newman is right, most Aussies only care about aussie rules football/rugby/cricket to realise their own country is being subverted from within by muslim sub-humans. They will however care soon enough and when they do they aren't going to take it lying down like the British and French have, they will fight back.
Both of our major parties, even the labor government have always been pro-Israel. The Liberals of course moreso than Labor who have shifted a bit to the left in the past few years. We do have our own leftwing scum in parliament like the greens led by the homosexual Bob Brown who is famous for heckling George Bush when he visited Parliament House in 2003, bringing the entire Australian parliament into disrepute. However, I believe the Australian parliament is by enlarge one of the most pro-Israel in the world. The mass media and universities are pro-arab, extreme left wing scum that all deserve to be put to death.
The Kiwi government is led by the shemale Helen Clark who is a left wing degenerate who looks more like a member of the New Zealand rugby team than their leader.