Your attitude toward Russian people is very racist.
Inform me, serbian army, what exactly did Chaim say that made you think his attitude towards Russians is racist. Is it because he pointed out that Russians are primitive drunken pigs who are unable to create anything without Jewish brains, and that Jews are the ones who made Russia a prosperous nation until Russians suddenly decided to exterminate them? What so "racist" about it? Everything that Chaim said about Russian pigs is true. They are bunch of lazy primitive drunken jealous fascist parasites who always hated the Jews for being a smart nation and a light upon the nations of Earth.
Khazars ruled European part or Russia for a long time and oppressed Russians with high taxation. Khazars are nation of Mongol origin that accepted Jewish faith and brought thousands of Jews from all over the world to their kingdom. This is not some conspiracy theory but easily verified information even of Wikipedia.
Really? Khazars brought Jews from all over the world to Russia to oppress russian parasites with taxation? To your supposed "knowledge", Jews are not allowed to stay anywhere besides the land of Israel. So, what you're saying is just another "ZOG"-type conspiracy theory. Btw, did you know that Wikipedia is a so-called "source" which can be edited anytime by anyone?
Without Russian war efforts right now there would be no Jews!!
Quite opposite, my comrade!
Ohh, btw, do you know Russian? Here is an old anti-Israel Russian Nazi demonstration taking place in front of an Israel embassy in Moscow. Yet, another proof that Russia shall be destroyed!

This piece of sh!t on a video mentions the word 'kike' several times and nonstopply talks about so-called "Jewish fascism". Yemach Shmum Vezichrum to these animals.
Notice how many russoparasites are presented there. Notice that most demonstrators are white Russians with only few muzzies there.
Flag this videos, if possible!
5:44 - this nazi scum claims that mein kampf is legal in Israel? what?
1:40 - Russoscum with posters which say "Russians and palestinians are brothers in war" (left) and "Terrorism has a birthplace - USA and Israel" (right)
2:40-2:53 - piece of sh!t blames Jews for alledged genocide of 2,200,000 parasictic russians
5:11 - calls for the extermination of the Jews and refers to them as scum