And please don't minimize the suffering of black slaves. The were paid NOTHING for their work.
I suspect nothing except room, board, and health care is what you meant to say.

they were raped all of the time because they were thought to be worthless, black, ugly whores.
And your evidence for this is... ?

And with the number of slaves who didn't want to be there in the first place, there was insolence all over the place.
Do you think Chinese workers liked being enslaved on the railroads or poor NORTHERN (!)
whites liked having their lungs slowly rot in the coal mines for incomes that today would be comparable to what child laborers earn in Bangladesh?
Some who refused to be enslaved were beaten, hanged or burned. Those who ran away to be free were beaten, hanged or burned.
Again, evidence?
So much for your theory that 'the instances of torture/rape/murder were quite rare'.
So much for what? So much for us ever having hopes of finding a black person who does not expect us to recoil, with jaws agape, at the unique and unmatched sufferings of other blacks? You are right, Erica. It was infinitely worse that slaves got whipped from time to time than that 6 1/2 million Jews got burned alive, gassed with insecticide, packed like sardines into boxcars filled with lime, etc. Making blacks work in the fields is much more evil than going through black villages, killing all the men and boys and raping all the women, like the Sudanese Arabs are doing right now. You've convinced me that blacks are the only race in the world capable of suffering and being oppressed.