I must agree with Muman on this. Maybe nobody is doomed by their genes. Perhaps through hard work and neuroplasticity at the individual level, God has given all humans the ability to achieve their goals. Is it possible that the black man has just had a hard time in this country over the past few centuries? I view blacks and germanics as natural allies. Both have the burden of the collective guilt for crimes that have been committed disproportionately by members of their groups. Those whose groups have disproportionate collective victimhood should feel lucky. A legacy of collective victimhood is empowering. The burden of collective guilt carried by blacks and germanics is disturbing and depressing and soul-rotting to each individual member of the group even if he or she has never harmed anyone. And unlike being Muslim, being black or German is pretty much immutable. All a muslim has to do to free himself from the collective guilt of being a muslim is to deconvert. What is the message to a black person, die?
At the same time, I do recognize that bad cultures do pervade these groups and that we should do everything possible to protect vulnerable minorities such as Asians and Jews from being mistreated by them. Every Jew and Asian in this country should have an assault rifle.
And that locust guy called me a nazi (which is fine if that is how he feels, but I hope he'll reconsider) but then says God has dibs on killing all Germans. Not German politicians, not German antisemites, not german soldiers, but all Germans. But I am glad he agrees with Muman and me on this topic.