Please excuse my ignorance on this matter. (I don't know a thing about professional basketball. I never watch it and it means nothing to me.) But is Jackson's subtext that a Jew (Stern) is the one to blame?
Now my next questions are these:
1. Does Stern set the schedule and have complete autonomy when it comes to scheduling games?
2. Is it possible that the owners want the games on Christmas because they want the big bucks that all that TV time will bring?
3. And, conversely, if they don't play on Christmas, wouldn't the owners lose millions of dollars?
4. So, is it not the owners who want their players to play on Christmas and not Stern?
5. If the players and the owners truly wished not to play on Christmas, what could Stern do about it?
6. Has Phil Jackson ever expressed anti-semitic remarks? If so, that might add credence to the charge. If not, then perhaps his ire is directed at the owners and not Stern?