We were also debating teachers now that I think about it but the thread was old by then anyway.
In your opinion, what is revisionism?
Anything that doesn't fit into their narrow frameworks 
Erica, when are you going to come back to the Ask JTF forum and ask the challenging questions of Chaim?
Oh, I'll be back. lol I'm just working on my arsonal of questions...two at a time, of course. I won't be using the non-words "ummm-hmmm" though. That might disappoint him to no end. 
Oh no! It would amuse us all! Your next question should be if he would be willing to provide you some mayonnaise for your French fries 
Out of all the stereotypes that many people on here might have about the way black peoples talks, you certainly never talked in that ways. You speak very good 
I thank you for the compliment. I also want to add that I speak some ebonics also, when I'm around my family. Its like comfort food...but its never to the extreme that Chaim and some other people here have displayed. lol
Oh, and for giggles, he can leave the mayo and glue off of my fries... I like to dip them in ranch dressing.

And when I said he'd be dissappointed , I meant it would disappoint him that I wouldn't stoop to his level of ignorance to make a point. When I do ask the questions though, I'll expect him to come back with some simbalence of maturity. I won't take the name-calling lightly.
*Sidebar, he's my mom's age...well my mom will be 51 on September 11th. *