In my opinion, the removal of apartheid has made me lose respect for blacks. Largely due to the fact that multi-culturism has removed the cataracts from my eyes, so to speak.
Those who voted "Yes" in the 1990's referendum effectively "cut a deal" with blacks. The deal was : "We whites give up Apartheid, black people refrain from acts of terror and black and white work together to usher in a new Democracy and black and white work hand in hand to create a New South Africa"
Black people double crossed us on that "deal" by excluding us from the Democratic proccessand by refusing to refrain from acts of terror against whites. The only difference is that these acts of terror commited against white people is disguised as crime. Reverse the race roles for a second and pretend that 2000 BLACK farmers were murdere by whites and you can "bet your bottom dollar" that there would be an international outcry about the "racially motivated hate crimes commited against the poor black majority by the viscious white racists".
However the media suppresses this black-on-white crime and REFUSES to to treat black people with the same "racism label" as they do with whites.
Additionally white people are told by the black majority that the murder of thousands of whites under the guise of crime is not racially motivated largely due to the fact that black people are victims of crime too. That, of course is completely BOGUS. Imagine going to America and finding a black man and murdering him while screaming "I hate negroes, death to Negroes", then turning around and anouncing that it is not a racially motivated crime because "white people kill each other too; and white people are victims of crime".
The truth is that the perpetrators of crime are almost 100% of the BLACK. White people have cleaned up there act. Black people have double crossed us.
White people have tried and continue trying to make things work. However, it is time for white Afrikaaners to think of starting about "STRAF AKSIE"
Staf aksie translated to English means "Act of punishment" Blacks need to be punished for betraying the 1994 "deal" we cut with them. American LIBERALS who FOUGHT for the freedom of blacks MUST come and sort out their GODLIKE SAVAGES and discipline them.
If they do not, a race war will break out in SA, and the blacks must be punished for their betrayal of the white race.