ASK JTF for December 19 2010.
Dear Chaim, this is part two of the comments from Obaid Karki's video which he directed to you. I look forward to your responses.
4. "[In Israel] You don't have electricity, you don't have water, you don't have... Anything! You have only yourself, like Japan"
5. "And always you are motivated that people around you, around Israel, are working 24 hours a day to kill you, to destroy Israel. That's not true, people are normal people they go to school, they go to factories, go to their own work, to banks, to farm. They don't know. The only people fighting you are your own media. Your own media is fighting you and showing you that there are 2 billion people [who] like to destroy Israel."
6. "And if Iran is telling you that they gonna destroy Israel, I don't think so, because Iran is not interested in destroy Israel. Where did you get that information? - From your media, on your radio, your tv, ask the guy how he got the information. Iran is getting all aid, arm and technical aid from YOU. You gave them the arms, I agree.
7. "You said you develop 50% of your arms and 50% you imported. I didn't see it in an exhibition. It's just the media. We've never seen such live thing. People say that [about] Russia, Israel has a lot of power - Congratulations that is good but for whom? Whom are you going to kill? Whom you going to destroy? Why you wanna do that? We still can make business, we still can coexist together. We still can solve this problem. "