Author Topic: Affirmative Action Hair - Imerica Talks About Dem African Braids, UMM HMM!  (Read 36174 times)

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Offline Sarah

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In my school the teachers are very close with the pupils and seriously care for them, yet the school itself is almost crumbling.

The school down the road, which is full of students with knives and shvartzas constantly fight has the best faciilities you could ever imagine, with the goverment pouring in loads of money into it. It just goes down hill every day.

Offline nessuno

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Why do you think Oprah is building schools in Africa and not for the impoverished black communities in America?  I can't understand that.
Oprah thinks like some of you here. That black students here don't want education, that all they want are Ipods and X Box 360's. She said she built a school in Africa for girls who didn't have a chance to go to school there. The monthly income there was so low that many girls had to stop going to school to help out and work for money and food. They want an education, it seems, more than some black American kids do. I'm 50% with Oprah's idea and 50% against it. I'm with it because she did something to help an impoveraged country. Against it because she seems to generalize about American black kids, much like some people here do. In order for the black kids in our own country to feel like they deserve a good education, we must provide them with the tools to want to make it. I'm not talking about a handout of computer games but a hand up with new books. Perhaps a new school that isn't rotting from the inside out. How about GOOD teachers instead of teachers who look down on black students as if they have no they don't teach.

If I had Oprah's money, I'd be dangerous. (Don't get that mixed up with frivolous. ;)  )

Imerica. The schools that are now 'rotting' were once nice and new. They are rotting because savage people are turning them into zoos. What is the point in paying for new schools and books that will only get trashed. The problem with black kids is a 'rotting' culture.....rap, gangsta mentallity,  'get whitey','I aint workin for the man', drugs, bastard babies, welfare, promiscuity........the list is endless. The will to get out from under has to come from within like it does with Jews, chinese, italians etc....all of whom started poor and were called names but didn't sit around in the ghetto crying about it.
Actually schools in urban communities were built poorly. The students, while some may be responsible for their own failures and drop-out rates, don't cause asbestos. Students are also not the reason that new books and supplies aren't available for them. Not to mention the fact that they ALSO aren't the reason that some teachers don't teach. Anyone can be taught, you just have to have their best interest at heart. If you're a teacher just working for a paycheck, you're useless.
Imerica - I'm not sure that asbestos and old text books are the problem in urban communities - lack of parental involvement might be a big factor!
Also what really good teacher wants to make a career in a bad area?  Asbestos abatement was just completed in our school district - and we are considered to have a good school district.
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.


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UMM HMM to me is what blacks say when they are making a point. They say it at the end of the sentence.

JTF says it though when referring to blacks because it's funny.

Actually its not meant to be funny at all. Its a shortcut- yes. It means, simply (I agree).

Offline MarZutra

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Why do you think Oprah is building schools in Africa and not for the impoverished black communities in America?  I can't understand that.
It is called a fabulous tax break and too a means to exploit the African loving media.  In a way I think it is good that she is doing this.  I think that all blacks with means should be doing likewise the way Jews send money to Israel.  I just disagree with her ulterior motives behind it.  I feel that the West should cut off ALL "Foreign Aid"...period.  Actually, it would be good for Oprah to use her billions and develop Africa in preparation for her relocation..... 
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.


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UMM HMM to me is what blacks say when they are making a point. They say it at the end of the sentence.

JTF says it though when referring to blacks because it's funny.

Actually its not meant to be funny at all. Its a shortcut- yes. It means, simply (I agree).


I happen to like 'mmmm hmmmm'. You should to. Sometimes I suspect that you're a self-hating [censored]. All that " tote dat barge- lift dat bale, yassa,yassa,yassa, hush my mouth, oh de doo-dah-day,mmmm hmmmm" 'mammy' talk is part of your rich african-American history and culture even if it does come from a time when you guys didn't have it so good.It should make you feel warm and nostalgic, not angry....... Just as Jews feel a warmth for their yiddish shtetl culture as seen in Fiddler on the Roof even though it is synonomous with oppression. You've got to admit that the old negro culture of the Black & white minstrel show is 1000 times better than the self-destructive afro-American gagsta-rap-drug-drive by culture so prevalent today.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2007, 03:48:53 PM by newman »


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UMM HMM to me is what blacks say when they are making a point. They say it at the end of the sentence.

JTF says it though when referring to blacks because it's funny.

Actually its not meant to be funny at all. Its a shortcut- yes. It means, simply (I agree).


I happen to like 'mmmm hmmmm'. You should to. Sometimes I suspect that you're a self-hating [censored]. All that " tote dat barge- lift dat bale, yassa,yassa,yassa, hush my mouth, oh de doo-dah-day,mmmm hmmmm" 'mammy' talk is part of your rich african-American history and culture even if it does come from a time when you guys didn't have it so good.It should make you feel warm and nostalgic, not angry....... Just as Jews feel a warmth for their yiddish shtetl culture as seen in Fiddler on the Roof even though it is synonomous with oppression. You've got to admit that the old negro culture of the Black & white minstrel show is 1000 times better than the self-destructive afro-American gagsta-rap-drug-drive by culture so prevalent today.
I'm not saying that I don't like ummm-hmmmm, I just don't like the way some people here use it as if its a lower language because black women say it. Or that its a stupid thing to say. Its used as an insult. And when its made fun of, its like you're making fun of us.

And as a response for the old negro culture vs gangsta rap culture they are both equally disturbing to me. Old negro culture as seen in minstral shows is disturbing because it showed how desperate blacks back in the day were to make money to eat that they'd make fun of themselves as well as embellish on myths that never happen in the black culture then. The black cartoons, the whites in black-face shows.. I remember watching a classic movie with Judy Garland where she had dressed up like a light-skinned black girl, shuffeling around on stage with (correction may be needed) Fred Estaire. I saw this movie for the first time about 3 years ago and felt as though Judy was poking fun at black women. I know...she's been dead for upwards of 35 years or so but it hurt. Why was it, and is it so interesting for some white people to poke fun at blacks? I'm not talking about white commedians who speak about black people in their routines, or even black commedians who tell the truth about some of the culture...I'm speaking of people who are purposely mean about blacks.

Offline Sarah

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I find it funny but mainly the way Chaim says it, especially with him being a white jewish man.


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I find it funny but mainly the way Chaim says it, especially with him being a white jewish man.

When we anglos take off Indians , we totter our heads and say "oh, goodness, gracious me, sahib".....we're not doing it to be mean. It's just our take on them.


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UMM HMM to me is what blacks say when they are making a point. They say it at the end of the sentence.

JTF says it though when referring to blacks because it's funny.

Actually its not meant to be funny at all. Its a shortcut- yes. It means, simply (I agree).


I happen to like 'mmmm hmmmm'. You should to. Sometimes I suspect that you're a self-hating [censored]. All that " tote dat barge- lift dat bale, yassa,yassa,yassa, hush my mouth, oh de doo-dah-day,mmmm hmmmm" 'mammy' talk is part of your rich african-American history and culture even if it does come from a time when you guys didn't have it so good.It should make you feel warm and nostalgic, not angry....... Just as Jews feel a warmth for their yiddish shtetl culture as seen in Fiddler on the Roof even though it is synonomous with oppression. You've got to admit that the old negro culture of the Black & white minstrel show is 1000 times better than the self-destructive afro-American gagsta-rap-drug-drive by culture so prevalent today.
I'm not saying that I don't like ummm-hmmmm, I just don't like the way some people here use it as if its a lower language because black women say it. Or that its a stupid thing to say. Its used as an insult. And when its made fun of, its like you're making fun of us.

And as a response for the old negro culture vs gangsta rap culture they are both equally disturbing to me. Old negro culture as seen in minstral shows is disturbing because it showed how desperate blacks back in the day were to make money to eat that they'd make fun of themselves as well as embellish on myths that never happen in the black culture then. The black cartoons, the whites in black-face shows.. I remember watching a classic movie with Judy Garland where she had dressed up like a light-skinned black girl, shuffeling around on stage with (correction may be needed) Fred Estaire. I saw this movie for the first time about 3 years ago and felt as though Judy was poking fun at black women. I know...she's been dead for upwards of 35 years or so but it hurt. Why was it, and is it so interesting for some white people to poke fun at blacks? I'm not talking about white commedians who speak about black people in their routines, or even black commedians who tell the truth about some of the culture...I'm speaking of people who are purposely mean about blacks.

The point is, Imerica that negroes were better off going to 'de camptown races an' betin da money on de bob-tail nag' than going to the 'crack-house and popping a cap in some homie's ass'......................


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UMM HMM to me is what blacks say when they are making a point. They say it at the end of the sentence.

JTF says it though when referring to blacks because it's funny.

Actually its not meant to be funny at all. Its a shortcut- yes. It means, simply (I agree).


I happen to like 'mmmm hmmmm'. You should to. Sometimes I suspect that you're a self-hating [censored]. All that " tote dat barge- lift dat bale, yassa,yassa,yassa, hush my mouth, oh de doo-dah-day,mmmm hmmmm" 'mammy' talk is part of your rich african-American history and culture even if it does come from a time when you guys didn't have it so good.It should make you feel warm and nostalgic, not angry....... Just as Jews feel a warmth for their yiddish shtetl culture as seen in Fiddler on the Roof even though it is synonomous with oppression. You've got to admit that the old negro culture of the Black & white minstrel show is 1000 times better than the self-destructive afro-American gagsta-rap-drug-drive by culture so prevalent today.
I'm not saying that I don't like ummm-hmmmm, I just don't like the way some people here use it as if its a lower language because black women say it. Or that its a stupid thing to say. Its used as an insult. And when its made fun of, its like you're making fun of us.

And as a response for the old negro culture vs gangsta rap culture they are both equally disturbing to me. Old negro culture as seen in minstral shows is disturbing because it showed how desperate blacks back in the day were to make money to eat that they'd make fun of themselves as well as embellish on myths that never happen in the black culture then. The black cartoons, the whites in black-face shows.. I remember watching a classic movie with Judy Garland where she had dressed up like a light-skinned black girl, shuffeling around on stage with (correction may be needed) Fred Estaire. I saw this movie for the first time about 3 years ago and felt as though Judy was poking fun at black women. I know...she's been dead for upwards of 35 years or so but it hurt. Why was it, and is it so interesting for some white people to poke fun at blacks? I'm not talking about white commedians who speak about black people in their routines, or even black commedians who tell the truth about some of the culture...I'm speaking of people who are purposely mean about blacks.

The point is, Imerica that negroes were better off going to 'de camptown races an' betin da money on de bob-tail nag' than going to the 'crack-house and popping a cap in some homie's ass'......................
Its no better, really. We've had stereotypes for years, centuries even. Right now I can't come up with one thing I'd make fun of whites on. Not one. Not for the lack of trying to but because all of the stereotypes I know of about white people aren't true at all. The ones I know about Jews aren't true at all. So I have no reason to make fun of them.

Newman, you 'type' ebonics really well, are you sure you aren't half black?


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UMM HMM to me is what blacks say when they are making a point. They say it at the end of the sentence.

JTF says it though when referring to blacks because it's funny.

Actually its not meant to be funny at all. Its a shortcut- yes. It means, simply (I agree).


I happen to like 'mmmm hmmmm'. You should to. Sometimes I suspect that you're a self-hating [censored]. All that " tote dat barge- lift dat bale, yassa,yassa,yassa, hush my mouth, oh de doo-dah-day,mmmm hmmmm" 'mammy' talk is part of your rich african-American history and culture even if it does come from a time when you guys didn't have it so good.It should make you feel warm and nostalgic, not angry....... Just as Jews feel a warmth for their yiddish shtetl culture as seen in Fiddler on the Roof even though it is synonomous with oppression. You've got to admit that the old negro culture of the Black & white minstrel show is 1000 times better than the self-destructive afro-American gagsta-rap-drug-drive by culture so prevalent today.
I'm not saying that I don't like ummm-hmmmm, I just don't like the way some people here use it as if its a lower language because black women say it. Or that its a stupid thing to say. Its used as an insult. And when its made fun of, its like you're making fun of us.

And as a response for the old negro culture vs gangsta rap culture they are both equally disturbing to me. Old negro culture as seen in minstral shows is disturbing because it showed how desperate blacks back in the day were to make money to eat that they'd make fun of themselves as well as embellish on myths that never happen in the black culture then. The black cartoons, the whites in black-face shows.. I remember watching a classic movie with Judy Garland where she had dressed up like a light-skinned black girl, shuffeling around on stage with (correction may be needed) Fred Estaire. I saw this movie for the first time about 3 years ago and felt as though Judy was poking fun at black women. I know...she's been dead for upwards of 35 years or so but it hurt. Why was it, and is it so interesting for some white people to poke fun at blacks? I'm not talking about white commedians who speak about black people in their routines, or even black commedians who tell the truth about some of the culture...I'm speaking of people who are purposely mean about blacks.

The point is, Imerica that negroes were better off going to 'de camptown races an' betin da money on de bob-tail nag' than going to the 'crack-house and popping a cap in some homie's ass'......................
Its no better, really. We've had stereotypes for years, centuries even. Right now I can't come up with one thing I'd make fun of whites on. Not one. Not for the lack of trying to but because all of the stereotypes I know of about white people aren't true at all. The ones I know about Jews aren't true at all. So I have no reason to make fun of them.

Newman, you 'type' ebonics really well, are you sure you aren't half black?

My girlfriend wishes the lower 'half' of me was! ;)

Offline nessuno

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Why do you think Oprah is building schools in Africa and not for the impoverished black communities in America?  I can't understand that.
It is called a fabulous tax break and too a means to exploit the African loving media.  In a way I think it is good that she is doing this.  I think that all blacks with means should be doing likewise the way Jews send money to Israel.  I just disagree with her ulterior motives behind it.  I feel that the West should cut off ALL "Foreign Aid"...period.  Actually, it would be good for Oprah to use her billions and develop Africa in preparation for her relocation..... 
Thanks MarZutra - what you say rings true.  We can only hope for the day of her relocation... and that she takes some friends along too!
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

Offline MarZutra

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Some friends, how about the masses?  When I was living in Philadelphia I worked with a woman named Dolores, a very sweet woman now passed on.  She told me "The Circular Theory of Life" there in the US for which she got stuck into.  She purchased her home in Chester PA.  She purchased her 3 bedroom home in the early 1950's when Chester was being developed into a White Christian community on the outskirts of Philadelphia.  She purchased it with hopes of it being a good investment for future retirement.  As the years passed, blacks moved in and whites moved out.  She held onto her home hoping that it would end or this trend would pass and revert into a nice pieceful town again.  Well it didn't.  As time when on the town became a Turd world, crime, drug, rape and disease infested toilet for which her, upon her retirement her home was worth, now 40 years later, only $5000.00 (or less) than she paid for it in the 1950's.  She couldn't afford to sell.  That piece of realestate should have quadrupled in price if not more in that period, in fact it declined.... 

Her theory goes as thus: The Whites/Jews see a nice piece of property as either an investment or a vacation spot to get away from city life.  They purchase, zone, develop it into a crime free, safe American rural neighborhood.  Once Blacks move in there is a trickel of Whites leaving to recapture their investment or make a few.  Soon that trickel turns into a flood of whites fleeing as blacks move in driving crime and all other negative aspects of civilized living up driving market prices down.  Now that, once peaceful white Christan/Jewish neighborhood is a black suberban town.  Black culture dictates that flashy cars and the like are more important then the up keep on ones property.  Within a few years the black suberban town turns into crime infested Black "Ghetto" (which is really an improper term stolen from Jewish history which a more correct term should be Black slum).  Now that property prices have fallen to the point where new Hispanic Portorican etc. now start moving in causing the blacks to move out.....into the White Christian/Jewish new suberbs..... 

The Hipanic empoverished illegals of inferior culture have driven out the blacks allowing the once black town to become a total empoverished welfare, crime, drug, prostitution infested Portorican neighborhood.  Now these bombed out homes (similar to the interior of every major US city) and housing projects of the lowest humanitarian classifications cause land values to decline lower than the remediation value making investment and land reclamation possible. 

These low prices, often with town grants available to developers, make attractive for investment.  So about 60 years later, Melvin McDonald, whose great grandparent fled their lands years earlier comes in and buys lots up for a steal and develops shore front property, golf courses, condos, shopping malls.....etc....again to flee from the blacks that are starting to drive down the White/Jewish neighborhood.....

The Circular Theory of Life is repeated.... 

...sorry to digress...... All blacks should feel proud of donating monies to Africa, volunteering in Africa, Helping their own and even returning to Africa.....  Africa belongs to Africans...whether they be "African" Americans, "African" Canadians, "African" Britians.....  albeit one never hears of "African" Mexicans, "African" Jamaicans, "African" Haitans...... ???  Again....hate-whitey...
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline nessuno

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The Circular Theory of Life - I have witnessed it with my own two eyes  :'(.
As always your posts are very interesting - even in digression.

I will from this point foward be happy to see Oprah and her people donate to Africa - in hopes of a better future for all.  ;)
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

Offline ChaimBenMordechai

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I find it funny but mainly the way Chaim says it, especially with him being a white jewish man.

When we anglos take off Indians , we totter our heads and say "oh, goodness, gracious me, sahib".....we're not doing it to be mean. It's just our take on them.

They also insist on calling you "dear," and if you ever go into a chat room , they will start messaging you and they have the chutzpah to tell you that they will NOT leave you alone. I have heard and seen stories of children who have been attacked online by these Bengal perverts. They will insist on wanting to have cybersex with you and showing their provate parts to you with their webcams

Indians to me are no better than schvartzes and Muslim sand-schvartzes

Offline cjd

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UMM HMM to me is what blacks say when they are making a point. They say it at the end of the sentence.

JTF says it though when referring to blacks because it's funny.

Actually its not meant to be funny at all. Its a shortcut- yes. It means, simply (I agree).


I happen to like 'mmmm hmmmm'. You should to. Sometimes I suspect that you're a self-hating [censored]. All that " tote dat barge- lift dat bale, yassa,yassa,yassa, hush my mouth, oh de doo-dah-day,mmmm hmmmm" 'mammy' talk is part of your rich african-American history and culture even if it does come from a time when you guys didn't have it so good.It should make you feel warm and nostalgic, not angry....... Just as Jews feel a warmth for their yiddish shtetl culture as seen in Fiddler on the Roof even though it is synonomous with oppression. You've got to admit that the old negro culture of the Black & white minstrel show is 1000 times better than the self-destructive afro-American gagsta-rap-drug-drive by culture so prevalent today.
I'm not saying that I don't like ummm-hmmmm, I just don't like the way some people here use it as if its a lower language because black women say it. Or that its a stupid thing to say. Its used as an insult. And when its made fun of, its like you're making fun of us.

And as a response for the old negro culture vs gangsta rap culture they are both equally disturbing to me. Old negro culture as seen in minstral shows is disturbing because it showed how desperate blacks back in the day were to make money to eat that they'd make fun of themselves as well as embellish on myths that never happen in the black culture then. The black cartoons, the whites in black-face shows.. I remember watching a classic movie with Judy Garland where she had dressed up like a light-skinned black girl, shuffeling around on stage with (correction may be needed) Fred Estaire. I saw this movie for the first time about 3 years ago and felt as though Judy was poking fun at black women. I know...she's been dead for upwards of 35 years or so but it hurt. Why was it, and is it so interesting for some white people to poke fun at blacks? I'm not talking about white commedians who speak about black people in their routines, or even black commedians who tell the truth about some of the culture...I'm speaking of people who are purposely mean about blacks.

That's funny because I saw once that The Wizard of Oz was remade into a black movie with blacks playing Garland's and others' role.

Wasn't it called "The Wiz" I never saw it but it looked nasty. Here they had the old Wizard of Oz movie with all the nice singing and dancing and then they do this remake with black folks and it just doesn't  seem the same. Hmmm I wonder why?  A year or so back they tried that again with the old Honeymooner's show from the 50's. Somehow the thought of black folks playing the part of Gleason and Carney just didn't sit well with me. I don't think it sat well with many other folks either the movie did not do that well if I recall correctly. Classics like that are a one shot deal its very hard to recapture that sort of magic twice.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

A light on to the nations for 60 years

Offline cjd

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Some friends, how about the masses?  When I was living in Philadelphia I worked with a woman named Dolores, a very sweet woman now passed on.  She told me "The Circular Theory of Life" there in the US for which she got stuck into.  She purchased her home in Chester PA.  She purchased her 3 bedroom home in the early 1950's when Chester was being developed into a White Christian community on the outskirts of Philadelphia.  She purchased it with hopes of it being a good investment for future retirement.  As the years passed, blacks moved in and whites moved out.  She held onto her home hoping that it would end or this trend would pass and revert into a nice pieceful town again.  Well it didn't.  As time when on the town became a Turd world, crime, drug, rape and disease infested toilet for which her, upon her retirement her home was worth, now 40 years later, only $5000.00 (or less) than she paid for it in the 1950's.  She couldn't afford to sell.  That piece of realestate should have quadrupled in price if not more in that period, in fact it declined.... 

Her theory goes as thus: The Whites/Jews see a nice piece of property as either an investment or a vacation spot to get away from city life.  They purchase, zone, develop it into a crime free, safe American rural neighborhood.  Once Blacks move in there is a trickel of Whites leaving to recapture their investment or make a few.  Soon that trickel turns into a flood of whites fleeing as blacks move in driving crime and all other negative aspects of civilized living up driving market prices down.  Now that, once peaceful white Christan/Jewish neighborhood is a black suberban town.  Black culture dictates that flashy cars and the like are more important then the up keep on ones property.  Within a few years the black suberban town turns into crime infested Black "Ghetto" (which is really an improper term stolen from Jewish history which a more correct term should be Black slum).  Now that property prices have fallen to the point where new Hispanic Portorican etc. now start moving in causing the blacks to move out.....into the White Christian/Jewish new suberbs..... 

The Hipanic empoverished illegals of inferior culture have driven out the blacks allowing the once black town to become a total empoverished welfare, crime, drug, prostitution infested Portorican neighborhood.  Now these bombed out homes (similar to the interior of every major US city) and housing projects of the lowest humanitarian classifications cause land values to decline lower than the remediation value making investment and land reclamation possible. 

These low prices, often with town grants available to developers, make attractive for investment.  So about 60 years later, Melvin McDonald, whose great grandparent fled their lands years earlier comes in and buys lots up for a steal and develops shore front property, golf courses, condos, shopping malls.....etc....again to flee from the blacks that are starting to drive down the White/Jewish neighborhood.....

The Circular Theory of Life is repeated.... 

...sorry to digress...... All blacks should feel proud of donating monies to Africa, volunteering in Africa, Helping their own and even returning to Africa.....  Africa belongs to Africans...whether they be "African" Americans, "African" Canadians, "African" Britians.....  albeit one never hears of "African" Mexicans, "African" Jamaicans, "African" Haitans...... ???  Again....hate-whitey...
Your friends story is exactly how it goes. Some years back I would drive down with my father to a place in Brooklyn N.Y. called Red Hook. Back then the once well off neighborhood of brownstones houses were boarded up and abandoned for the most part and the ones that were not should have been with whatever was residing in them still inside.
I had just started working at the time and had a few bucks. My father would always say you should look into buying one of the buildings down here and renovate it would be a good investment. Some of the old brownstones were still very majestic and it later turned out that one of them was even owned by J.P Morgan in years past. Anyway seeing what was walking around down there I could see all the building material and my hard work being carried away after I left each night during the renovating process  by the creatures living there at the time. The buildings could have been had for a song back then.
Well long story short some smart folks bought in at the bargain prices and renovated the buildings back to one or two family homes and the place today looks much as it might have when it was in its heyday. cjd never seeing a good investment when it was in front of him didn't. Today a investment of maybe a 100gs back in the 80's would bring well over a million in return today. So MarZutra your story is exactly right its too bad the person you know bought the property on the declining part of the cycle. Its to bad Chester PA went that way. I was there about 15 years ago to visit the Franklin Mint Museum and the place seemed very nice back then.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

A light on to the nations for 60 years


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Some friends, how about the masses?  When I was living in Philadelphia I worked with a woman named Dolores, a very sweet woman now passed on.  She told me "The Circular Theory of Life" there in the US for which she got stuck into.  She purchased her home in Chester PA.  She purchased her 3 bedroom home in the early 1950's when Chester was being developed into a White Christian community on the outskirts of Philadelphia.  She purchased it with hopes of it being a good investment for future retirement.  As the years passed, blacks moved in and whites moved out.  She held onto her home hoping that it would end or this trend would pass and revert into a nice pieceful town again.  Well it didn't.  As time when on the town became a Turd world, crime, drug, rape and disease infested toilet for which her, upon her retirement her home was worth, now 40 years later, only $5000.00 (or less) than she paid for it in the 1950's.  She couldn't afford to sell.  That piece of realestate should have quadrupled in price if not more in that period, in fact it declined.... 

Her theory goes as thus: The Whites/Jews see a nice piece of property as either an investment or a vacation spot to get away from city life.  They purchase, zone, develop it into a crime free, safe American rural neighborhood.  Once Blacks move in there is a trickel of Whites leaving to recapture their investment or make a few.  Soon that trickel turns into a flood of whites fleeing as blacks move in driving crime and all other negative aspects of civilized living up driving market prices down.  Now that, once peaceful white Christan/Jewish neighborhood is a black suberban town.  Black culture dictates that flashy cars and the like are more important then the up keep on ones property.  Within a few years the black suberban town turns into crime infested Black "Ghetto" (which is really an improper term stolen from Jewish history which a more correct term should be Black slum).  Now that property prices have fallen to the point where new Hispanic Portorican etc. now start moving in causing the blacks to move out.....into the White Christian/Jewish new suberbs..... 

The Hipanic empoverished illegals of inferior culture have driven out the blacks allowing the once black town to become a total empoverished welfare, crime, drug, prostitution infested Portorican neighborhood.  Now these bombed out homes (similar to the interior of every major US city) and housing projects of the lowest humanitarian classifications cause land values to decline lower than the remediation value making investment and land reclamation possible. 

These low prices, often with town grants available to developers, make attractive for investment.  So about 60 years later, Melvin McDonald, whose great grandparent fled their lands years earlier comes in and buys lots up for a steal and develops shore front property, golf courses, condos, shopping malls.....etc....again to flee from the blacks that are starting to drive down the White/Jewish neighborhood.....

The Circular Theory of Life is repeated.... 

...sorry to digress...... All blacks should feel proud of donating monies to Africa, volunteering in Africa, Helping their own and even returning to Africa.....  Africa belongs to Africans...whether they be "African" Americans, "African" Canadians, "African" Britians.....  albeit one never hears of "African" Mexicans, "African" Jamaicans, "African" Haitans...... ???  Again....hate-whitey...
I'm going to agree with most of this post because its true. Yes, there are blacks who have lived in the ghetto so long that wherever they go they take a peice or a few with them to nice neighborhoods. Its the mentality that I don't agree with and I grew up around it. Somewhere down the line, someone dropped the ball and found it unnecessary to take credit for their own lives. Now there are some black children out there with the 'can't do' attitude. We have no one to blame but those who dropped the ball. The only thing I'm trying to figure out is how, as a teacher (in 4 years) can I make a difference in the children's lives I'll be teaching. How do I get the parents to understand that there is more to life than giving up on their children.

I read where someone here said that basically blacks who give up on life and do wrong pass it on to their children and they become just like them. I understand that A LITTLE but I'm not willing to say that that's where it may be where ist begins but its not where it has to end. For every action there is either a negative or positive reaction (I believe the saying goes). If my husband and I could escape the perrils we went through in our lives living and thriving in the projects, other children can also.


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Imerica! :D

Where you bin, Honeychild?..........we missed you.

BTW.......The best teacher in the whole USA is a black gentleman named
Crazy Joe Clark......the "HNIC" by his own words. You should emulate him.


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UMM HMM to me is what blacks say when they are making a point. They say it at the end of the sentence.

JTF says it though when referring to blacks because it's funny.

Actually its not meant to be funny at all. Its a shortcut- yes. It means, simply (I agree).


I happen to like 'mmmm hmmmm'. You should to. Sometimes I suspect that you're a self-hating [censored]. All that " tote dat barge- lift dat bale, yassa,yassa,yassa, hush my mouth, oh de doo-dah-day,mmmm hmmmm" 'mammy' talk is part of your rich african-American history and culture even if it does come from a time when you guys didn't have it so good.It should make you feel warm and nostalgic, not angry....... Just as Jews feel a warmth for their yiddish shtetl culture as seen in Fiddler on the Roof even though it is synonomous with oppression. You've got to admit that the old negro culture of the Black & white minstrel show is 1000 times better than the self-destructive afro-American gagsta-rap-drug-drive by culture so prevalent today.
I'm not saying that I don't like ummm-hmmmm, I just don't like the way some people here use it as if its a lower language because black women say it. Or that its a stupid thing to say. Its used as an insult. And when its made fun of, its like you're making fun of us.

And as a response for the old negro culture vs gangsta rap culture they are both equally disturbing to me. Old negro culture as seen in minstral shows is disturbing because it showed how desperate blacks back in the day were to make money to eat that they'd make fun of themselves as well as embellish on myths that never happen in the black culture then. The black cartoons, the whites in black-face shows.. I remember watching a classic movie with Judy Garland where she had dressed up like a light-skinned black girl, shuffeling around on stage with (correction may be needed) Fred Estaire. I saw this movie for the first time about 3 years ago and felt as though Judy was poking fun at black women. I know...she's been dead for upwards of 35 years or so but it hurt. Why was it, and is it so interesting for some white people to poke fun at blacks? I'm not talking about white commedians who speak about black people in their routines, or even black commedians who tell the truth about some of the culture...I'm speaking of people who are purposely mean about blacks.

That's funny because I saw once that The Wizard of Oz was remade into a black movie with blacks playing Garland's and others' role.

And that's bad because? The movie was excellent. My daughters were introduced to both of them and love them equally. Both were appropriate for their times.


  • Guest
Imerica! :D

Where you bin, Honeychild?..........we missed you.

BTW.......The best teacher in the whole USA is a black gentleman named
Crazy Joe Clark......the "HNIC" by his own words. You should emulate him.
I don't think I have to give students the proverbial 'beat-down' in order to get them to listen to me. No "Bat Woman" for me. But I'm willing to look at how he solved problems in his school without the use of violence. I loved the movie, by the way.


Please, when  you call me 'honeychild' and use the word 'bin' instead of BEEN to speak to me, eventhough you're joking it makes me feel as though you're poking fun at black people. So speak to me the way I speak to you. I've never come in here speaking out of terms or in a language that I feel  you'd make fun of.

Oh, and I've been spending time with my family and trying to concentrate on a thesis I'm working on for school.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2007, 04:06:46 PM by Imerica »


  • Guest
Imerica! :D

Where you bin, Honeychild?..........we missed you.

BTW.......The best teacher in the whole USA is a black gentleman named
Crazy Joe Clark......the "HNIC" by his own words. You should emulate him.
I don't think I have to give students the proverbial 'beat-down' in order to get them to listen to me. No "Bat Woman" for me. But I'm willing to look at how he solved problems in his school without the use of violence. I loved the movie, by the way.


Please, when  you call me 'honeychild' and use the word 'bin' instead of BEEN to speak to me, eventhough you're joking it makes me feel as though you're poking fun at black people. So speak to me the way I speak to you. I've never come in here speaking out of terms or in a language that I feel  you'd make fun of.

Oh, and I've been spending time with my family and trying to concentrate on a thesis I'm working on for school.

I'll pull your leg, but you know I never give you racist taunts :-*


  • Guest
Imerica! :D

Where you bin, Honeychild?..........we missed you.

BTW.......The best teacher in the whole USA is a black gentleman named
Crazy Joe Clark......the "HNIC" by his own words. You should emulate him.
I don't think I have to give students the proverbial 'beat-down' in order to get them to listen to me. No "Bat Woman" for me. But I'm willing to look at how he solved problems in his school without the use of violence. I loved the movie, by the way.


Please, when  you call me 'honeychild' and use the word 'bin' instead of BEEN to speak to me, eventhough you're joking it makes me feel as though you're poking fun at black people. So speak to me the way I speak to you. I've never come in here speaking out of terms or in a language that I feel  you'd make fun of.

Oh, and I've been spending time with my family and trying to concentrate on a thesis I'm working on for school.

I'll pull your leg, but you know I never give you racist taunts :-*
My whole 'thing' would be messed up here if I responded to you the way some of you speak. Almost like , "Damn! I fell into the trap...they got me to say ...ummm hmmm!!!" I'm not going out like that...buying into the negative vibe where it pertains to my use/ or lack there of (here) of ebonics. I speak it but its not to discredit my race or anything like that. Its about comfort. I grew up where people I knew spoke like that every single day. When I became a grown-up and had my own children, I dedicate my entire time with them trying to teach them how to speak correctly so that they don't run into people like Yacov and freeze up. I can decypher ebonics very well, so I know what the teenagers are saying and I also  remember when slang was different in my day. But I'm not a fan of using ebonics in professional areas where you have to know what in the hell you're talking about. I'm especially not a fan of using ebonics when you want someone in an interview to understand what you are saying. It becomes problematic and then becomes a post in a thread on a message board about 'how dumb black people sound when they open their mouths.'

Offline nessuno

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The use of ebonics should be put to an end - period - it sounds dumb wherever it is used  ;)
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.


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The use of ebonics should be put to an end - period - it sounds dumb wherever it is used  ;)
I dont' think it should be put to an end because it is part of the evolution of blacks speaking in America. Some haven't learned to speak proper English yet but at least the kids are more than likely better equipt to learn to speak proper English because of the way school is taught nowadays. That's what I hope to conquer when I become a teacher.