You hit the nail right on the head Paulette. Don't forget autoimmune diseases also. According to some studies, abortion (a sacrament to career women) can noticeably increase the risk of gynecological cancers.
I have done a LOT of thinking about this, BF. Not just b/c you put it up. But, I see so many women with breast cancer, ovarian, uterine-you name it.
Its a curse for
being a curse.
Natures laws of cause and effect..
I was in a chat-room about 4 mos ago, the chat-room was supposedly filled with 'conservative' Christian women.
When I advised them that it is the will of G-d to submit to ones husband, they said that they are not Muslims and America is not Islamic.
They do NOT want to submit to their husbands AT ALL.
Come on.
Basic tenets of Christianity and the female is submission to male dominance in the home and life. If he is loving, how is this bad?
This is not a BAD thing. It should be a pleasure!
I am un-Orthodox and not at all religious at all, (I TRY though!) but I submit to my husband, most willingly.
Proverbs 31 talks all about
HOW a woman should conduct herself and her children would rise up and call
her blessed.
Do we not read the same Proverb?
Yes we do.
Proverbs and Psalms is the one avenue where Jews and Christians cannot disagree.
The opposite of blessing is curse. Which is what the western woman is suffering from.
I know CJD does not agree.
Thats b/c WHAT female would not want to be wonderful to CJD!