Author Topic: Legacy of APARTHEID  (Read 3135 times)

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Offline ScotcH

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« on: July 06, 2007, 11:37:18 AM »

Like to see your true Open-hearted opinions on the effects of APARTHEID...
How may have the situation been dealt with differently ? ;D

Offline Jo Shmoe

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Re: Legacy of APARTHEID
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2007, 01:03:44 PM »
In my opinion, the removal of apartheid has made me lose respect for blacks. Largely due to the fact that multi-culturism has removed the cataracts from my eyes, so to speak.

Those who voted "Yes" in the 1990's referendum effectively "cut a deal" with blacks. The deal was : "We whites give up Apartheid, black people refrain from acts of terror and black and white work together to usher in a new Democracy and black and white work hand in hand to create a New South Africa"

Black people double crossed us on that "deal" by excluding us from the Democratic proccessand by refusing to refrain from acts of terror against whites. The only difference is that these acts of terror commited against white people is disguised as crime. Reverse the race roles for a second and pretend that 2000 BLACK farmers were murdere by whites and you can "bet your bottom dollar" that there would be an international outcry about the "racially motivated hate crimes commited against the poor black majority by the viscious white racists".

However the media suppresses this black-on-white crime and REFUSES to to treat black people with the same "racism label" as they do with whites.

Additionally white people are told by the black majority that the murder of thousands of whites under the guise of crime is not racially motivated largely due to the fact that black people are victims of crime too. That, of course is completely BOGUS. Imagine going to America and finding a black man and murdering him while screaming "I hate negroes, death to Negroes", then turning around and anouncing that it is not a racially motivated crime because "white people kill each other too; and white people are victims of crime".

The truth is that the perpetrators of crime are almost 100% of the BLACK. White people have cleaned up there act. Black people have double crossed us.

White people have tried and continue trying to make things work. However, it is time for white Afrikaaners to think of starting about "STRAF AKSIE"

Staf aksie translated to English means "Act of punishment" Blacks need to be punished for betraying the 1994 "deal" we cut with them. American LIBERALS who FOUGHT for the freedom of blacks MUST come and sort out their GODLIKE SAVAGES and discipline them.

If they do not, a race war will break out in SA, and the blacks must be punished for their betrayal of the white race.

Offline crazyhorse

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Re: Legacy of APARTHEID
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2007, 10:25:46 AM »
In my opinion, the removal of apartheid has made me lose respect for blacks. Largely due to the fact that multi-culturism has removed the cataracts from my eyes, so to speak.

Multiculturalism will never work in Africa, it is a failure in Europe, America and in fact the world.

Those who voted "Yes" in the 1990's referendum effectively "cut a deal" with blacks. The deal was : "We whites give up Apartheid, black people refrain from acts of terror and black and white work together to usher in a new Democracy and black and white work hand in hand to create a New South Africa"

Those who voted "yes" in the referendum were caught up in a web of lies and deceit by the De Klerk government to hand the country over to the blacks thinking they would have peace and equality, what a crock of horse s h i t! The true reflection of what was about to happen was plain to see by looking North of South Africa's borders and seeing the plain truth. Look at what happened to Mozambique, Angola, South West Africa, Northern and Southern Rhodesia......did white South Africans ever think or really believe that things were going to be any different in their own country once those black barbarians were given control?

Black people double crossed us on that "deal" by excluding us from the Democratic proccessand by refusing to refrain from acts of terror against whites. The only difference is that these acts of terror commited against white people is disguised as crime. Reverse the race roles for a second and pretend that 2000 BLACK farmers were murdere by whites and you can "bet your bottom dollar" that there would be an international outcry about the "racially motivated hate crimes commited against the poor black majority by the viscious white racists".

I don't recall any "deal" made by the blacks of South Africa or their stinking communist terrorist government to be, making any deal. South Africa is not a democratic country just because the majority voted in that bunch of terrorists. The process of one man one vote, and the majority wins may have been "democratic", but that's as far as democracy will ever go in South Africa. There was an international outcry over apartheid whereby blacks and whites were separated due to culture and lifestyles. When we captured terrorists and locked them up for 90 days and more we were called Nazi's by the West.....but today they practice the same procedure and even worse.....but that is condoned because it is now the West who are under attack from multicultural terrorism. Southern Africa was purposely taken away from white rule and handed to the blacks by the international white rulers who control the world. They are doing the same to white North America, just as they did to white Britain and Europe.

However the media suppresses this black-on-white crime and REFUSES to to treat black people with the same "racism label" as they do with whites.

The media are controlled by these "white" fascists who are undermining white people across the globe, and Why? Because white people are not like colored people, they are a threat to these few so called white "elite" scum that rule us all within their police states filled with cameras and laws made up to suite themselves. They use blacks and other ethnic groups to undermine white people in their own countries, then call those whites racists when they fight back. They have brainwashed dumbed down police forces into doing their bidding, just not when it comes to arresting a black person, those people are handled with kid gloves, they say and do as they please. Just look at how in the past when muslims stood up in Britain and spoke out on national T.V. about how their fellow muslims should kill white people, how they were going to have Sharia law in Britain within 20 years.....that's inciting murder and is also treason, but what happened to them? Nothing! Let some white man stand up in London and call for white people to make a stand and send all those towel heads packing back to where they came from.......that person or persons would be arrested on the spot for hate crimes and suffer the full consequences at the hands of unjust courts who's Judges must do as their bosses tell them...or else!

Additionally white people are told by the black majority that the murder of thousands of whites under the guise of crime is not racially motivated largely due to the fact that black people are victims of crime too. That, of course is completely BOGUS. Imagine going to America and finding a black man and murdering him while screaming "I hate negroes, death to Negroes", then turning around and anouncing that it is not a racially motivated crime because "white people kill each other too; and white people are victims of crime".

White people are told by the terrorist ANC government, that black on white murders are not racially motivated, that they are acts of random crime! Black on black crime has been going on for as long as blacks have been around, the use apartheid amongst themselves, they hack and kill one another like flies, always have. The only way the ANC terrorists can accomplish their agenda to kill as many whites as possible, without it becoming too obvious to the outside world, is to use the very weapon it used to incite hatred in South Africa in the first place......the everyday black man women and youngster in the country, the civilian population. This is the ANC's secret army who will commit the coming genocide in South Africa......while the clever communist terrorist scum bagleaders sit back and say, "there is nothing we can do, we cannot control the masses, it is their will."

The truth is that the perpetrators of crime are almost 100% of the BLACK. White people have cleaned up there act. Black people have double crossed us.

The blacks are responsible for the vile murders in South Africa, just as they are responsible for the decay and filth that has overtaken the country. Blacks never double crossed any whites after the referendum and installation of their terrorist government, they did what they had always planned to do without law & order and a strong government and security force.....kill all the whites! The double crossing was committed by the De Klerk government who sold out white South Africa to those Western and Soviet backed rats whose ultimate goal it was to remove the stable white governments of Southern Africa all along. White people who voted "yes" sold themselves and their fellow white South Africans who voted "no" down the drain to a lie that they fell for and swallowed whole.

White people have tried and continue trying to make things work. However, it is time for white Afrikaaners to think of starting about "STRAF AKSIE"

White people in South Africa can continue to try and make things work in that hell hole till the cows come home! As long as the blacks are in control of the country nothing will get better, only worse! They may as well go out in a thunder storm and fart against thunder.

Staf aksie translated to English means "Act of punishment" Blacks need to be punished for betraying the 1994 "deal" we cut with them. American LIBERALS who FOUGHT for the freedom of blacks MUST come and sort out their GODLIKE SAVAGES and discipline them.

"Straf Aksie"........and just who is going to mete out this punishment to blacks in South Africa, the Afrikaners? I don't think so! The fascist liberal administrations of America and Britain have no intention of punishing any black in Southern Africa. It was themselves who were instrumental in the first place in creating what has transpired in Southern Africa to date. White South Africans gave away their country to a lie they were foolish enough to swallow, they will not be able to take back their country by force or other today. Not because they are incapable, but because they will not be allowed to do so by those powers that instigated the whole farce in the first place.

If they do not, a race war will break out in SA, and the blacks must be punished for their betrayal of the white race.

The race war is already going on in South Africa, just on a small scale at present. Look at how the proud Rhodesians were sold out, and what happened to them? Today they are dwindling minority in their own country, not much more than a few thousand in numbers, they couldn't do it, and in time the same thing is going to happen in South Africa. The elderly will remain and do the best they can, the young people, those who can will emigrate, but dwindle the white South Africans will.....till there are eventually none left. Until Western Governments are run by people who are not under the control of the international bankers and royalty, until those one world government fascist fanatics have been eradicated along with their seed, the world will continue on it's downward spiral to a fascist controlled population who will be micro chipped and enslaved forever. The time is nigh!


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Re: Legacy of APARTHEID
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2007, 10:32:58 AM »
When my father (of blessed memory) used to travel back to the islands where we had our plantatation before the island's independence, natives (with nothing in their pockets) who recognised him would ask:
"Master, when independence finish....'im no good?"

Offline crazyhorse

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Re: Legacy of APARTHEID
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2007, 01:15:04 PM »
When my father (of blessed memory) used to travel back to the islands where we had our plantatation before the island's independence, natives (with nothing in their pockets) who recognised him would ask:
"Master, when independence finish....'im no good?"

Without whites, blacks will revert back to, or remain savages, some proof of that has been shown in New Orleans and in all countries in Africa where whites once ruled. White America had better wake up, and go damned fast!

Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: Legacy of APARTHEID
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2007, 09:56:55 PM »
The end destroyed the means. :(

Offline ChaimBenMordechai

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Re: Legacy of APARTHEID
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2007, 08:37:41 AM »
Schvartzes had better health care under apartheid and they could have prospered from Sun Cuty but they chose not to.

G-d bless people like Jerry Falwell who lobbied against the release of Mandela and encouraged investement in Krugerrands.

And may G-d bless the Cuban politicians in Miami who openly refused to meet with Mandela and told he he was NOT welcome in their city!

Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: Legacy of APARTHEID
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2007, 09:45:03 PM »
I do agree!

Offline mord

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Re: Legacy of APARTHEID
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2007, 03:55:38 PM »

Like to see your true Open-hearted opinions on the effects of APARTHEID...
How may have the situation been dealt with differently ? ;D
I don'nt read any U.N. writings i'm not a big fiction fan
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: Legacy of APARTHEID
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2007, 05:29:17 PM »
Good one mord!

Offline crazyhorse

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Re: Legacy of APARTHEID
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2007, 06:27:18 AM »

Like to see your true Open-hearted opinions on the effects of APARTHEID...
How may have the situation been dealt with differently ? ;D

mord wrote:
[/quote]I don'nt read any U.N. writings i'm not a big fiction fan[/quote]

I agree with mord 1 million %.......The U.N. organisation are the biggest liars, terrorist supporters, and evil the world has encountered to date. The quicker the United States withdraws from the U.N. and throws them off American soil, the better. Without American money the swine will soon starve and dwindle.

Offline David Ben-Ariel

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Re: Legacy of APARTHEID
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2007, 11:14:00 AM »