Hello everyone. I'm going to step in here and lock this thread shortly. But first I want to say a few things.
Muman, Chaim has said in the past that religious Jews can use the word "Yeshu" to describe Jesus. So I don't understand the need to use the Simpson's version of his name, especially when it bothers other members here.
As for the Roman Catholic Church, we're all in agreement about their terrible history towards the Jews and Serbs. No one is asking you to forgive the church. There was nothing in any thread here about that.
Also, we Jews have our own beliefs G-d. The Christians/Catholics have a different view. Why beat them over the head about it? When Bullcat3 and Viper write that they have never been taught to hate Jews, and that they were never taught to believe that Jews killed Jesus, I frankly, am inclined to believe them. Why else do you think they would post here, and come to the JTF meetings? If the topic comes to discussing our differences, I don't understand why it can't be done respectfully. In all my time here, I have never seen Chaim tell a Christian on the forum, or in person, that his messiah is false. Come to think of it, I've never seen heard other religious Jews here like Kahane Was Right BT, Lubab, who is a Rabbi, Shlomo, Mishmaat, or David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh ever post such a thing here.
In short, please don't take it out your hatred of the RCC on the individual Catholics here, who have been with us from the very beginning. That also means not writing that they're somehow "fake" Catholics for not believing that Jews killed Jesus. (The RCC hasn't held that position officially since the Second Vatican Council of 1964.)
For our great Serb members, I also understand your feelings about the RCC. No one here is attempting to white wash what the RCC has done. But please remember what Chaim said a while back on a past Ask JTF show about conservative Catholics in the United States, and how they can potentially be allies for the struggle of Serbian independence.
Anyway, I'll leave this thread open a bit longer, then I'm locking it, since it's already nine pages long.