I am not kidding, coming on here and listening to Chaims wisdom and you guys wisdom has changed my life. Sure ive had some ups and downs, but overall ive had learnt tremendously since joining.
My 3 things ive learnt /Gained are...
1) Finding someone you love and sticking by them-Before Chaims advice i was a idiot. A guy who thought he was some kind of modern day Alfie(michaek Caine). Chaim told me to basically grow up, as ill never be a complete person swanning around in different relationships. Ive improved so much as a person since meeting this Girl. Best decision ive ever made.

2) Diet-I ate absolute rubbish. Luckily ive always been active and played alot of sports. But circa 2008, i was getting terrible dry skin problems, and getting bad excaema. Chaim was preachng oily fish etc. Gave it a go, and now my skin problems have been greatly reduced.
3) American politics-i probably know more about American politics than i do my own country. lol.
What experiences and things can you guys take since joining JTF?