really broken.   Even if I do disagree with regime change ventures.  I still think it's silly to pretend that the constitution was thrown in the garbage.   It wasn't.   

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Barry Chamish joins the KKNY
« Reply #23 on: September 27, 2010, 08:11:24 PM »
Re:  "ut you already said above that the US never declared war on them.  So that law hasn't been violated. "

We hung an entire major world power's government after putting them on trial for "War Crimes" just sixty years ago for doing exactly what we have been doing for the past eight years, which is staging an invasion of a sovereign state under false pretenses, and waging war against a civilian population, and using torture.

Shows just how little you know.

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Re: Barry Chamish joins the KKNY
« Reply #24 on: September 27, 2010, 08:15:48 PM »
Re: "Doesn't every criminal claim innocence?   So why is that gospel for you in this case? "

Because every person arrested or charged in the U.S.A. IS INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY IN A COURT OF LAW!

Or were you just so obsessed with your own BS that you managed to miss that part of your schooling?