This is the perfect time for an "Affirmative action story" Mmmhmm!
Not too long ago a very tall black man who worked at night with us was headed to the break room to get his stuff. It was time to leave and we were all headed that way.
He saw a large spider on the floor. This spider wasn't a particularly venomous kind, nor did it outwardly resemble those types of spiders (anyone can have an allergic reaction to any spider bite, and all spiders are somewhat venomous, but this wasn't one of the types that would be dangerous for most people).
The spider itself was about the size of a quarter with its legs extending a little beyond that. So here I saw this 6 foot plus tall man shrieking like a girl and making stabs with his foot toward the offending arachnid, and missing, letting out a girlish shriek each time he tentatively extended his foot.
Two girls of varied ethncity were cowering behind him.
I wanted to get my stuff and go home so after watching this circus act for a few moments I stepped in front of the girls and the guy.
I said "I'll rescue you"
I reached down and picked the spider (which was probably now just as terrified as its attacker_ up with my bare hand. I heard the black guy yell out "AW HELL NO!" and he took off running at lightning speed. I assured him "I'm not going to throw it at you". The girls stood there in awe as if I'd picked up a hot coal without being burned.
I took the spider down the hallway well past the door to the breakroom and announced "It's safe now".
Everyone was then able to proceed into the room to get their stuff from their lockers, so they could leave. Crisis averted. No thanks were given for this deed but none were really needed either.