How is it you're so much more articulate when you write, as opposed to when you talk?
No offense.
Did you hear me say something inarticulate, lubab? Did I spell it correctly?
You seem rather moody, Imerica....

And i agree with lubab on his point and i'll tell you why, you write very well Imerica and use different styles of sentence structures, such as short and complex. Therefore character is initially added to your writing and when one reads it, fluently, it sounds articulative and expressive. However when you yourself speak, you stress on the words and read fairly slowly, so it doesn't sound so fluent and i'm guessing not so articulate. Speed yet clear speech is the sound related to articulate speaking. Many leaders who are very articulate, speak at a steady pace, without pauses, yet what they are saying may not be very flamboyant in terms of vocabulary. Its just the way they come over.
Before, you take any of this into offense, IT IS NOT!

Everybody speaks differently depending on their tongue and character......