Some friends, how about the masses? When I was living in Philadelphia I worked with a woman named Dolores, a very sweet woman now passed on. She told me "The Circular Theory of Life" there in the US for which she got stuck into. She purchased her home in Chester PA. She purchased her 3 bedroom home in the early 1950's when Chester was being developed into a White Christian community on the outskirts of Philadelphia. She purchased it with hopes of it being a good investment for future retirement. As the years passed, blacks moved in and whites moved out. She held onto her home hoping that it would end or this trend would pass and revert into a nice pieceful town again. Well it didn't. As time when on the town became a Turd world, crime, drug, rape and disease infested toilet for which her, upon her retirement her home was worth, now 40 years later, only $5000.00 (or less) than she paid for it in the 1950's. She couldn't afford to sell. That piece of realestate should have quadrupled in price if not more in that period, in fact it declined....
Her theory goes as thus: The Whites/Jews see a nice piece of property as either an investment or a vacation spot to get away from city life. They purchase, zone, develop it into a crime free, safe American rural neighborhood. Once Blacks move in there is a trickel of Whites leaving to recapture their investment or make a few. Soon that trickel turns into a flood of whites fleeing as blacks move in driving crime and all other negative aspects of civilized living up driving market prices down. Now that, once peaceful white Christan/Jewish neighborhood is a black suberban town. Black culture dictates that flashy cars and the like are more important then the up keep on ones property. Within a few years the black suberban town turns into crime infested Black "Ghetto" (which is really an improper term stolen from Jewish history which a more correct term should be Black slum). Now that property prices have fallen to the point where new Hispanic Portorican etc. now start moving in causing the blacks to move out.....into the White Christian/Jewish new suberbs.....
The Hipanic empoverished illegals of inferior culture have driven out the blacks allowing the once black town to become a total empoverished welfare, crime, drug, prostitution infested Portorican neighborhood. Now these bombed out homes (similar to the interior of every major US city) and housing projects of the lowest humanitarian classifications cause land values to decline lower than the remediation value making investment and land reclamation possible.
These low prices, often with town grants available to developers, make attractive for investment. So about 60 years later, Melvin McDonald, whose great grandparent fled their lands years earlier comes in and buys lots up for a steal and develops shore front property, golf courses, condos, shopping malls.....etc....again to flee from the blacks that are starting to drive down the White/Jewish neighborhood.....
The Circular Theory of Life is repeated....
...sorry to digress...... All blacks should feel proud of donating monies to Africa, volunteering in Africa, Helping their own and even returning to Africa..... Africa belongs to Africans...whether they be "African" Americans, "African" Canadians, "African" Britians..... albeit one never hears of "African" Mexicans, "African" Jamaicans, "African" Haitans......
