For me, I'm religous Christian so I'm against homosexual marriage. But I'm not against them as people. I know many gay people (here in New York being a major city) who are all fine people. I don't like the faggots who run aroudn in pink underwear at the marches and I call them fags because they are. I respect gays who have normal relationships without that sh*t. But many religious Christians are against gay marriage but that doesn't mean we think all gay are going to hell, they're all evil people, and that kind of stuff except Westboro sh*ts, but they're not really Christians.
So I hate it when liberals make it look like all Christians and Jews who are against gay marriage hate gay people and think they're all going to hell. That's a small minority of radicals. For me the question is whether gay people being together is sin (but they're still good people), or whether it's no sin and just them marrying is sin. i will stand up for gays suffering in Asia and Africa but I will stand against their marriage because of my position. I think they have right for be together but not marrying. Also they shouldn't adopt kids because that's wrong and kids need a mother and father. If they want kids they can contribute sperm or whatever or egg if they're lesbians as donor. And some sins you can't go to hell for unless you kill someone or rape or hurt people in other ways and don't repent.
Muslims however hate gays. They think they should be thrown from buildings (as many here have heard). They think they're all going to hell and need to be execute, which is stupid because if they were going to hell, should not one give them the chance to repent so they may not? Teachings of Islam say unbelievers go to hell (ask Andy Choudary), although many good Muslims are unaware of the evil religion they practice and don't believe this. For Jews & Christians even many Muslims go to heaven because many are good people, they just follow an evil relgion.
This is difference, unlike how liberals think. Just like coveting is sin (thou shall not covet from 10commandments), but people won't go to hell for being jealous. Liberals need to read the Bible/Torah/Scriptures if they think we think everyone is going to hell. Liberals shouldn't defame Christianity and Judaism unless they know what we think.